AOC Mocks Christian Group’s Super Bowl Ads Calling For Love, Compassion

A Super Bowl message of hope and love from a Christian organization drew mockery from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who likened the commercials extolling Jesus Christ to “fascism.”

The nonprofit Servant Foundation sponsored two Super Bowl commercials as part of the “He Gets Us” campaign. The first featured photos of children in heartwarming situations, including black and white children hugging, as well as a poignant photo from 2019 of 5-year-old Aubrey Burge comforting her 4-year-old brother as he underwent chemotherapy.

“Jesus didn’t want us to act like adults,” the narrator says as legendary country singer Patsy Cline’s “If I Could See The World [Through The Eyes of a Child]” plays. “He gets us. All of us. Be childlike.”

The second ad showed adults arguing and fighting with each other, then stated, “Jesus loved the people we hate,” reiterating, “He gets us. All of us.”

The messages may have inspired millions of viewers of all faiths, but not AOC.

“Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign,” the New York lawmaker tweeted.

Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 13, 2023

Hobby Lobby founder David Green, a devout Christian and one of the major funders of the He Gets Us campaign, said the group sought to reach the biggest audience of the year with its call for kindness and compassion.

“You’re going to see it at the Super Bowl—‘He Gets Us.’ We are wanting to say—we being a lot of people—that He gets us,” Green said. “He understands us. He loves who we hate. I think we have to let the public know and create a movement.”

This is the ad @aoc claims makes “fascism look benign”

— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) February 13, 2023

“It fits with our target audience really well,” He Gets Us campaign spokesperson Jason Vanderground told The Associated Press. “We’re trying to get the message across to people who are spiritually open, but skeptical.”

Vanderground said the group believed there was room for a message of love amid all the commercials for consumer goods.

“Selling chips is cool, selling light beers, all of that stuff is awesome,” Vanderground said. “I enjoy consuming all those things. There’s something about figuring out the way that we treat fellow human beings that we think is just a profound activity to occur during the Super Bowl.” 

According to The Wall Street Journal, some 30-second slots for Super Bowl ads sold for over $7 million, while some cost $6 million because some advertisers had multiyear deals and spent plenty of money generally on ads for shows featuring sports.

Top U.S. Air Force General Makes Shocking Remarks About Unidentified Objects Shot Down By U.S. Military

U.S. Air Force General Glen VanHerck, the commander who oversees North American airspace, did not rule out aliens when asked about the unidentified objects shot down over North American airspace in recent days.

The comments come after the U.S. military shot down an unidentified object over Lake Huron on Sunday, one over Canada on Saturday, and one Friday over Alaska.

When asked if the U.S. military had ruled out an extraterrestrial origin for the unidentified objects, VanHerck responded: “I’ll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven’t ruled out anything.”

“At this point we continue to assess every threat or potential threat, unknown, that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it,” VanHerck continued.

A U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jet shot down shot down the unidentified ‘octagonal’ object over Lake Huron using a Sidewinder missile.

An anonymous U.S. defense official later told Reuters, “No indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent take downs.”

VanHerck said that U.S. officials seemed confident that the objects were not balloons.

“I’m not going to categorize them as balloons. We’re calling them objects for a reason,” VanHerck said. “I’m not able to categorize how they stay aloft. It could be a gaseous type of balloon inside a structure or it could be some type of a propulsion system. But clearly, they’re — they’re able to stay aloft.”

VenHerck said that U.S. officials considered trying to use the fighter jet’s machine guns to shoot down the objects so that the objects would be better preserved after they were shot down.

“We assessed taking a gunshot yesterday in that event, as well as today, and the pilots in each situation felt that that was really unachievable because of the size, especially yesterday in the altitude and also because of the challenge to acquire it visually because it’s so small,” VanHerck said.

“We have taken extreme caution to ensure that we limit potential collateral damage, so today, we worked closely with the FAA to clear out the airspace,” he added. “I gave direction specifically to the pilots to use their visual acuity to check for mariners on the ground, airplanes in the air to clear with their radars as well. And when they were comfortable, that we can minimize collateral damage, they selected the best weapon today that was the AIM 9x (missile). And they took the shot.”