Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher: Chinese-Owned TikTok Is ‘Digital Fentanyl’ Poisoning Youth

Republican Wisconsin Congressman Mike Gallagher compared TikTok to “digital fentanyl” amid efforts to ban the app in the U.S.

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Gallagher blasted the Chinese-owned social media platform for the negative effects it has on children and teens in the country, and the copious amounts of data it collects. He called for Congress to ban the app nationwide.

“I think the comparison is apt for at least two reasons,” said Gallagher. “One, it’s highly addictive and destructive and we’re seeing troubling data about the corrosive impact of constant social media use, particularly on young men and women here in America.”

“It’s also digital fentanyl in the sense that, as you allude to, it ultimately goes back to the Chinese Communist Party. TikTok is owned by ByteDance; ByteDance is effectively controlled by the CCP. So, we have to ask whether we want the CCP to control what is on the cusp of becoming the most powerful media company in America,” Gallagher continued. “That is very troubling. And so, I was glad to see my colleagues in the Senate pass, in unanimous fashion, a ban of TikTok on government devices. I think we should do the same in the House and expand that ban nationally.”

Gallagher then listed several safety concerns he had about TikTok — namely that the Chinese government could easily use the technology to access and save sensitive data about American citizens. He also worried that the Chinese could also use the app to filter the information that was getting through to Americans who were using it, arguing that especially if their exposure to other news sources was limited, they might not be getting necessary information.

“I’m concerned about TikTok’s ability to track your location, track your keystrokes, track what websites you’re visiting, even when you’re not using the app. I’m concerned about the lack of transparency around the algorithm which is addicting kids,” he explained. “But I think what’s more pernicious is the fact that, since a lot of young men and women in America increasingly turn to TikTok to get news, what if they start censoring the news, right? What if they start tweaking the algorithm to determine what the CCP deems fit to print? That’s incredibly dangerous. That’s as if, in 1958, we allowed the KGB and Pravda to buy The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, and The Washington Post. That actually probably understates the threat. I think it’s a multi-pronged threat we need to look at.”

Gallagher borrowed the phrase “digital fentanyl” from former FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, who used it to describe the app in an interview with Fox News in November. But Gallagher has repeatedly called on Americans to delete the app because of its security concerns.

Some 14 states have banned the app on state-owned devices used by state employees and contractors. Congress included a bill to ban the app on federal government devices in the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill passed last month. Already the House has banned the app on devices issued by it.

Gallagher has previously introduced legislation with Democratic Illinois Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi to ban the app altogether. “It would allow for a sale to an American company,” Gallagher told Todd. “That option was explored during the Trump administration. Oracle explored a version of that. Microsoft ultimately fell through. I think there’s a workable solution there… I’m open to having that discussion with TikTok. And I really want to have that discussion with the Biden administration. I don’t think this should be a partisan issue. I want to work with them… this isn’t a partisan issue.”

‘Stand Firm In The Faith!’ Pope Benedict XVI’s Final Message To The Faithful

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI told Catholics to “stand firm in the faith” in his final message to the faithful.

The Vatican published the late pope’s spiritual testament shortly after his death on Saturday. In it, Benedict thanked his family, friends, and God for the blessings of his life, and asked forgiveness from anyone whom he had wronged. He then urged believers to stand strong in the faith, even in the face of philosophical and scientific opposition.

“If in this late hour of my life I look back at the decades I have been through, first I see how many reasons I have to give thanks,” Benedict wrote. “First and foremost I thank God himself, the giver of every good gift, who gave me life and guided me through various confusing times; always picking me up whenever I began to slip and always giving me again the light of his face. In retrospect I see and understand that even the dark and tiring stretches of this journey were for my salvation and that it was in them that He guided me well.”

He went on to thank his parents for providing him with a loving home and role models for his faith; he also thanked his brother and sister for caring for and guiding him through his life. He also thanked his friends, colleagues, and former students. He thanked God for the beauty of his home under the Bavarian Alps, and all the beauty he experienced on his travels and in Rome and Italy. He then asked for forgiveness from any people he had wronged during his life.

Benedict then instructed Catholics to remain true to the faith in the face of opposition from science and philosophy. “Stand firm in the faith!” he wrote. “Do not let yourselves be confused! It often seems that science — the natural sciences on the one hand and historical research (especially exegesis of Sacred Scripture) on the other — are able to offer irrefutable results at odds with the Catholic faith. I have experienced the transformations of the natural sciences since long ago and have been able to see how, on the contrary, apparent certainties against the faith have vanished, proving to be not science, but philosophical interpretations only apparently pertaining to science.” He also noted that the sciences help to better define the parameters of faith.

“It is now sixty years that I have been accompanying the journey of Theology, particularly of the Biblical Sciences, and with the succession of different generations I have seen theses that seemed unshakable collapse, proving to be mere hypotheses,” the pope added, using liberalism, existentialism, and Marxism as examples of philosophies that have come and gone.

“I saw and see how out of the tangle of assumptions the reasonableness of faith emerged and emerges again. Jesus Christ is truly the way, the truth and the life — and the Church, with all its insufficiencies, is truly His body,” he said.

A spiritual testament is a document that is written for the faithful by the pope — and is only to be published after his death. The late Pope Emeritus’s spiritual testament was written in 2006, just over a year after he was elected to the papacy.

Also on Saturday, Benedict’s secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, revealed that the Pope’s final words were “Lord, I love you,” a phrase reminiscent of St. Peter’s confession to Jesus in the Bible.