New Video Of Greta Thunberg’s Detention Sparks Allegations Of A ‘Staged’ Incident

New video that showed law enforcement officials detaining far-Left climate activist Greta Thunberg this week at an anti-energy protest in Europe sparked allegations that the entire situation was “staged” for the media.

The 20-year-old and her cohorts were protesting the planned demolition of the coal mining town Lutzerath in western Germany to make way for an expanded coal mining operation. The demonstration comes as the continent deals with an energy crisis sparked by Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Thunberg was initially seen smiling as German police picked her up and carried her away. However, video later emerged that showed the moments before Thunberg was carried off by police.

The footage showed the police effectively allowing the media to take pictures and film Thunberg before they removed her from the area.

Several major Twitter accounts claimed that the situation looked “staged” for the media.

LMFAO Greta literally staged being arrested for the cameras.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 17, 2023

Yes, the Greta Thunberg arrest was staged for the establishment media.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) January 17, 2023

This is how the fake arrest of Greta Thunberg was done.

Mainstream media will show only one photo where policemen are carrying her. Let me know if any mainstream media has covered this video!

— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) January 18, 2023

“Greta Thunberg was part of a group of activists who rushed towards the ledge,” a police spokesperson told Reuters. “However, she was then stopped and carried by us with this group out of the immediate danger area to establish their identity.”

“There is no reason to hold them for days,” the spokesperson added. “It might take hours or they will go immediately.”

Thunberg was eventually released by police.

“Yesterday I was part of a group that peacefully protested the expansion of a coal mine in Germany,” Thunberg tweeted Wednesday. “We were kettled by police and then detained but were let go later that evening. Climate protection is not a crime.”

Yesterday I was part of a group that peacefully protested the expansion of a coal mine in Germany. We were kettled by police and then detained but were let go later that evening.

Climate protection is not a crime.#LuetziBleibt #LuetziLebt #KeepItInTheGround #ClimateJustice

— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) January 18, 2023

Germany has expanded its use of coal to the highest levels in more than half a decade after Russia clamped down on natural gas exports to Europe.

Part of the increased demand for energy comes from France, where nuclear reactor outages have caused issues.

Germany has had to extend “the lives of Germany’s nuclear power facilities” despite the country’s desire to move away from the clean energy source.

During a speech several years ago, Thunberg repeatedly condemned adults by dramatically saying, “how dare you!” as she complained about how the world works.

“My message is that we’ll be watching you. This is all wrong, I shouldn’t be up here, I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean,” Thunberg began. “Yet, you all come to us young people for hope, how dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words and yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering, people are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.”

“You are failing us but the young people are starting to understand your betrayal,” she said. “The eyes of all future generations are upon you and if you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you. We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now, is where we draw the line the world is waking up, and change is coming whether you like it or not.”

Related: GRETA SNAPS: ‘Change Everything,’ ‘Climate Crisis’ About ‘Colonial, Racist, And Patriarchal Systems Of Oppression,’ Fossil Fuel ‘Literally’ Killing Us

Biden Attorney Interviewed By Feds In Docs Review – But No ‘302’ Summary: Report

Federal investigators reportedly interviewed a personal attorney to President Joe Biden, but did not use a form to summarize the interview.

Patrick Moore, the attorney identified as the one who initially found classified materials while packing up Biden’s former think tank office, spoke with a team led by U.S. Attorney John Lausch during the initial review of the president’s handling of documents, sources told CNN. The report said Lausch’s team not using a “302” form to memorialize the interview underscored the informal nature of the inquiry at the time. The report also stressed that all statements made to a U.S. attorney’s office carry the same legal weight.

A “source briefed on the matter” said Moore gave non-classified personal documents to the National Archives that included speeches and reference material sent from the Penn Biden Center to the attorney’s law office in Boston, per the report.

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced last week he appointed former U.S. Attorney Robert Hur as special counsel to take over what is now a criminal investigation. Hur is investigating whether there were any violations of law in connection to classified documents found in Biden’s former Penn Biden Center office in Washington, D.C., and in his home in Wilmington, Delaware.

The new report said Hurr is still putting together a team and may reinterview some witnesses.

The documents, some of which have “top secret” materials, date back to Biden’s time as vice president. Although the first batch of documents was reportedly found in early November, days before the 2022 midterm elections, the discovery did not become public until last week.

According to a timeline provided by Biden’s personal legal team, Biden’s personal attorneys immediately reached out to the National Archives on the day of the initial discovery on November 2. Biden’s personal attorneys “anticipated” the agency would notify the Justice Department, and, on November 10, the Justice Department informed them it had launched its assessment, the timeline added.

Among Biden aides already interviewed by federal investigators was Kathy Chung, an executive assistant to Biden while he was vice president who is now an aide to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, according to NBC News. That report said Chung helped pack up Biden’s vice presidential office in January 2017.

Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president, said on Friday he personally traveled to Biden’s home in Wilmington on Thursday to “facilitate” the transfer of a document with classified markings to the Justice Department because he had a security clearance, whereas Biden’s personal attorneys who were conducting searches did not. Sauber said five additional pages with classified markings were discovered while he was transferring the original document to Justice Department officials who “accompanied” him.

House Republicans began an investigation of their own into the growing documents scandal and a government watchdog group filed an ethics complaint over Biden’s use of White House lawyers in response to the controversy.

Sauber has said the White House is “fully” cooperating with the National Archives and Justice Department. Biden told reporters last week he was “surprised” to learn about the classified documents discovery, and claimed he did not know what was in the records. “People know I take classified documents or classified information seriously,” Biden claimed.