Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Files To Run For President In 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, filed to run for the presidency in 2024 on Wednesday.

With this filing to the Federal Election Commission, which CNN reported to be confirmed by Kennedy’s campaign treasurer, John E. Sullivan, the 69-year-old is seeking office as a Democrat.

Kennedy is the son of Robert F. Kennedy, a former U.S. attorney general and U.S. senator who was assassinated in 1968 as he ran for president. He teased a 2024 campaign on Twitter last month, asking people to visit his website and contribute.

“If it looks like I can raise the money and mobilize enough people to win, I’ll jump in the race. If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt,” Kennedy said at the time.

Kennedy earned a reputation as an environmental lawyer and a best-selling author, but in recent years has garnered attention for his stance against vaccines.

He founded a nonprofit organization called the Children’s Health Defense, which on its website shares its vision for a “world free of childhood chronic health conditions caused by environmental exposures.”

During the pandemic, Kennedy shared concerns about COVID vaccines, including the suspicion that the death of baseball star Hank Aaron may have been tied to the vaccine. A medical examiner determined Aaron died of natural causes at the age of 86.

Such skepticism by Kennedy and his group has led to bans on social media platforms and backlash.


Kennedy made headlines in 2022 for his comments at an anti-vaccine rally where he accused the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, of orchestrating “fascism.” Kennedy later apologized for invoking Anne Frank and the Holocaust at that same event and his wife, actress Cheryl Hines, called the comments “reprehensible and insensitive.”

Kennedy’s siblings, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and Joseph P. Kennedy, and his niece, Maeve Kennedy McKean, wrote an op-ed published in POLITICO in 2019 asking the public to disregard his commentary on vaccines. “We love Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but he is part of a misinformation campaign that’s having heartbreaking — and deadly — consequences,” they wrote.

As a candidate, Kennedy joins self-help author Marianne Williamson in formally entering the Democratic primary field. President Joe Biden has said he intends to seek another term, but has yet to make a bid official.

On the Republican side, former President Donald Trump is seeking another term. Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson have also entered the 2024 race for the GOP presidential nomination. Others who may join the contest include former Vice President Mike Pence and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Alvin Bragg’s Colleagues Boast About Dismantling ‘Criminal Legal System’

Video of a roundtable discussion with several progressive prosecutors hosted at Harvard University last November resurfaced after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg controversially indicted former President Trump on 34 felony charges.

The panel, “Change from Within: A New Vision for the 21st Century Prosecutor,” hosted prominent Left-wing prosecutors from all over the country, and the discussion centered on the various methods current and aspiring prosecutors could use to fundamentally alter the justice system from the inside.

Bragg was scheduled to attend the panel, but opted out at the last minute due to developments in “an important case in Manhattan involving the Trump Organization,” according to the moderator, a reference to the case that would ultimately lead to the aforementioned indictment. The remark drew broad smiles from the entire panel.

Bragg has drawn fire, even from New York’s Democratic mayor, Eric Adams, for his low conviction rate, baffling prosecutorial priorities, and lax approach to law enforcement. “Major crime” increased in New York City by 22% after his first year in office. Critics have argued that activist prosecutors in major cities across the country are driving a significant spike in crime, but Bragg’s colleagues on the panel shared the motivation of their policies with startling clarity.

“I went to law school because I wanted to dismantle the criminal legal system, and thought that that’s the best way to do it,” Sarah George, State’s Attorney for Chittenden County, Vermont, said.

George explained that she had initially wanted to become a defense attorney, but while pursuing a master’s degree in forensic psychology, she became convinced that pursuing a political career as a prosecutor would be the best way to remedy the “injustices in our justice system.” George then said that after being elected, she was able to fire more hardline prosecutors who “were harming our community” and replace them with attorneys who supported “doing things differently.”

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, who helms one of the largest DA offices in the country and oversees about 550 prosecutors, was equally explicit about his views on law enforcement.

“The most powerful thing that prosecutors, elected prosecutors can do is not charge everybody,” Gonzalez said. “I will refuse to prosecute certain cases and I will turn the person who’s been arrested back over to the community for programming and therapy.”


Gonzalez favored limiting incarceration and cash bail to the greatest possible extent.

“The practice had always been to ask for the maximum period [of parole],” Eric Gonzalez said. “The practice became to ask for the minimum unless there was a reason to do otherwise. Same thing for bail. It was the practice of our office to ask for bail on virtually every case, and I changed the practice to say that if you are going to ask for bail, you need to get a supervisor’s permission.” Gonzalez also rescinded all letters from the Brooklyn District attorneys from the last several decades opposing inmates’ parole.

“Besides describing themselves as so-called progressive prosecutors, the one thing that all of these district and state attorneys have in common is they seek to reimagine the role of the district attorney to the point where they undermine duly enacted laws passed by their respective state legislatures,” said Jonathan Hullihan, deputy general counsel for Citizens Defending Freedom. “This not only undermines the entire criminal justice system and places the progressivism above public safety, but also the separation of powers, and often the Constitutional oath of office required by public officials.”

Bragg’s decision to upgrade Trump’s charges of falsifying business records from a misdemeanor to felony has come under considerable public scrutiny. Bragg has argued that the falsification was committed to cover up federal campaign finance violations, which are not within his authority to prosecute and was not included in the indictment. Bragg has also employed a novel legal theory to circumvent the usual statute of limitations of five years. Considering that Bragg has downgraded more than half of all felony charges, including armed robbery, to misdemeanors, many have argued that his uncharacteristically harsh approach to Trump’s case is politically motivated.