Police Ransack Home Of 20-Year Old Suspected Shooter, Who Donated To Liberal Org On Biden’s Inauguration Day

Law enforcement late Saturday night were ransacking the Bethel Park, Pennsylvania home of a 20-year old male named Thomas Matthew Crooks in connection to the shooting Donald Trump, neighbors told The Daily Wire.

Multiple neighbors said on condition of anonymity that police had knocked on their doors to ask questions and in some cases advised the neighbors to leave their homes.

The police activity corroborates the reporting of the New York Post, which identified Crooks as the suspected shooter. The FBI later confirmed Crooks’ identity early Sunday, after declining to do so during a press conference. The bureau also described it as an assassination attempt.

Federal Election Commission records show that on January 20, 2021—Biden’s inauguration day—the 20-year old Crooks donated $15 through ActBlue, the progressive donation clearinghouse, to the Progressive Turnout Project, which says it “is dedicated to mobilizing the Democratic party and defending democracy.” In donor records, he listed his occupation as unemployed, and listed the address descended upon by police.

Public records reviewed by The Daily Wire suggest that both of his parents are licensed counselors, and that the father owns a firm providing disability services.  Records suggest that his mother is a registered Democrat and his father is a registered Libertarian. The family purchased their home in 1998.

The family could not be reached for comment. The shooter was killed by Secret Service after shooting Trump in the ear.

The 20-year old lived with his parents there, and the family keeps to themselves, the neighbors said. They said the mother is handicapped and is often seen clinging to her husband to walk. They said she was sitting in the street Saturday night on a lawn chair brought out by police.

The Secret Service did not show up to the press conference, where an FBI official acknowledged it was “surprising” that the shooter managed to plant himself on a rooftop and get off several shots before being stopped by the agency. FBI Special Agent in Charge Kevin Rojek said the Secret Service “needs to answer that question.”

All U.S. Presidents Assassinated In History Were Republicans Except JFK, Who Was Killed By A Communist

In the history of the U.S., four sitting presidents have been assassinated, while two have been wounded by assassination attempts. 

The history of assassinations in the U.S. is largely a history of anti-Republican and leftist violence; all of the victims were Republicans except for John F. Kennedy, who was killed by a communist.

Before Donald Trump survived the attack on his life Saturday, two presidents were wounded in assassination attempts. One was Theodore Roosevelt, who, like Trump, ran for office again four years after leaving the White House. In 1912, Roosevelt, a progressive who was running as a third-party candidate, was shot but gave an 84-minute speech while the bullet was lodged in him.

The other was Ronald Reagan, who was shot in 1981 by John Hinckley Jr, who also wounded three others.

The first president to be killed by assassination was Abraham Lincoln in 1865. His assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was later shot.

The second was James Garfield in 1881. Garfield survived for nearly three months before perishing. His killer was hung.

The third was William McKinley in 1901. McKinley died eight days later. The assassination led to the Secret Service being assigned to protect presidents.

The only Democrat president to be killed was John F. Kennedy in 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald, his killer, was then shot by a vigilante. Oswald had lived in the Soviet Union and asked to be represented by a lawyer for the Communist Party. A congressional probe said Oswald had likely previously shot an anti-communist military officer who he considered “fascist.”

In 1968, Kennedy’s brother, Robert F. Kennedy, was killed while he was a candidate for president. His killer was a Palestinian terrorist, Sirhan Sirhan, who objected to Kennedy’s support for Israel. That led to the Secret Service extending protection to presidential candidates. 

Today, the FBI’s list of “most wanted” domestic terrorists is dominated by leftists, including black nationalists, communists, and eco-terrorists.