As Multiple Banks Implode, Insurance Deposit Limit Receives Renewed Scrutiny 

Lawmakers created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, also known as the FDIC, in the first years of the Great Depression in order to prevent bank runs and restore faith in the financial system. Some lawmakers are considering revisions to the present deposit insurance limit of $250,000 as the economy grapples with the second-largest bank failure in American history.

Silicon Valley Bank provided services to half of venture-backed technology and healthcare firms in the United States; the vast majority of customers therefore maintained deposits well above the $250,000 threshold backed by the FDIC, since businesses generally require larger sums of liquid assets to conduct operations and compensate employees.

When the FDIC was forced to take over the company on March 10, however, officials guaranteed deposits both above and below the $250,000 threshold in order to prevent bank runs at other financial institutions. Signature Bank, another company with a substantial majority of large depositors, collapsed on March 12 and was likewise taken over by the FDIC.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) have each suggested in recent days that the $250,000 limit should be reexamined. Lawmakers have indeed raised the deposit insurance threshold over the years: the FDIC only offered $2,500 of deposit insurance in 1934, a threshold which gradually increased to $100,000 in 1980 before reaching $250,000 with the financial reforms that occurred amid the Great Recession in 2008. The FDIC funds deposit insurance through fees on covered banks rather than taxpayer dollars.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has sent mixed signals about whether officials would continue to support both insured and uninsured deposits, prompting unease among some investors.

David Bahnsen, the founder of Manhattan-based wealth management firm The Bahnsen Group, told The Daily Wire that he expects authorities to maintain assumptions that there is an “implicit” unlimited amount of FDIC coverage available while leaving the codified $250,000 threshold intact. Such an approach, however, would “improperly price risk and protection, and create a moral hazard for depositors, and indeed the broader financial system.”

He added that the creation of an explicit system centered around unlimited FDIC coverage would require congressional approval, which regulators “clearly want to avoid,” as well as increased payments from the “low-margin banking system.”

Silicon Valley Bank fulfilled withdrawal requests by selling a long-term bond portfolio that had declined in value amid Federal Reserve actions over the past year to hike interest rates, moves which followed excessive monetary stimulus in response to the lockdown-induced recession. Assets in the overall banking system are now $2 trillion lower than their book value, according to a study from analysts at the National Bureau of Economic Research.


Bahnsen noted that the fractional reserve banking system, under which financial institutions only maintain a portion of deposits immediately available since account holders generally do not need instant access to all of their funds, will always carry some degree of bank run risk. He asserted that actions from the Federal Reserve nevertheless prompted the current volatility.

“All levered finance means financial contagion risk is a very real thing when confidence falters, and faltering confidence is the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy,” Bahnsen continued. “The two causes of the Silicon Valley Bank implosion were the Federal Reserve’s loose policy and the Federal Reserve’s tight policy. Fractional reserve banking was a problem for Silicon Valley Bank only after the Federal Reserve policies created a boom then created a bust.”

Shocking Video Shows Smuggler Dump One-Year-Old At River’s Edge; Border Patrol Comes To The Rescue

Border Patrol agents on Monday rescued a 1-year-old baby after a smuggler at the southern border dumped the child by the edge of the Colorado River. 

Migration at the southern border has exploded under President Joe Biden, increasing humanitarian concerns as well as national security risks. 

“A one-year-old Guatemalan child was abandoned along the Colorado River Monday afternoon by a smuggler who took him across the border and then left him to fend for himself along the water’s edge,” U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz captioned the shocking video he tweeted Thursday. “Thanks to our agent’s quick response, tragedy was averted!”

The video shows a smuggler from Mexico pop out of the water holding the child. He then places the one-year-old on the ground, alone along the river’s edge, before swiftly returning back to Mexico. Thankfully, a border agent spotted the drop and within about a minute drove over to rescue the child.  

The child has reportedly been identified, but the name is not being shared with the public to protect the minor’s privacy.

“The child will be placed in the care of the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement,” Border Patrol spokesman John Mennell said.


A one-year-old Guatemalan child was abandoned along the Colorado River Monday afternoon by a smuggler who took him across the border and then left him to fend for himself along the water’s edge. Thanks to our agent’s quick response, tragedy was averted!

— Chief Raul Ortiz (@USBPChief) March 23, 2023

Ortiz followed up the post with an image of the border agent and the rescued child. 

Picture of child safe with an Agent.

— Chief Raul Ortiz (@USBPChief) March 23, 2023

The crisis at the southern border has only intensified since Biden has taken office and further restricted Border Patrol’s ability to expel migrants. Notably, Biden early on made changes to circumvent Title 42 — used by the Trump administration during the pandemic to expel migrants on the basis of public health.


“Beginning April 21, 2022, OFO will increase its capabilities to process noncitizens potentially amenable for an exception to Title 42,” a memo from sent to Border Patrol reportedly said. “Factors weighing in favor of an exception include the following: a physical or mental illness, disability; pregnancy; lack of access to safe housing or shelter in Mexico (under 21 years old or younger or over 70, including families); and an indication that an individual has been threatened or harmed in Mexico.”

The administration has long been seeking to lift Title 42, but that is currently working through the courts. Border experts have warned the removal of the policy will exacerbate the crisis at the southern border.

Biden has recently tried to claim that his administration and Democrats are really the ones who want border security, while Republicans are trying to block it.

Related: Pure Dumb Luck Leads To Arrest Of 17 Illegal Aliens In Maine, Bust Of ‘Elaborate Human Smuggling Scheme’