Manchin Says Dems Should Negotiate With GOP On Debt Ceiling, Use Opportunity To Fix The Budget Process

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin called on his fellow Democrats to negotiate with the Republican House majority over the debt ceiling.

In consecutive appearances on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, Manchin called out members of his own party who are refusing to negotiate with GOP leaders. Manchin said the debt ceiling fight presents an opportunity to address the dysfunction around the federal budget process and make changes.

“I think it’s a mistake,” Manchin said on CNN of the Biden administration’s refusal to negotiate. “This is a democracy that we have. We have a two-party system. And we should be able to talk and find out where our differences are. And if they are irreconcilable, then you have to move on from there and let the people make their decisions.”

Manchin also blasted Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), who said Biden should not negotiate.

“We just respectfully disagree,” Manchin said. “[E]very American has to live within a budget. If they don’t, they’re in trouble financially. Every business that is successful has to live within a budget. Every state has to live within a budget. Shouldn’t the federal government have some guardrails that say, ‘hey, guys, you’re getting over — you’re overreaching here and you’re overspending?'”

During his appearance on Meet the Press, Manchin pointed out that for his entire tenure in the Senate, the budget process has been broken.

“I’ve been here 12 years,” he said. “We haven’t had a budget yet.”

“There’s nothing that holds us accountable,” he continued. “Nothing at all. We can say, ‘oh, we’re gonna do it,’ but as I’ve said before, 12 years, we haven’t had a budget. That’s ridiculous.”

“The process isn’t working,” he went on. “How come we’re not held accountable to have the appropriations bills done at a certain time before the end of the fiscal year… you know what happens, it rolls over into an omnibus bill at the end, everything’s thrown into it and, ‘Okay here. We got it guys. Thats it.’ It makes no sense.”

Manchin said that the debt ceiling increase would pass anyway because Congress could not risk the financial standing of the dollar.

“With that being said, how do you get to it, how do you use this moment to get to responsibility?” said Manchin, pointing out that interest payments on the debt almost match the U.S. defense budget.

WATCH: Track Star Sha’Carri Richardson Thrown Off Flight After Spat With Crew

Track and field star Sha’Carri Richardson was booted from an American Airlines flight on Saturday after a verbal altercation with a crew member.

“Prior to the video this gentleman asked me to get off a cell phone call, I did,” the 22-year-old said on social media. “I stated to him I didn’t like the tone he used with me. Following that while standing in front of me doing the safety protocols he continued to lean over to look at my phone. He asked to see that my phones were in airplane mode at this point. He demanded that me show him. Which I did in front of him.”

When the flight attendant allegedly demanded that Richardson stop recording the interaction, she said he was harassing her and that he “should stop.”

“Y’all see him right? Y’all see him right? Y’all see him right? I’m sorry, it’s not me,” Richardson told passengers on the plane. “Talk to him. No ma’am. Do not talk to me like that. I’m an adult. Do not talk to me like that. Do not talk to me like that. Tell him to stop. If you do not know what’s going on, do not yell at me.”

While she was speaking to another passenger about the incident, someone said to her, “Thank you, by the way. I’m missing my connecti[ng flight].”

“Oh, so you’re worried about a connection when a grown man is disrespecting me?” she snapped back.

Richardson hinted that she could pursue legal action over the ordeal.

When she was kicked off the flight, some passengers could be heard cheering.

In a statement, an American Airlines spokesperson said, “We reaccommodated the customer on a later flight and a member of our team has reached out to learn more.”

WATCH (contains profanity):

Track star Sha'Carri Richardson was kicked off a AA flight for arguing with Flight Attendant and recorded the whole incident.

— Anthony Tilghman (@AnthonyTilghman) January 21, 2023

Richardson also demanded to know if the male flight attendant would be removed.

“So he’s not being removed after being unprofessional and having his hand in my face?” she said. “So I’m being removed off the plane without even being explained of why?”

When she asked for his name, he told her that she was not allowed to record.

The track star then requested the flight attendant’s name, to which he again told her she was not allowed to record.

“No, but you jumped in my video, that’s what started this whole thing and the video shows you jumped in my video and invaded my privacy, you know that right?” she told him. “So it’s a possibility you can lose your job because I have evidence.”