Marianne Williamson Says Her 2024 Campaign Isn’t Against Joe Biden: ‘I See This Campaign As Challenging A System’

Democratic 2024 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson said Sunday that her primary campaign is not about taking on President Joe Biden, but a rigged system.

“I see this campaign as challenging a system,” she said. “I have no interest in taking potshots on any person, let alone to this president. He’s a nice man.”

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” Williamson said she’s targeting the political establishment, especially within the Democratic Party. She officially announced her bid to unseat Biden on Saturday.

“I want to be president because this country needs to make an economic U-turn,” Williamson said. “And the system that effectuates and perpetuates that kind of income and opportunity inequality is not changing itself. It tweaks itself every once in a while. There’s some incremental change. But the devastation, the ubiquitous economic despair and human devastation that is produced by this sociopathic economic system is not changing. And it’s not going to change if we continue to elect the same-old, same-old.”

Williamson dismissed claims that she is an unserious candidate with extremely long odds to beat Biden or any other leading candidate. She said those allegations were perpetuated by “the system,” which promotes the idea that only entrenched politicians should be considered serious candidates for higher office despite many of them being part of the problem.

“I believe the American people should be offered an agenda for genuine, fundamental economic reform,” she added. “And it should be the voters who decide. It should not be the DNC that decides. It should be the voters who decide. That is what a democracy is.”

EXCLUSIVE: Marianne Williamson sits down with @JonKarl as she launches her 2024 primary challenge to Pres. Biden, says she's running to "disrupt" the political system.

“I want to be president because this country needs to make an economic U-turn.”

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) March 5, 2023

Williamson, an author, lecturer, and self-help guru, is launching her second bid for the presidency. She gained national attention on the debate stage during the 2020 Democratic primary but bowed out of the race before voting started. She endorsed Bernie Sanders.

Some fellow Democrats mocked Williamson after announcing her 2024 campaign.


“The media needs to stop legitimizing Marianne Williamson’s campaign for President,” leftist activist Aaron Parnas wrote in a now-deleted tweet, according to Fox News. “President Biden has been one of the most revolutionary Presidents in recent history and has the full support of Democrats across America. There is no legitimate primary. Biden is our nominee.”

Santiago Mayer, the founder and executive director of Voters of Tomorrow, tweeted: “Let’s be clear: Marianne Williamson is a joke. She’s a fundamentally unserious candidate running as a stunt to sell her books.”

Left-wing commentator Lindy Li said on MSNBC: “The best way to handle her is to not address her at all.”

‘I’m Not Stopping’: James O’Keefe Surfaces At CPAC With Alleged Pfizer Whistleblower

Ousted Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe resurfaced Saturday at CPAC with the whistleblower he said made his former investigative organization’s huge Pfizer sting possible.

O’Keefe, who was ousted last month by Project Veritas’ board of directors, introduced a woman he referred to as “Debbie” at the Maryland event, formally known as the Conservative Political Action Conference.

“Stand up,” Debbie said. “Be brave. Do something for this country or we are all doomed.”

O’Keefe said Debbie helped set up the undercover encounter in which Jordon Walker, who leads research and development for mRNA projects at Pfizer, allegedly revealed that the company’s COVID vaccines are impacting women’s menstrual cycles and that the company uses “directed evolution” to mutate coronaviruses for the creation of more potent variants and vaccines.

“We need brave whistleblowers,” O’Keefe said. “We need people on the inside. There were people on the inside of Pfizer who helped us obtain this.”

NEW: Pfizer Whistleblower reveals identity, joins James O’Keefe on stage at CPAC:

“Stand up. Be brave. Do something for this country or we’re all doomed.”

— Proud Elephant 🇺🇸🦅 (@ProudElephantUS) March 4, 2023

O’Keefe said Debbie was initially reluctant to come forward, even after tipping off Project Veritas as to Pfizer’s inner workings. He said that in the days after he was ousted from the organization he founded in 2010, she decided to go public with him.

“She was a little reluctant to go public,” O’Keefe said, claiming that she was interrogated and harassed after the story broke. “Rightfully so, she was scared.”

It was not clear what role Debbie had at Pfizer or specifically what she told Project Veritas to lay the groundwork for its bombshell scoop. Debbie told the crowd the series of events left her “scared for my life.”


“I was worried that I would end up in a body bag, or in a car accident,” she said. “But I realized that the spirit of fear is not from the Lord. As a believer, I knew that I couldn’t just sit there, I couldn’t just sit there and watch. People get lied to, people get gaslit, it made me angry.”

O’Keefe, who spearheaded a long list of undercover scoops while heading Project Veritas, has not revealed what he will do next, although he has strongly hinted that he may set up another investigative journalism group.

“Courage is the virtue that sustains all others, and without that you really can’t do journalism,” he said. “I’m not stopping or giving up.”