Utah Republicans Pass Ban On Trans Procedures For Minors, Gov. Spencer Cox Not Likely To Veto

Utah is expected to ban transgender procedures on minors after both the state’s House and Senate passed the bill.

The bill, which bans both transgender surgeries and puberty blockers for children, will likely be the first such measure passed in 2023 as other states also look to pass similar legislation protecting children from irreversible procedures.

“Our country is witnessing a radical and dangerous push for children to enter this version of health care,” said Republican State Sen. Michael Kennedy during a debate on the bill in the Senate. Kennedy, who sponsored the bill, said that transgender surgeries for children “lack sufficient long-term research.”

The bill passed 58-14 in the Republican-controlled House on Thursday before going back to the Senate, where it was approved again on Friday. “For me as a mother and a grandmother and as a nurse? I have a vested interest as all of us do in the health and wellbeing of Utah’s children,” said Republican Rep. Katy Hall, the sponsor of the bill in the House.

Republican Governor Spencer Cox is not expected to veto the bill despite previous opposition to a bill that would have prevented males identifying as females from competing in girl’s sports throughout the state.

“We’ll see if there are any changes made, but right now we’re not planning to veto either of them,” he said when asked about the transgender bill and another education-related bill.

If approved by the governor, the bill will immediately go into effect. However, it would not stop teens already on puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones from continuing their current procedures.

In certain situations, medical providers could also be sued for malpractice over hormonal treatments.

Democrats and LGBTQ groups opposed the bill, saying that transgender procedures, which include performing double mastectomies on teen girls, are “life-saving healthcare.”

“As Democrats, we stand in firm opposition to any legislation that restricts access to life-saving health care for our most vulnerable youth,” Democrat senators said in a group statement. “Additionally, we believe everyone should have the ability to amend their birth certificates to accurately display their name and identity without excessive barriers and intrusion from government.”

Other states, such as Tennessee and Montanna, are also looking at proposed bills to ban pediatric medical gender transitions. The bills come as transgender procedures, which have significant long-term effects, have exploded among minors.

From 2019 to 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed on teen girls with a gender dysphoria diagnosis ages 13 to 17 in the United States, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims analyzed by Reuters.

Several Murdered In Terrorist Attacks Targeting Israel On Holocaust Remembrance Day

Several people have been killed in terrorist attacks that targeted Israel on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The first attack happened on Friday when an armed terrorist opened fire on innocent civilians who were leaving a Jerusalem synagogue after the Sabbath service.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry said that seven civilians were murdered and that several others were rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

Police forces neutralized the terrorist and have since increased their presence in the area to deter future attacks.

Another terrorist attack happened Saturday morning when a 13-year-old terrorist shot at a father and son, who were both seriously injured, as they walked on the street, according to police.

“Terrorist organizations are encouraging and inciting for children to be involved in terrorist attacks against innocent civilians,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “Terrorist organizations continue using fake news and non-stop incitement online calling for the murder of innocent Israelis, while encouraging the use of children as perpetrators of terrorism.”

“Israel will continue to act forcefully against the threat of terrorism,” the statement continued. “We will pursue and reach every terrorist who harms Israeli citizens. Anyone who wishes to harm Israel must know that they will pay a heavy price for their actions. We are calling on the public not to take the law into their own hands.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged people to not seek revenge for the attacks. “I call on the people not to take the law into their own hands. For that purpose, we have an army, police, and security forces,” he said. “They act and will act according to the cabinet instructions.”

The Biden administration responded to attacks by contacting Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog.

“The President made clear that this was an attack against the civilized world,” a White House statement said. “He offered all appropriate means of support to the Government and People of Israel over the coming days. The President stressed the iron-clad U.S. commitment to Israel’s security, and agreed that his team would remain in constant touch with their Israeli counterparts.”