GREG GUTFELD: You can lie about stolen valor but you can't make veterans forget about it

So, we're finding out that much like a monkey's cage, Tim Walz is full of crap. Because, unlike the Harris campaign, people are actually vetting him. Especially the vet part. And he's about to become unburdened of the biggest highlight on his resumé, meaning his military service with the Army National Guard. As noted by the Washington Free Beacon, when Walz first ran for Congress in 2006, his campaign described him as a "veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom," which typically applies to someone who served on the ground in Afghanistan during the War on Terror. But for him, it was more like Operation Enjoying Freedom, in Italy, not Afghanistan. Here he is in 2007, after he was elected to Congress, talking about his time during that operation.

TIM WALZ: I spent 24 years in the National Guard, some of that full-time. I was an artillery man. I deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. My battalion provided base security throughout the European theater from Turkey to England, in the early stages of the war in Afghanistan. And that same battalion is now in Iraq at this time.


Now it sounds like he was a lot closer to the battlefield than he actually might be. He was, in fact, deployed to a base in Italy. He wasn't taking live fire in Operation Enduring Freedom, it was more like Operation Enduring Pasta. I kid. And in 2009, a local veteran went to his Minnesota office and asked the staffer if it's possible to mistakenly assume that he served in Afghanistan based on his website bio. And the staffer said perhaps. 


So the vet suggests, hey, maybe you should change it to say that Walz served in Italy instead. But Walz's office did nothing, though they did offer the vet a case of military-grade tampons. 

Then there's the two fellow National Guardsmen who said in 2022 that Walz reached the rank of command sergeant major but didn't complete the coursework to maintain that rank before he retired at a lower rank, which the Minnesota National Guard confirmed. Yet, even on his own website, he still calls himself command sergeant major. Apparently, his resume has more padding than Joy Behar's toilet seat. 

So, did he lie about his rank to fuel his political aspirations, just as he managed to avoid a war? Does it matter? When your job is to lead young men in battle but your desire to dine with Barrack and Michelle matters more, you probably had no business leading anyone to begin with. And yet, the Harris campaign just posted this video of Walz talking about how the weapons he carried in war shouldn't be allowed anywhere but the battlefield.

TIM WALZ: I spent 25 years in the Army, and I gave the money back. And I'll tell you what I have been doing. I've been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment. But we can do background checks. We can do CDC research. We can make sure we don't have reciprocal carry among states, and we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons work.

Next he'll tell us he used his bayonet to do butter carving. But if Tim Walz said we should ban the very weapons he carried in war and he didn't carry any weapons, doesn't that mean we can keep all of our weapons? Great. I want an Abrams tank. Again, he's never been to a war zone unless you count his state during the George Floyd riots. In reality, when his unit got called for deployment to Iraq after he'd been appointed to acting senior enlisted leader, he bailed to run for Congress. But now even CNN is calling him out.

CNN GUEST: Walz did make a comment speaking to a group, he's done it a couple of times where he has used language that has suggested that he carried weapons in a fighting situation. There is a difference between being in a combat area, being involved at a time of war, and actually being in a position where people are shooting at you. There is no evidence that at any time, Governor Walz was in a position of being shot at, and some of his language could easily be seen to suggest that he was. So that is absolutely false. 

Holy ---- that's CNN! I know. Wow. Who did Walz piss off? Did he steal one of Jake Tapper's copies of Juggs Magazine? Meanwhile, listen to Minnesota Senator Tina Smith comparing Walz to JD Vance.

SEN TINA SMITH: Well, here is Tim Walz, who enlisted when he was 17 years old. He served in the National Guard for 24 years. And I'm not aware of any military service that JD Vance has ever served. So let's just make the comparison there.

Let's not, Tina. First, you're leaving out the main point. No one is accusing Vance of lying, and it's kind of hard to believe you're not aware of any military service Vance served. What else are you not aware of? That you stole John Denver's haircut? The fact is, lies like this got Brian Williams demoted and the closest he came to combat was being near Matt Lauer's office. But apparently, the new tactic here is to muddy the waters. Right, Nance?

MSNBC'S ANDREW MITCHELL: JD Vance has criticized him as never having been in combat.

NANCY PELOSI: Has he? Has he? Has JD Vance been in combat?

ANDREA MITCHELL: Well, he was over in Iraq, I think.

I think. Wow, these are just some journalists. Now, Nance, JD never said he was in combat, unlike Walz, which you would have clearly heard if your last face lift hadn't blocked your ears. The oddest take, though, comes from Mayor Pete, who wrote, "denigrating a soldier's service based on whether he deployed to a war zone is kind of like denigrating a woman's citizenship based on whether she happens to have children." So I guess two months of paternity leave makes him an expert on childbirth? It's the worst analogy ever. A non-deployed soldier is like a childless woman? 

Maybe if the childless woman tells people if she has kids to get benefits. Mayor Pete manages to derail trains and conversations. So it seems the Dems only fight when it's political, then they circle the wagons. The problem is what they're defending for many Americans is indefensible. You can lie about stolen valor, but you can't make veterans forget about it.

MyKayla Skinner's husband says he’s 'proud' of wife's handling of feud with Simone Biles: 'Strongest person'

While MyKayla Skinner remains embroiled in a social media feud over her previous comments about the US gymnastics team, her husband is showing his support.

The retired gymnast, who won a silver medal at the Tokyo Olympics, has been at the center of controversy after she took aim at the current group of US gymnasts. She suggested Team USA lacked depth and had a poor work ethic.

"Besides Simone [Biles], I feel like the talent and the depth just isn't like what it used to be" and "the girls just don't have the work ethic." Skinner said in a now-deleted YouTube video.


In a video posted to Instagram, Skinner apologized for her previous remarks and also called on Biles "to please put a stop" to what she described as "cyberbullying."

"Watching people cheer on the bullying which has led to threats of physical harm to me, my husband and our daughter is disgusting. So please, at this point, I am just asking for it to just stop for the sake of my family because enough is enough. So why I'm here. It's because about four weeks ago, I made a comment about work ethic and what seems to be taking place with the rising generation. To be totally clear, I take 100% responsibility for poorly articulating the point I was trying to make, and the last thing I wanted was to cause harm or offend our US Olympic team," Skinner said in the video.


"My family and my friends don't deserve to be caught in a crossfire here. They've done nothing. So, to Simone, I am asking you to directly and publicly to please put a stop to this. Please ask your followers to stop. You have been an incredible champion for mental health awareness, and a lot of people need your help now. We've been hurt and attacked in ways that I am certain you never intended."

 Skinner’s husband, Jonas Harmer, then came to his wife's defense via the video's comments section.

"Proud of you for apologizing when you did, staying quiet when you did, and now standing up for yourself," Harmer wrote. "You’re the strongest person I know!"

On July 30, Biles appeared to hit back at Skinner by sharing a social media post after Team USA earned gold in the team the all-round competition. "Lack of talent, lazy, olympic champions," Biles captioned an Instagram post.

In a recent interview with PEOPLE, Biles defended calling out her former teammate, arguing it was her responsibility to "stand up" for the rest of the team.

"It's important because you have to teach them to use their voices. And if not, you're a voice for the voiceless, which is okay," Biles said. "I just felt like it was right in that moment to stand up for them, because they're so young and they haven't fully stood in their power yet."

"For somebody to stand up, I know it meant a lot for [my teammates]," Biles added.

Biles added to her storied career at the Paris Olympics, winning three golds and one silver medal.

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