'Crush liberal dominance': Conservative funder urges leaner, meaner posture for activist groups

Leonard Leo, who operates a vast network of conservative nonprofits, called on his groups to start "weaponizing" their ideas, something he said the left has been championing over the years. 

A letter sent to groups supported by Leo's 85 Fund on Wednesday said it would be undergoing a "comprehensive review" of entities it supports, and "will be adjusting the extent to which it funds ideas and policy development." The goal, according to Leo's letter, is to ensure their philanthropic efforts are not overly focused on "ideation," or as Leo describes it, "the development of and education about conservative ideas and policies." Rather, Leo wants his groups to adopt more aggressive tactics that "weaponize" their ideas and produce more tangible results, something he suggested liberals have championed effectively for their causes.  

"The Left built powerful networks of activists, academics, journalists, and philanthropists, along with professionals from other disciplines, who could collaborate to influence public attitudes and generate political pressure on public officials," Leo said. "They invested in talent pipelines to populate the power centers inside government, where policy would be implemented. They incubated litigation as a means of leveraging the law to produce change. And, beyond politics and law, left-wing philanthropy built or took over enormous infrastructure to control various cultural chokepoints."

"In contrast," Leo continued, "vastly insufficient funds are going toward operationalizing and weaponizing [conservative] ideas and policies to crush liberal dominance."


Leo, the co-chairman and former executive vice president of the Federalist Society, a group focusing on advancing the principles of a limited, constitutional government, controls a $1.6 billion war chest.  The money was given to him by industrialist Barre Seid to fund his network of conservative groups.

Leo's letter cited the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation and the Hansjörg Wyss-backed Arabella Advisors as examples of groups that "incubate action-oriented campaigns." He pointed to their support of nationwide NGOs like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). SJP has been at the forefront of drumming up anti-Israel sentiment at college campuses across the country since Hamas' Oct. 7 terror attack that killed over a thousand innocent Israelis and took hundreds hostage. Meanwhile, WPATH has been at the forefront of the transgender movement, publishing standards of care that doctors and public officials alike have used to justify "gender-affirming care" for minors.

"With donors like Hansjörg Wyss and the Arabella Advisors network having billions at their disposal, the left is able to significantly outspend the conservative movement to shift American society," Leo told Fox News Digital. "Consequently, we need to do more with less, focusing on leveraging the conservative movement's talent to have impact, if we want to be successful."

Leo has been credited with transforming the Federalist Society into the powerhouse lawfare organization it is today with more than 70,000 members. Meanwhile, Leo has also been considered one of the foremost influences on former President Trump's Supreme Court nominations. Prior to Trump's selection of Federalist Society-backed Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, Leo drew up a list of potential judges that Trump released during his 2016 campaign.  


After Trump was elected, Leo stepped away from his daily duties with the Federalist Society, but remained its co-chair. Meanwhile, in 2022, Leo's Marble Freedom Trust received a $1.6 billion gift from American businessman and GOP donor Barre Seid. Leo still has roughly $1 billion left to spend, the Financial Times reported this week after analyzing public financial disclosures. A representative for Leo declined to share how many total NGOs receive financial support from the 85 Fund. 

"Expect us to increase support for organizations that call out companies and financial institutions that bend to the woke mind virus spread by regulators and NGOs, so that they have to pay a price for putting extreme left-wing ideology ahead of consumers," Leo said during a rare interview he granted to the Financial Times. 

Leo told the outlet that his Marble Freedom Trust has been increasingly focused on going after "woke" banks and China-friendly entities across a range of sectors, such as food production and artificial intelligence. Leo also indicated he plans to invest in local media in the U.S. over the next year.  

The call from Leo for his groups to "operationalize" and "weaponize" their ideas has been met with anger from liberal critics. 

"Leonard Leo’s brazen call to 'weaponize' the conservative movement further exposes his strategy of using his dark money network to force his right-wing agenda on everyday Americans and stack the deck in favor of the powerful few," said Carolina Ciccone, president of NGO watchdog Accountable.US. "Let’s be very clear: This isn't just about shaping conservative thought — it’s about weaponizing the very institutions that are set up to protect the rights of everyday Americans to serve the interests of right-wing special interests."

Jay Willis, former GQ writer and current editor-in-chief of progressive commentary website Balls & Strikes, accused Leo of trying to rebrand "as an Elon Musk-style culture warrior who rants about the ‘woke mind virus.’"

Israel struck by long-range missile from Yemen, 40 projectiles from Lebanon in early morning attacks

A long-range missile fired from Yemen early Sunday landed in central Israel, according to the Israeli military.

The attack prompted air raid sirens in the region and local media aired photos of what appeared to be a fragment from a missile or interceptor that landed on a train station in the central town of Modiin.

There were no reports of casualties or damage from the missile but authorities observed a fire in the rural area.

In addition to the attack from Yemen, the Israeli military said around 40 projectiles were fired from Lebanon early Sunday. Some were intercepted while the rest fell in open areas, the military said.


Nobody immediately claimed responsibility for Sunday's missile strike from Yemen. 

Local media reported sounds of explosions resulting from the missile but Israel's military said later the sound came from the interceptors.

Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels have repeatedly fired drones and missiles toward Israel since the start of Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza, which started after the terror group launched an attack on the Jewish State on Oct. 7. 

Nearly all the attacks have been intercepted over the Red Sea.

No injuries were reported from the projectiles. Israel Fire and Rescue Services are working to extinguish fires that were caused by fallen projectiles in open areas.


Since the Israel-Hamas war began nearly a year ago, Iran and rits financed terror groups have attacked Israeli and U.S. targets, which has led to retaliatory strikes from Israel and its Western allies.

Iran supports terror groups across the region — Hamas, the Houthis and Lebanon's Hezbollah — which have exchanged fire with Israel nearly every day since the war in Gaza began more than 11 months ago. Iran and its allies have said their actions come as a show of solidarity for the Palestinians.

In July, an Iranian-made drone launched by the Houthis struck Tel Aviv, killing one person and wounding 10 others. In response to that attack, Israel launched a wave of airstrikes on Houthi-held areas of Yemen.

The Houthis have also repeatedly attacked commercial shipping in the Red Sea in what they claim to be a blockade on Israel in support of the Palestinians. However, most of the ships that have been targeted have no connection to Israel.


Tens of thousands of people on both sides of the Israel-Lebanon border have been displaced due to the strikes.

Fox News' Yonat Friling and The Associated Press contributed to this report.