‘What’s Next, Cancer Research?’: Senior WH Official Speculates About GOP Spending Cuts In Unhinged Monologue

A senior Biden administration official spent her time in the White House briefing room speculating on what specific programs or funding Republicans might be willing to cut — and with no pushback from the reporters in attendance, she claimed they’d cut veterans’ benefits and cancer research.

Shalanda Young, who is currently serving as Biden’s director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), took the lectern on Thursday and began to rant about Republicans just wanting to cut spending without really thinking or caring about where the funding they were cutting was going to go.


OMB Director Shalanda Young speculates Republicans might be willing to cut *cancer research* under the guise of cutting government spending and trimming debt.

Just insane. Pure rhetorical terrorism.

But the liberal media don't care. They protect this White House at all costs. pic.twitter.com/jnzBAzWGom

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) May 4, 2023

“Something tells me, those toplines in that bill, there are many Republicans who could not vote for bills that actually told the American people by line item what it means,” Young began, arguing that Republicans wanted to pass a bill that would “cut spending” without being forced to admit which spending might be cut.

“We’ve talked a lot about veterans, and people get nervous about those veterans cuts, and they decide not to do that,” she continued, “What’s next, cancer research? You zero out the highway money in the transportation bill?”

Young went on to say that it was just business as usual, claiming, “We’ve done this before. Republicans have done this before. … Because those cuts hurt communities whether you’re represented by a Democrat or a Republican.”

She went on to say that people should withhold judgment until the appropriations process had time to work so that people could see where the money was going before they voted to cut any of it.


As the debt ceiling fast approaches — Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned the United States could default as early as June — Democrats have been adamant about passing a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling and avoid default. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) submitted his own proposal, which includes spending cuts to a number of the Biden administration’s green energy initiatives — and in the days since, Democrats have worked overtime to claim that McCarthy’s proposal would result in nothing short of disaster.

Rob Schneider Unloads On Higher Education: A ‘Closed System’ Patrolled By ‘Thought Police’

Comedian and actor Rob Schneider made it clear on Wednesday that he was unimpressed with the state of higher education in the United States, referring to universities in general as a “closed system” that was guarded by “thought police.”

Schneider’s observation came in response to yet another campus protest — this time at Portland State University — during which radical trans rights activists disrupted and shouted down speakers with whom they disagreed.

“Student activists at @Portland_State attempted to disrupt our public conversations today,” philosopher and author Peter Boghossian tweeted. He was on the campus alongside two other speakers for a discussion on whether or not minors were capable of consenting to puberty blockers and cross sex hormone treatments.

“I am genuinely embarrassed for the activists and disappointed that they prevented students with sincere objections from engaging us,” he added.

Student activists at @Portland_State
attempted to disrupt our public conversations today. I am genuinely embarrassed for the activists and disappointed that they prevented students with sincere objections from engaging us. https://t.co/QZHxIMiudj

— Peter Boghossian (@peterboghossian) May 4, 2023

Schneider reacted to Boghossian’s comments, tweeting, “@peterboghossian Universities in America no longer promote learning or allow debate. It’s a closed system of thought run by thought police … Authoritarianism dressed us as tolerance.”

. @peterboghossian Universities in America no longer promote learning or allow debate. It’s a closed system of thought run by thought police…
Authoritarianism dressed us as tolerance. https://t.co/T5V3hgUfLg

— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) May 4, 2023

Boghossian knows Schneider’s sentiments all too well — in 2021 he left his post as a professor of philosophy at Portland State University after a decade, saying that his school had “sacrificed ideas for ideology” and that the more he had tried to push back against the tide, the more he was personally attacked.

“I never once believed —  nor do I now —  that the purpose of instruction was to lead my students to a particular conclusion. Rather, I sought to create the conditions for rigorous thought; to help them gain the tools to hunt and furrow for their own conclusions,” Boghossian wrote in a scathing resignation letter.


“But brick by brick, the university has made this kind of intellectual exploration impossible. It has transformed a bastion of free inquiry into a Social Justice factory whose only inputs were race, gender, and victimhood and whose only outputs were grievance and division,” he said.

This latest disruption comes on the heels of several others — including one dangerous protest during which former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines was forced to barricade herself in a locked classroom for her own physical safety.