LAURA INGRAHAM: It's incumbent upon us to teach kids their worth before it's too late

Laura Ingraham discusses how America needs to save its youth before more hopelessness and tragedies take over on "The Ingraham Angle."

LAURA INGRAHAM: Our educational, our corporate and our political leaders are creating Generation L — L for lost and lonely and looking, looking for meaning and love in all the wrong places. Now, as is typical, the Left rushes to deflect blame for where their horrid policies and anti-values have taken us…

You know what's not a distraction? The fact that more young people today are reporting mental illness. Suicidal thoughts, depression — they're reporting more of this than ever before. So they're more connected with the internet and all their devices, yet they're less connected than ever before. Why is that?


Well, social media is a black hole encouraging bullying, buffoonery, sexualization of young people — a total time-suck, and of course, encouraging body image disorders. Most Americans are just waking up now to the grip it has on our kids. We don't want our children to turn out as entitled cynics or despondent slackers. That means it's incumbent upon each of us to teach them that they have inherent worth as human beings; that God has a special path for them — all of them; and that yes, they're blessed to live in our country, which has been founded on liberty; that there's virtue in hard work and patriotism. 

Putin 'knew not to mess around with me,' Trump says as Ukraine war began under Biden

Former President Donald Trump told Fox News on Tuesday that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin had an amicable yet stern relationship, recounting he warned the ex-KGB agent not to invade Ukraine.

Trump told "Hannity" he does not like to boast about such things, but underlined Putin seemingly understood not to invade another sovereign country while he was president of the United States.

"Putin would have never gone into Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it – I said ‘better not do it’. And he wouldn't have – we had a very friendly conversation about it: I said, 'Hey, Vladimir, you can't go into Ukraine."

While Putin executed his invasion after President Biden took office, "Hannity" host Sean Hannity asked Trump why he claims "with such conviction" that the Russian strongman would have backed down if he had been reelected.


"Because he knew not to mess around with me," Trump said, before footnoting "I don't want to say that."

"You know why? Because you'd say – Oh – I don't like people who say 'oh, they fear me' like a schmuck. I don't want to say it, but did they fear me? I suspect they did."

Trump went on to recount gifting then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel a white flag, which in previous interviews he claimed the CDU leader did not initially understand the meaning of.

"You never heard of Nord Stream II until I came along. [It's] the pipeline the biggest pipeline in the world - they're building it to Germany," he said, adding that he sent Merkel the flag as a symbol of her "surrender" to the Russians in regard to energy security.


"I said, ‘Angela, are you crazy?’," he remarked. "She also let millions of people into our country, which has, you know, perhaps permanently screwed up her country."

Trump added he was laughed at by the Berlin delegation during a United Nations address during which he warned about Russia's economic deals with European nations in that regard.

"They thought it was so funny when I said ‘Germany should not have made a deal with Russia on Nord Stream II – on a pipeline supplying their energy’... They're not laughing anymore."


Trump also said the Chinese spy balloon incident would not have transpired as it had under Biden's watch – as the dirigible floated freely aross Alaska, into Canada, entering the Lower 48 in the Mountain West, and continuing unimpeded all the way to the Carolina coast where it was finally shot down over the ocean.

Hannity noted the public may not have even known about the dirigible if not for a keen-eyed Montanan with a camera.

"I wouldn't have done anything with the balloon because it wouldn't have happened under me," he said.

"They wouldn't have done it. I'm just telling you -- just like Putin would have never gone into Ukraine," Trump said.