National Guard report refutes Tim Walz's claim of actually toting war weapons 'in war'

Video showing Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz claiming that he carried weapons of war into actual war has surfaced. A Minnesota National Guard response to Fox News disputes the fact that Walz actually went into battle, but rather he skirted any skirmishes and retired instead, leaving his troops behind.

Walz, who’s the chosen vice presidential candidate for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, served a quarter of a century in the National Guard. 

A video of Walz making the controversial statement can be seen on X.

"I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt. I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can research the impacts of gun violence. We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war," Walz said in his speech, aiming toward voters who don't want guns on the streets.


Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Behrends, who said he was a member of Walz's battalion, blasted the governor's comments.

"To most people, that would mean that he was actually in combat, carrying a weapon in a combat zone and getting combat pay and in a dangerous and hostile environment where he is getting shot at," Behrends told the ‘Ingraham Angle’ on Wednesday.

Walz never said which war he fought. During his time in the Guard, there were two wars in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, neither of which show on his military record.


The Minnesota National Guard told Fox News that Walz was part of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) while he was stationed in Italy with his unit in 2005, but that he retired before his unit went into battle.

"Walz left the National Guard in May 2005 after 24 years of service. His unit was not given deployment orders to Iraq until July. He had put his retirement papers in 5-7 months prior to his retirement in May," the Minnesota National Guard said.

"Second, there are questions about whether he served in OEF. His battalion was sent to Europe, in his case Vicenza to train units in artillery - his specialty was artillery. If you are deployed overseas in support of OEF according to the National Guard you officially served in OEF, whether you touched foot in Afghanistan or not. That is in his official military service record below."

Fox News Digital reached out to Walz’s office for comment and received an automated response.

Walz was named this week as the running mate with Kamala Harris on the Democratic national ticket. Harris, the current vice president, will look to fill the shoes of President Biden and take on former President Donald Trump in the general election.

Trump’s running mate is J.D. Vance, who served four years in the U.S. Marine Corps. While speaking at an event Wednesday in Michigan, Vance said that Walz deserted his fellow soldiers who were heading off to war.

"You abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq," Vance said.

Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin contributed to this story.

GREG GUTFELD: Tim Walz makes Kamala Harris sound like Winston Churchill

So, within hours after Kamala Harris made Tim Walz the VP pick, the bat signal went out from the Dems to label him as a moderate, middle-of-the-road midwesterner. The reason? To cover up the fact that this guy is bat s---- crazy. Let's run through the list. While BLM and Antifa were looting and burning down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020, what did Walz do? Well, he did call out the National Guard, eventually. When seconds count, Tim Walz acts within days. Three days, in fact. So how the hell did he alert them? Did he send an e-vite to their AOL account? Was he waiting for an RSVP? Let's ask the doofus.

TIM WALZ: Decisions were made in a situation that is what it is. And, I simply believe that we tried to do the best we can in each of those. 

That made no f------ sense. No wonder Harris picked him. He makes her sound like Winston Churchill. And you know, it's the reason why I hang around Kilmeade. So, he actually called the riots an exciting event which destigmatized criminal activity and put the rights of criminals over their prey. He abandoned every victim, be they Black, White, Asian or old, because they could not be stereotyped into a group with magical protections. So, they had no power. And so he tossed aside lawful citizens to gain favor of the lawless mob. 


He was a coward, but also a snitch. At the height of the pandemic, he set up a Covid hotline where people could fink on their neighbors for not wearing masks outdoors. Outdoors! Walz also limited indoor gatherings to ten people. He declared a statewide mask mandate and shut down restaurants, gyms and other businesses. So, when there's looting and rioting, he's hands-off, but if there's a virus that's benign to just about everyone except old people, he invades your life, turns it upside down, turns people against each other and takes away their livelihoods, which is exactly the opposite of how he portrays himself now.

TIM WALZ: In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make. Even if we wouldn't make the same choice for ourselves. There's a golden rule: mind your own damn business.

You know, people would love to mind their own damn business, if you a--hole hadn't let rioters burn down those businesses. No more swearing. Even worse, Walz sent elderly Covid patients from hospitals back into nursing homes where he likely killed more old people than tainted pudding at a Matlock convention. So, while the rest of us had to stay away from our grandparents, or we were called murderers, Walz gave those grandparents a death sentence. He gets worse. He doubled down last year on letting docs give drugs and operate on kids confused about their gender. Signing a bill making Minnesota a sanctuary state for kids brainwashed into thinking they need a sex change. 

So, if you live in a sane state that has banned this butchery, your child could go to Minnesota to ruin his life. And legally, you can't do s--- about it. Remember the song "I Left My Heart in San Francisco"? Well, there's a new version, and it's, "I Left My Kids ----- in Saint Paul."


Only nut jobs want kids to get nut jobs. Yeah, the state can even take custody of your child. And they call this guy middle of the road? What road are you talking about? The one between Sodom and Gomorrah? Walz will let doctors cut your kid's ----- off while looters burn down your house. He's like a fat, bald, stupid Genghis Khan. Well, at least he doesn't think boys menstruate. Oh, wait. He signed a bill to put tampons in boys' bathrooms. That makes less sense than starting a fan club for Jesse Watters. Then there's his military service. Two fellow National Guardsmen have accused him of embellishing his military career and retiring from service after learning his battalion would be deployed to Iraq in 2005. 

I guess he prefers his war zones to be in Minnesota. So, the Republicans are calling this ticket the most left wing ever. How do you know that's true? Well, look at how obsessed the left is in portraying him as the opposite. Oh, he's not radical, he's rural. He's not Marxist, he's Midwestern. Which then poses the next question. Why are the positions that the left usually embrace they now abandon as they approach an election? Suddenly, being woke is as appealing as monkeypox. 

Social justice sanctuary cities, left-wing protests, they all take a back seat to the comfortable sweater of moderation. Eldridge Cleaver becomes Ward Cleaver. And that's the funniest thing of all. The people who spent the last four years hating everything about old White guys now embrace the very things they despise. Oh, look, he hunts. He owns a gun! He's a military vet! 

Well, just months ago, these were the things that would put him on a no-fly list. He's got to be a member of a White supremacist group, right? Reeking of toxic masculinity and dead moose. But now we just call him coach. And if the left has its way, the next Vice President of the United States.