Trans Activists Called For ‘Day Of Vengeance’ Before Nashville Shooting

The slaying of children in a Christian school on Monday by a person who police described as transgender came the same week that transgender activists had slated a “Day of Vengeance.”

The group–run in part by a former Democratic staffer–also raised money for firearms training and specifically called for action in Nashville, the city where the shooting took place–specifically naming The Daily Wire’s offices there. Little is known about the shooting at this time, and no link between the shooter and the group has been indicated.

The main Day of Vengeance event is scheduled to occur in D.C. at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Supreme Court, with other events occurring March 31, according to promotional materials. Justice Brett Kavanaugh is a particular target of LGBTQ activists and narrowly avoided an assassination attempt by a far-left activist last year.

“The Time is Now,” says the web page promoting the event for the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN). The site quotes a participant in the Stonewall Riots saying “I remember when someone threw a Molotov cocktail, I thought, ‘My god, the revolution is here.'”

The group planning “vengeance” is run in part by a former staffer for Virginia Democrats. Bo Belotti, TRAN’s national recruitment director, “is a trans masculine non-binary person,” his bio on the TRAN website says. “While working in their state’s legislator they helped craft trans affirming state wide policies. Recently Bo has left the campaign world to pursue more radical changes and activism … They are a successful organizer and founder of Virginia’s chapter of TRAN, reaching 100 members in just 4 months.”

We hope to see you in DC or online :)! The time is now, enough is enough. This country is full of hate and hate is NOT welcomed in this country. We are human beings and we will always exist. You are all worth it, let’s unite. #TransDayOfVengeance 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

— Trans Radical Activist Network (@Trans_Radical) February 24, 2023


According to Virginia Commonwealth University, Belotti worked as a fellow for Del. Elizabeth Guzman, who floated a plan that could sic Child Protective Services on parents if they did not affirm their child as transgender. Belotti also worked for Del. Joshua Cole as a legislative aide and helped draft HB 145, which required the state to create model transgender policies for public schools, VCU said.

The group’s website says one of its co-founders is “Tsukuru”: “As a graduate of a high school in Hiroshima where 350 young lives were brutally taken on August 6, 1945, Tsukuru is an anti-nuclear/anti-war/human rights activist … After his brief marriage to his best friend and the birth of his child, he first came out as lesbian at age 29 and as a transgender man at age 50.”

Its other co-founder is “Noah Buchanan; I am a transgender male and have been out since 2018 … I have 10+ years of working in the mental health field … What motivated me to start TRAN was the fact I was bullied to the point where I attempted to end my own life. The person that bullied me was a fellow member of the LGBTIA+.”

The action is billed as avenging a “trans genocide,” despite the FBI reporting that only two transgender people were killed in hate crimes in 2021, the most recent year available. In all, there were 278 transgender victims of hate crimes, many of which were minor such as vandalism or “intimidation,” putting them at significantly less risk of hate crimes than other groups such as Jews and blacks, according to the FBI data.

Organizers did not return The Daily Wire’s request for comment earlier this month.

On March 22, the Virginia chapter retweeted a suggestion that “The trans day of vengeance should take place outside the Daily Wire HQ,” adding a call to action: “Tennessee neighbors, when can we make this happen?” The main TRAN Twitter account retweeted that. The Daily Wire is headquartered in Nashville.

On March 7, the Virginia chapter held a “dance party fundraiser” in Richmond “benefiting firearm/self defense training for trans Virginians. Come boogie with us and defend trans life!”

DANCE PARTY FUNDRAISER!! March 7th 8pm-2am @falloutrva
18+, $10 suggested admission

Benefiting firearm/self defense training for trans Virginians. Come boogie with us and defend trans life!

— VA TRAN (@VA_TRAN22) February 10, 2023

The group has not publicly indicated that Saturday’s day of “vengeance” is cancelled following Monday’s slayings. On Friday evening, TRAN ‘protected’ their Twitter account, preventing unauthorized people from viewing their tweets.

China Influences Utah Lawmakers By Appealing To Mormonism: Report

A new investigative report published this week from the Associated Press found that China has been able to forge ties in Utah that have led to the communist nation scoring public relations and legislative victories in the state and from its lawmakers.

The report found that the Chinese “appealed” to the lawmaker’s ties to the Mormon church to win favor with them that they later used to score wins in a variety of areas, including delaying legislation that took action against Chinese propaganda, canceling resolutions that condemned China, and promoted false positive images of China. The report said the Mormon church has “long dreamed of expanding in China.”

“Utah is an important foothold,” said Frank Montoya Jr., a retired FBI counterintelligence agent who lives in the state. “If the Chinese can succeed in Salt Lake City, they can also make it in New York and elsewhere.”

Lawmakers delayed the closing of Chinese-funded Confucius Institutes, which are propaganda entities, at state universities by one year.

A letter exchange coordinated by a Chinese teacher in Utah resulted in fourth-grade students getting correspondence from Chinese President Xi Jinping thanking them for cards the teacher had them send him. The incident was used by Chinese state media to portray Xi as a warm grandfather figure when he is actually a brutal dictator who has forced tens of thousands into concentration camps. Some state lawmakers gushed over the cards that Xi sent the children, the report noted.

China’s civilian spy agency, the Ministry of State Security (MSS), has also been focused on Utah, the report said, noting that there have been multiple people convicted of spying for China in the state.

The report said that groups of up to a couple of dozen Utah lawmakers have been taking trips to China every other year since 2007 and they make remarks while visiting that are later used by state media for propaganda.


The report alleged that two men, Taowen Le, a Chinese professor who moved to the U.S. in the late 90s; and Dan Stephenson, the son of a former state senator and employee of a China-based consulting firm; were responsible for much of China’s increased activity in the state.