‘This Is Why The Libs Had To Lie’: Michael Knowles Breaks Down The Reason A Real Trans Debate Won’t Happen

Daily Wire host Michael Knowles explained on Wednesday why it was that a real and honest debate about transgenderism couldn’t happen — and why those supporting it continued to lie and distort his words.

Knowles, fresh off an appearance at University of Pittsburgh that ended in a “public safety emergency,” joined podcast host Tim Pool (@timcast) to discuss the situation and why honest debate wasn’t happening.


.@michaeljknowles on transgenderism: "There is no such thing as a man who is secretly a woman. This is why the libs had to lie about what I said and change my words and throw explosives at me and burn me in effigy…Because we all know that that's true." pic.twitter.com/qAruAyirI5

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) April 20, 2023

“There is no such ontological category as transgender people,” Knowles said. “There are people who are confused about their sex, but there is no such thing as a man who is secretly a woman. That’s a false anthropology.”

“This is why the libs had to lie about what I said and change my words and throw explosives at me and burn me in effigy,” he continued. “Because they have no answer to that, because we all know that that’s true. We all know that these men are not actually women.”

Knowles, who was initially scheduled to debate trans-identifying professor Deirdre McCloskey, debated Brad Polumbo instead when McCloskey dropped out just days before the event. He argued that the professor had backed out because there was no intelligent defense against reality.

“It’s a shame because what this event was supposed to be was Michael Knowles debating someone who is transgender,” said event volunteer Logan Dubil. “I was actually really excited for both sides to have a platform. Now this professor dropped out. It’s two conservatives debating, which I think is why people are a little bit more riled up.”


By the time all was said and done, protesters had thrown incendiary devices and burned an effigy bearing Knowles’ face — and Knowles reflected on the event while talking to Pool. He explained that he had found the whole situation funny, noting that he had no real cause to worry: “We take security very seriously.”

Cruz Reveals Why Democrats Are Trying To Remove Feinstein But Not ‘Profoundly Mentally Diminished’ Biden

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Democrats this week for trying to push Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) out of office, saying that he has never seen a party cannibalize their own this way.

Cruz made the remarks on his podcast “Verdict,” with co-host Ben Ferguson, while discussing Feinstein’s recent absence from the U.S. Senate as she battles shingles.

“Shingles, by all accounts is a horribly painful disease,” Cruz said. “I’m grateful I haven’t had it. But everything I’ve heard about it, it sounds terrible. Shingles is also curable, it’s not a permanent affliction, but it is very painful while you have it. So Dianne has been out for a couple of months with shingles. She has been at home recuperating.”

Cruz then explained why Democrats are anxiously trying to push Feinstein out of office while she recovers.

“The Radical Left is pissed because while Dianne is gone, the Democrats no longer have a majority on the Judiciary Committee,” Cruz said. “Because they don’t have a majority, it means they can’t ram through their most radical and extreme judicial nominees. Now, most of their judicial nominees they can pass.”

Cruz noted said that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) votes to advance “almost every” nominee that President Joe Biden has put forward.

“He votes to confirm most Biden judicial nominees,” he said. “I vote against almost all Biden judicial nominees. But given that Lindsey votes for practically all of them, the Democrats can move almost the entirety of Biden’s judicial slate. The ones they can’t move are the most radical or the nominees that are so extreme.”

Cruz said that he and other Republican senators are working to stop attempts by Democrats to temporarily replace her on the Senate Judiciary Committee until she can come back.


“I don’t see any reason why we should be complicit in helping the Democrats confirm their most radical and extreme nominees,” Cruz said.

“Look, the Senate is a body with a crap ton of really old people, like, they’re a bunch of people in their 70s and 80s. I’ve served with a bunch of colleagues who are way past their expiration date,” Cruz said. “It’s striking to me that the only senator I’ve ever seen that a party has tried to drive out because of health is Dianne Feinstein. Listen, John McCain, who I served with for a long time, John McCain was hospitalized and was incapacitated for months. He was the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee. There was no effort throw John McCain out of the Senate, nor should there have been. I would not have supported that. I didn’t support that. It’s really striking.”

“By the way, right now, Joe Biden is profoundly mentally diminished,” Cruz continued. “None of these left-wing radicals calling for throwing Dianne Feinstein out are calling for throwing Joe Biden out. And by the way, to be clear, John Fetterman, the senator from Pennsylvania, has been medically unavailable and absent for most of this Congress. He’s been in the Senate only a few days since he was elected. And none of these radicals who are calling to throw Dianne Feinstein out are calling to throw Fetterman out. And so it raises an obvious question, why the double standard? Why is she the target of their ire?”

Democrats are doing everything they can to drive Dianne Feinstein out of the United States Senate.

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— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) April 19, 2023