Summary of the Latest 01-31-2024 Phil Godlewski vs Scranton Times Court Document 20240131---Phil-Godlewski-vs-Scranton-Times---phinal-Phil-court-doc-summary-with-images-v2 927 kb Download Files
* Select a Tab Below to View that Case's Documents * GODLEWSKI (vs) KELLYGODLEWSKI (vs) DUBORGEL Case No: 2021-02195Case Type: TORT/LS LIBEL/SLANDERFiled Date/Time: 05/24/2021 2:31Plaintiff: GODLEWSKI PHILIPDefendant: KELLY CHRISDefendant: SCRANTON TIMES LPDefendant: HOLEVA LARRYNOTICE!Court Documents below are sorted by Most Recent to Oldest Docum...
Some of our recent work we did for the Sentinel Foundation. We counter child sex trafficking, provide crisis response, train law enforcement, and preserve human life. - Sentinel Foundation The Sentinel Foundation targets traffickers, protects children and the helpless, provides crisis response, and supports and trains law enforcement. H...
Download PDF File Here #Fraudlewski #GoldCo #7kmetals #FinancialAdvisor #Finacial #Advice #Tips #Lies #Loser #Godlewski #Liar #GoldQuiz #exposePhilGodlewski
God has blessed us and we want to use everything He has given us to give Him glory by using it to help others! Whether that is our talents, skills, and knowledge or our property, tools and equipment. That is why we have added to our mission with a new campaign named "Donor Funded Automotive Services for Stru...
The letter sent by the Arizona AG's office and simultaneously released to media is false and smacks of retribution for the AG's own decision to ignore suspicious voting activity. Indeed, True the Vote’s first meeting with the AZ AG’s team was on June...
True the Vote is honored to have played a small role in what must have been a wide ranging and complex investigation. The organization is profoundly grateful to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office for their thorough work and rapid action in th...
On August 13th, 2022, we had the privilege of bringing together over 150 true American Patriots to express our thoughts, ideas and feelings about what we need to do to protect the Republic we know and love. From scientists and engineers demonstrating...
With the recent success of the film “2000 Mules,” a lot of people in the United States have been asking: What’s next? About a week ago, the researchers behind that film (somewhat) answered that question. They just launched a new initiative that will ...
TRUE THE VOTE AND PROTECT AMERICA NOW LAUNCH PROTECTAMERICA.VOTENew partnership will equip sheriffs, inform citizens, and protect our elections True the Vote and Protect America Now have joined forces in a new partnership to help protect American e...