Lawmakers get into hallway shouting match over gun violence as Democrat calls Republicans 'cowards'

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., got into a shouting match with Rep. Jamal Bowman, D-NY, in the halls of Congress after the Democrat called Republicans "cowards" for not supporting gun control in the wake of Monday's school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.

Bowman was preaching about Republicans' lack of courage in front of a throng of reporters as other lawmakers filed past. Bowman accused Republicans of not caring about the six victims in this week's school shooting in Nashville.

"What are they doing about it? Nothing. They don't have the courage. They're cowards," Bowman can be heard shouting as the video begins. "Three 9-year-olds. Are they going to those funerals? No!"

Bowman continues ranting for more than a minute as lawmakers file past him into another room. Massie stopped as he attempted to do the same and then challenged Bowman.

"You know there's never been a shooting at a school that allows teachers to carry?" Massie said.

"More guns? More guns leads to more death," Bowman shouted back.


Bowman continued to shout as another lawmaker approached and appeared to try to calm down the Democrat. Nevertheless, Massie and Bowman continued to talk over one another for more than a minute.

The Democrat soon tweeted another perspective of the encounter, captioning the post by stating "Republicans won't do S--- when it comes to gun violence."

Massie responded on Twitter with his own take of the incident as well.

"He wanted to discuss solutions to school shootings, but when I offered a solution he began shouting," Massie wrote of Bowman. "When he asked for data, I gave him data, but then he just shouted more. Bring facts. There’s never been a school shooting in the hundreds of schools that allow staff to carry."

Republicans on Capitol Hill have made it clear that they are not willing to move forward with any gun control legislation following Monday's attack, which saw Audrey Hale, a transgender man, gun down six people at The Covenant School in Tennessee.


President Biden has stated that there are no more actions he can take as president to unilaterally enforce more gun control measures. He now argues that "the Congress has to act."

"I have gone the full extent of my executive authority, to do on my own, anything about guns," Biden said Tuesday.

Democrats in Washington are pushing for a universal ban on so-called "assault" weapons, but the push lacks support from Republicans.

Biden nominee coordinated dark money climate nuisance lawsuits involving Leonardo DiCaprio

President Biden's nominee to lead the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) was previously involved in a dark money-fueled effort to file numerous climate nuisance lawsuits across the country.

Ann Carlson, who currently serves as acting NHTSA administrator, was formerly an environmental law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles where she also served as the co-director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment. During her time at the institute, she coordinated with its chairman Dan Emmett to raise money for lawsuits designed to hobble the fossil fuel industry.

Carlson and Emmett revealed details about their behind-the-scenes efforts to spearhead the litigation in email correspondence from 2017 and 2018 obtained by the watchdog group Government Accountability & Oversight (GAO) and highlighted in a Fox News Digital report last year. The two worked to raise money that was then funneled through nonprofit organizations to the private law firm Sher Edling.

In their emails, Emmett and Carlson discuss how Chuck Savitt, Sher Edling's director of strategic client relationships, had sought Emmett's support and had already received support from Terry Tamminen in his role as the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation's CEO, a title he held between 2016 and 2019. Tamminen now serves on the advisory board of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment.


"Chuck Savitt who is heading this new organization behind the lawsuits has been seeking our support," Emmett wrote to Carlson on July 22, 2017. "Terry Tamminen in his new role with the DiCaprio Foundation has been a key supporter."

Emmett also forwarded a message Savitt sent him three days earlier on July 19, 2017, asking for his support. Savitt mentioned in the earlier email that Sher Edling's first lawsuits were filed with the support of the Collective Action Fund for Accountability, Resilience and Adaptation, a fund managed at the time by dark money group Resources Legacy Fund (RLF).


"Wanted to let you know that we filed the first three lawsuits supported by the Collective Action Fund on Monday," Savitt told Emmett in the email. "These precedent setting cases call on 37 of the world's leading fossil fuel companies to take responsibility for the devastating damage sea level rise - caused by their greenhouse gas emissions - is having on coastal communities."

Sher Edling wiped mention of Savitt from its website two days after Fox News Digital first reported on the emails in August.

The email correspondence between Carlson and Emmett took place two months before the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation publicly announced it would contribute $20 million in grants to various climate and conservation causes. The group's announcement, which has since been deleted but remains archived, included a grant to the RLF "to support precedent-setting legal actions to hold major corporations in the fossil fuel industry liable," closely mirroring Savitt's language.

And in 2018, the records showed Carlson emailed Emmett asking if she could mention his and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation's involvement in the fundraising scheme to other prospective donors. 

Emmett green-lit the idea, adding that she could tell others that "Terry's organization and I are both serious supporters, that you are an advisor, that the science is there, that it could do more for the environment than just about anything going on if it succeeds."


In addition to the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and the Emmett Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund and JPB Foundation have contributed to the Collective Action Fund since 2017. The RLF, in turn, contributed more than $5.2 million to Sher Edling between 2017 and 2020, according to the group's tax filings during that period. 

RLF's fiscal sponsorship of the Collective Action Fund was then quietly shifted to the New Venture Fund — a nonprofit incubator at the billion-dollar dark money network managed by Arabella Advisors consulting firm — which wired $3 million to Sher Edling in 2021 alone, additional tax filings showed.

Overall, Sher Edling has filed lawsuits on behalf of the states of Delaware, Minnesota, Rhode Island and New Jersey, and the cities of Washington, D.C., New York City, Baltimore, Honolulu and San Francisco, in addition to several other cities and counties nationwide. The lawsuits allege fossil fuel companies have waged campaigns of deception about the science of climate change for decades.

"Obviously, the donors created — including DiCaprio — several purported arms' lengths," Chris Horner, a lawyer who represented GAO in a case involving the emails, told Fox News Digital in August.

"This model used a couple of pass-throughs, by which DiCaprio and, it appears, Dan Emmett and others could run things, including DiCaprio's foundation and Resources Legacy Fund, and they're not seen as financing the assault," Horner added.

The White House announced Monday that Carlson's nomination for NHTSA administrator was sent to the Senate for confirmation. The NHTSA didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.