Gov. Hobbs faces backlash from Arizona Republicans for 'foolish' decision to scrap border strike force

A move by Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs to scrap a Border Strike Force in the state is sparking criticism from Republicans in the state -- although it does have the backing of at least one Democrat.

Hobbs, a Democrat, said that she intends to reroute funding for the strike force, which was set up in 2015 by former Gov. Doug Ducey, and said the money could be used to coordinate a law enforcement response at the border.

"What our budget intends to do is to reallocate those funds where they can be most purposeful. I’ve said this before, recent reporting has indicated it's not a force, it’s not striking at the border, and so we can repurpose those dollars to where they can be more beneficial in terms of coordinating a law enforcement response at the border," she said during a tour of the border with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

According to its website, the force is part of the Arizona Department of Public Safety and "not only targets border crimes but provides a comprehensive collaborative approach to help secure Arizona’s border and thwart transnational criminal organizations."


The agency’s mission includes identifying and targeting transnational criminal organizations and strengthening deterrent efforts aimed at smugglers and drug traffickers.

"The BSF operations focus on roving criminal interdiction patrol details, intelligence-led remote area operations, outbound details, and deterrent saturation patrols to identify, deter, disrupt, and dismantle criminal organizations," it says.

However, Hobbs has referenced reporting by the Arizona Republic, which cast doubt on the work of the unit and found that most of its work occurred outside the four main border counties, although it did report that the force had made some "impressive" drug busts. Jeffrey Glover, the new head of the Arizona Department of Public Safety, also said recently that he supports the move to reroute the funding.


The decision to ditch the force has the support of one of the most high-profile Democrats in the state -- U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., whose office stressed the overall need for resources at the border.

"What’s most important to Senator Kelly is that resources get to where they are most needed, which this step will still do, so law enforcement has the tools they need to help stop drug and human trafficking while keeping our communities safe," spokesperson Marisol Samayoa told Fox News Digital.

However, Republicans in the House caucus tore into the move, saying that it is part of a pattern from Hobbs’ administration and will only serve to weaken border security in the state just as it is still dealing with a historic migrant crisis.

"In the same manner that Joe Biden has destroyed our country with his welcomed support for the prolonged lawlessness and drug crisis along our southern border, Katie Hobbs is destroying Arizona in three short months since taking office by her reckless dismantling of the Border Strike Task Force," Rep. Paul Gosar, said. "Countless more people will die from Hobbs’ open border policies."

Rep. Andy Biggs called the move "shameful."

"The courageous members of the Arizona Border Strike Force Bureau keep Arizonans safer every day. There is no rational reason to undermine border and national security efforts amid a historic border crisis," he said.

Rep. Debbie Lesko, said the force "was created to help combat the criminal cartels who are now freely smuggling migrants and record-amounts of deadly drugs across our southern border." 

"It is unacceptable that Governor Hobbs would take away this important resource meant to restore Arizona’s border security and stop the criminal cartels," she said.

Rep. Eli Crane, meanwhile, said that the dismantling is "foolish and indicative of her party’s cowardly and destructive border policies."

"The Border Strike Task Force was established to protect Arizona’s communities from international criminal organizations – namely the Mexican cartels plaguing our southern border with illicit drug smuggling and human trafficking," Crane said.

Crane accused Hobbs of having "done nothing to secure our border or make Arizona’s families safer." 

"Instead of working tirelessly to protect Arizona’s families from the deadly effects of Mexican fentanyl and sex traffickers, she’s too busy waging war on "hair discrimination" and vetoing common sense budget proposals that would help everyday Arizonans. Now, by announcing plans to abolish the Border Strike Task Force, she’s joining the likes of Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden in actively worsening the crisis at our border."

The move comes amid an ongoing battle in Washington D.C. as well as border states over the ongoing crisis. Republicans are blaming the migrant surge on the Biden administration’s "open-border" policies, while Democrats and the administration have targeted Republicans for falling to agree to border funding requests made by the administration.

Israel’s president calls for halt to Netanyahu-led judicial reform as countrywide protests intensify

Israel’s ceremonial president has urged an immediate halt to the country’s planned judicial overhaul after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s newly announced proposal prompted tens of thousands of people to gather in the streets in protest.

Isaac Herzog’s plea comes hours after Netanyahu fired Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who condemned the plan which includes government reforms. Universities across the country have shut their doors in protest and trade unions are also expected to call for a general strike.

The plea also comes as reservists of Israel's military joined mass protests outside Netanyahu’s home in Tel Aviv on Sunday, raising concerns the protests could potentially escalate into violence, officials said.

According to Dan Arbell, a scholar-in-residence at the Center for Israeli Studies at American University, Israeli Defense Forces reservists mostly remain out of political protests and their presence adds significance to the tens of thousands that have since gathered.


The reservists are mainly composed of former combat pilots, special forces members, and military intelligence officers, who will not answer calls for military service should the Netanyahu-led Knesset carry through with its planned overhaul, they have said.

The controversial plan includes passing legislation that would increase the legislative branch's control over the lawmaking process, among other instrumental initiatives.

"The entire nation is rapt with deep worry. Our security, economy, society — all are under threat," President Herzog said. "Wake up now!"


Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, a former ally turned rival of Netanyahu, highlighted the severity of the ongoing crisis during an interview with Israeli Army Radio, where he said Israel was "in a landslide of losing control."

"We haven't been in such a dangerous situation in 50 years," Bennett said.

First, the plan would give Knesset — and not the courts — final control over new legislation as it would create an "override clause" that allows a simple majority of the parliament to re-enact any law struck down by the Supreme Court.

Netanyahu has publicly argued that unelected Supreme Court justices wield too much power.

"We must all stand up strongly against refusals," Netanyahu tweeted Sunday.

His Likud party similarly argued the judicial branch was too strong and said they favor restoring "balance… for selecting judges and abolishing the undemocratic situation in which the judges appoint themselves."

"This method in which the representatives of the public choose judges is used in almost all democracies in the world," the political party said. "The claim that the abolition of the mechanism by which the judges appoint themselves is the 'end of democracy' lacks foundation."

Gallant, who is a member of Netanyahu's ruling Likud party, was critical of the proposed change and said in a televised speech on Saturday that it is "a clear, immediate and tangible danger to the security of the state."

"As Minister of Defense of the State of Israel, I emphasize that the growing rift in our society penetrates the IDF and security agencies," Gallant said per the report. "I will not allow this. But now, I declare loudly and publicly, for the sake of Israel's security, for the sake of our sons and daughters – the legislative process should be stopped."


The legislation also changes the process for adding constitutional amendments and judicial appointments.

The courts are the only check to the executive and legislative branches, which are jointly controlled by the ruling coalition. According to Arbell, the new plan weakens the courts and increases the power of the coalition in charge, which is currently Netanyahu’s Likud party.

The party explained in a tweet on Monday, March 20: "The law does not allow the coalition or the opposition to take over the court, but guarantees that there will be diversity in the composition of the judges."

Supreme Court President Esther Hayut gave a public speech on Jan. 12, when she warned the proposed reforms are "meant to be a mortal wound to the independence of the judiciary and to turn it into a silent institution," Arbell reported.

Netanyahu reportedly spent Sunday evening consulting with advisors and is set to address the protests later Monday.

In addition to changing the relationship between the legislative and judicial branches of government, Netanyahu's intended government reforms include accelerating the privatization of the country’s media — allowing those in power to favor friendly outlets while also being able to brand less-than-friendly outlets as hostile, Arbell reported.

Another reform allows businesses the option to exclude certain customers or services based on owners’ or employees’ religious convictions.

The prime minister contends the legislation, which critics argue is potentially discriminatory, will protect religious practices.

"We will not advance any law against the Christian community," Netanyahu said on Twitter last week.

Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving leader, and the Lukid party regained control of the government on Dec. 29, 2022.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.