Elon Musk Suspends Leftist Taylor Lorenz From Twitter: ‘Such Shameful Behavior Will Not Be Tolerated’

Twitter CEO Elon Musk suspended left-wing Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz on Saturday night after saying late last week that her “shameful behavior” would not be tolerated on the platform in the future.

Lorenz claimed in a blog post that she “received zero communication from the company on why I was suspended or what terms I violated.”

She suggested that she was suspended because she tweeted at Musk asking him for a comment on a story.

“Never once in my 13 year career in social media have I received a single terms of service or community guidelines violation, for my personal account or any account that I’ve run,” she claimed. “Twitter has served as an essential real time news source and played a crucial role in the journalism world, but Musk’s arbitrary suspensions of journalists who report on him should worry anyone who values free speech and expression.”

The popular Twitter account Libs of TikTok posted a screenshot of Lorenz’s account being suspended.

“Taylor Lorenz- the person who doxxed me was just suspended from Twitter,” Libs of TikTok posted. “Taylor campaigned Twitter to ban me multiple times. She also campaigned substack and shopify to ban me and complained when [Instagram] and Facebook gave me my account back. I have ZERO sympathy.”

Taylor campaigned Twitter to ban me multiple times. She also campaigned substack and shopify to ban me and complained when IG and Facebook gave me my account back. I have ZERO sympathy. https://t.co/iGkQNTuwJu

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 18, 2022

On Friday, Musk responded to a tweet from Ariadna Jacob, who wrote: “I’m not famous and I wasn’t a public figure either when Taylor Lorenz asked for my address, said it wasn’t for publication and then proceeded to dox me in the NYT with the address she had assured me she wasn’t going to publish. The article was shared many x on Twitter.”

Musk responded to the tweet: “Such shameful behavior will not be tolerated going forward.”

Such shameful behavior will not be tolerated going forward

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 17, 2022

While many conservatives typically oppose online censorship, it seemed as though there was a near-unanimous consensus from the right side of the political spectrum that this was not a typical censorship case.

Podcast host Tim Pool tweeted: “Taylor Lorenz finally got suspended for all the awful things she’s done.”

“Banning Taylor Lorenz is the best thing Elon Musk has done for this website,” said digital strategist Caleb Hull.

“Elon Musk decided to stop entertaining the liars on the far left. Good,” writer Ian Miles Cheong tweeted. “We need more of this. These people will stop at nothing to destroy you and all that you stand for.”

Political commentator Mike Cernovich tweeted: “Was out with friends and then checked in to see this. Is that what people mean by a night cap (sic)?”

Harvard-Harris Poll: Trump Leads Among GOP For 2024 Primaries

A new poll shows former President Donald Trump at the top of the 2024 GOP nomination for president.

According to the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, taken between December 13 – 15 with 1,851 registered voters participating, Trump leads potential Republican primary opponents by 23 points.

When only GOP voters were asked, “If the Republican presidential primary for the 2024 election was held today, who would you vote for?,” the 45th president secured 48% of support, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) earned 25%, and former Vice President Mike Pence received six percent of the vote. No other possible challengers scored more than four percent of the vote.

Removing Trump from the equation, it seems many poll respondents shifted their preference to DeSantis, who came in first place with 48% support, Pence was bumped up to 15% in that scenario, and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley received five percent of the vote.

The survey also indicated that the base of the GOP still favors Trump. In one question, the organizers of the poll asked only GOP voters, “If the Republican party primary is down to two choices, Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, who would you choose to run as president in 2024 among the two?”

Trump earned 55% while 45% of voters supported the Florida governor.

However, Independents seem to prefer a Trump alternative.

The same question was posed to “GOP + Independents” and DeSantis topped Trump, 52% to 48%, respectively.

Both Trump and DeSantis defeated President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in fictional 2024 general election matchups.

Some other recent polls show similar results. A Politico/Morning Consult poll taken between November 18 – 20 asked voters, “If the 2024 Republican presidential primary were being held today, for whom would you vote?”

Forty-five percent of voters backed Trump, 30% went for DeSantis, and no other potential options earned more than seven percent support.

As pointed out by other commentators, Trump tends to lead possible Republican primary opponents by double digits when in a crowded field.

When the choices are between DeSantis and Trump, the race is much closer, with DeSantis winning in numerous samples.

For example, a recent poll from The Wall Street Journal found DeSantis leading Trump 52% to 38%. 86% of respondents had a favorable view of DeSantis; 74% had a favorable view of Trump.

Still, the Journal observed that support for both candidates “could look different in what will surely be a multicandidate primary field than it does in a head-to-head matchup.”

The Harvard/Harris poll shows that Trump gained two points from the firm’s November survey. That increase occurred even after controversies such as his dinner with Kanye “Ye” West and white nationalist Nick Fuentes at Mar-A-Lago. DeSantis, on the other hand, went down three points during that same time.

So far, Trump is the only declared 2024 candidate. The New Hampshire GOP primary is still more than a year away. Plenty can change from now until then, and Trump’s overall standing has fallen, but at this moment, the available data show that the former president is still the preferred choice amongst GOP voters.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.