Democrats And Republicans Fire First Shots In Debt Limit Showdown

The showdown over the future of the federal budget is taking shape as President Joe Biden releases his fiscal year 2024 spending proposal and House Republicans prepare to leverage their new majority to block the plan.

The White House suggested an increase in the federal budget from $5.8 trillion to $6.9 trillion over the next fiscal year while reducing cumulative deficits by $3 trillion over the next decade through a number of tax hikes on businesses and wealthy individuals. Households with more than $100 million in wealth would be subjected to a 25% minimum tax, while the top marginal tax rate would also be increased to 39.6% from the current 37% rate. Businesses would see an increase in the corporate tax to 28%, which would split the difference between the current 21% rate and the previous 35% rate that was in effect before the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

The proposal, which also suggested new health care and education subsidies, largely adheres to the Democratic emphasis on redistributive fiscal policy. “This budget builds on our economic progress by making smart, fiscally responsible investments, which would be more than fully paid for by requiring corporations and the wealthy to pay their fair share,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement. “The budget’s growth-enhancing investments will continue the economic progress of the last two years and further boost the economy’s productive capacity.”

Republican officials, who have not yet countered the budget with a proposal of their own, meanwhile contested various elements of the plan. “President Biden just delivered his budget to Congress, and it is completely unserious. He proposes trillions in new taxes that you and your family will pay directly or through higher costs,” remarked House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). “Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.”

The release of the budget proposal coincides with negotiations between Biden and McCarthy over the debt ceiling, a measure established by Congress that disallows the federal government from spending beyond the predetermined statutory limit of $31.4 trillion. Yellen warned lawmakers that the Treasury Department was forced to implement “extraordinary measures” earlier this year to fund the government until early June, after which the government will default.

The House Freedom Caucus, which withheld votes from McCarthy at the beginning of the present Congress until he committed to negotiating with Biden on efforts to reduce the national debt, announced that members would likewise refuse to support raising the debt ceiling unless various White House policies are rescinded.

Among the initiatives that the Republican lawmakers want to repeal are the $400 billion student debt cancellation executive order, the $80 billion allocation to the IRS enacted under the Inflation Reduction Act, and all unspent stimulus funds earmarked during the lockdown-induced recession. Votes in favor of raising the debt limit are also contingent upon capping discretionary spending at fiscal year 2022 levels for the next decade with a 1% annual growth allowance.

Business leaders and government officials have cautioned that a default would likely induce a worldwide financial crisis. Increases in the national debt, however, are unsustainable: the federal government’s obligations surpassed $31.5 trillion, equivalent to roughly 120% of the nation’s gross domestic product. Maintenance costs are meanwhile increasing due to the present rise in interest rates.

An analysis from economists at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School recently concluded that a 30% decrease in spending or a 40% increase in taxation would be necessary to handle current deficit spending and future obligations. Republican and Democratic administrations alike have overseen surges in debt over the past several decades.

African Delegation Screens ‘What Is A Woman?’ In Defiance Of UN Commission

An African delegation bucked the UN by screening The Daily Wire’s “What Is A Woman?” in honor of a women’s conference Friday, even after they were told the hit documentary did not align with the hosting commission’s values.

The Nigerian Mission to the UN screened the Matt Walsh film during an annual meeting for women’s rights, in defiance of the left-wing Commission on the Status of Women, New York. Delegates from multiple African countries were in attendance, including Uganda, Malawi, and Cameroon. A delegate from Suriname, in South America, also attended.

“The movie was very informative,” said Peace Regis Mutuuzo, Ugandan State Minister for Gender, Labor and Social Development. “The people whose gender has been arranged can never lead a happy life no matter how much they pretend because gender is biological and not ideological.”

The screening was held in collaboration with the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) and Family Watch International, two non-profits that have worked with the UN to further conservative causes. In response to the event, Daily Wire host Matt Walsh said it was clear African nations do not want gender ideology imposed on them.

It has already found a large following in South America, Europe, and the Middle East. Now African delegates at the UN are attending a screening. The film is not only changing this country but reaching across the world. Incredibly proud to have been a part of this project.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 10, 2023

But gender ideology seems to be the direction the UN commission has been taking. According to guidelines, the Commission on the Status of Women, New York, says its participants must acknowledge the existence of transphobia, global north domination, and institutional oppression, and work to build an “anti-racist space.”

“An anti-racist space requires that all of us need to consider our positionality and work actively not to replicate white patriarchal structures including subjugating voices of Black women and women of color,” the commission guidelines read.

Because of the ban on the documentary, the Nigerian Mission had to screen it as a side event of the commission’s conference. The film appeared well-received by those who watched it.

“I wish this would be shown from the floor of the General Assembly,” said Funke Oladipo, deputy director for women and gender, Nigerian Ministry of Women’s Affairs.

The screening was important for delegates facing pressure to accept loaded gender terminology in UN negotiation documents, according to C-Fam Executive Vice President Lisa Correnti. These loaded terms, such as “gender,” carry different connotations in societies that have not been influenced by woke westerners.

“African countries have an opportunity to shield their children from harmful gender ideology, something we in the U.S. failed to do,” said Correnti. “But they will only be able to do it by blocking ambiguous terminology in negotiations, preventing UN agencies and western countries from including it in development and humanitarian assistance.”

“The documents they negotiate will determine how fast gender ideology makes its way to their countries through UN programs,” she said.