SEAN HANNITY: Does anybody have confidence that Biden will hold China accountable?

Sean Hannity discussed how the world has become more unsafe under President Biden's faltering leadership and questioned if China will ever be held accountable on "Hannity.'


SEAN HANNITY: Under Joe Biden's failed leadership, the world has never, ever been a more dangerous place since World War II. And that includes, by the way, the Cold War and mutually assured destruction. Now, think about this. 

While Democrats are out there demagoguing – a new axis of evil is forming right before our eyes between China, Russia, Iran. And guess what? The coalition is growing on a regular basis. And it's not only posing a threat to the US, but also the rest of the world. The entire world. 

Take a look at your screen. The Chinese army released – look what they released here, this disturbing video on state run television showing what their attack on Taiwan would look like. That's state television. The message is unmistakably clear. China is preparing and ready for war. 

President Xi mentioned it within the last two weeks. Does anybody have any confidence at all that your president, Joe, will hold them accountable? He's completely powerless.

LAURA INGRAHAM: Biden's foreign policy is the definition of insanity

Fox News host Laura Ingraham laid out how President Biden is supporting the global elites as they attempt to create a new world order on "The Ingraham Angle."

LAURA INGRAHAM: Of course, Europe was ecstatic about Biden because they knew they could roll him and they could continue free riding on our military budget and even side with our adversary with impunity. Which brings us to current day, where that exact scenario is playing out. And tonight I'm going to say it's official. That cute little Frenchman has a man crush. French President Emmanuel Macron had a long date with President Xi this past weekend. And it was a whirlwind romance in Beijing. And although no specific commitments were announced, things move very fast. But I guess when you know, you know. Right? 


Very exciting. And then Macron let it be known that France needed to break free from its old monogamous relationship with America. Now, when he was asked about supporting our efforts to defend Taiwan, should China decide to invade? The little chap answered with a question. Is it in our interest to accelerate a crisis with Taiwan? No, he said, urging Europe not to become followers of ours on the China question. Well, the truth is, for some time, little Emanuel has been arguing for autonomy for Europe, basically for his entire tenure. Now. Now, if only he meant it. If only Europe could be self-sufficient, we could have saved, what? $200 billion that we've now blown in Ukraine to basically create a standoff with Russia. But as it stands now, Joe Biden's foreign policy is the definition of insanity. 

Now, just as Trump predicted, it is illogical and self-defeating. First, we're spending a fortune in a proxy war with Ukraine, carrying the lion's share of the burden against Russia. Second, we continued to demand nothing but love from Europe in return. Third, we say nothing publicly when Macron stabs us in the face over China and Taiwan. Fourth, we continue to make China rich by trading with them as a most favored nation. And fifth, China's massive trade surplus with us, helps them continue their military buildup, which is threatening a military takeover of Taiwan. Six – our own military leaders are doubting our ability to defend Taiwan. So I ask you tonight, how does any of this make any sense?