Meghan Markle 'hated being a second-rate princess' before making her royal exit, palace staffer claims

Meghan Markle allegedly "hated being a second-rate princess" before she made her royal exit with Prince Harry.

The claim was made by a Kensington Palace staffer "who remembered Meghan well" in a new book written by Tom Quinn titled "Gilded Youth: An Intimate History of Growing Up in the Royal Family." It features exclusive testimony from palace staff with historical sources, as well as royal insiders. It aims to examine the traditional upbringing of the British royal family and how it has impacted them over the years.

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment concerning Quinn’s book. However, a spokesperson previously told Fox News Digital that the palace does not generally comment "on such books."

Quinn told Fox News Digital that the former American actress identified with Princess Diana, a member of the royal family who was treated unfairly by the press and then hounded by paparazzi until her tragic death in 1997 at age 36.


"It’s very easy to see why Meghan would identify with Diana because, in a sense, Diana was also a rebel within the royal family," Quinn explained. "Their views of the royal family coincide. They’re very similar. Diana hated all that stuffiness. She didn’t like the pheasant shooting that she was dragged along to. And it’s interesting because Diana grew up in that world. She grew up on an enormous estate. The Spencers are one of the most aristocratic families in the U.K. They’ve married into the royal family for over 500-600 years. But I think when Meghan thinks of Diana, she sees a kindred spirit."

According to Quinn’s book, the palace staffer described the 41-year-old as "a very nice, smiley, super-positive person." However, as someone who "always felt in control of her own destiny" she found herself in an institution "she couldn’t influence."

"She was dazzled by the worldwide fame that being a princess would bring, but she was shocked by the palace protocol and by the fact that she was not and never could be first in the pecking order," the staffer alleged, as quoted in Quinn's book. "She hated the constraints and the rules; she hated being a second-rate princess – second to Catherine Middleton, I mean. She thought she would be living in Windsor Castle, for example, and just couldn’t believe it when she and Harry were given Nottingham Cottage on the grounds of Kensington Palace."

Markle, a star on the legal drama "Suits," became the Duchess of Sussex when she married the British prince, 38, in 2018.

Six months after their royal wedding, it was revealed that the couple would set up a home at Frogmore Cottage. A Buckingham Palace statement confirmed that the couple had accepted the gift from Queen Elizabeth II.


At the time, the Sussexes were living in Nottingham Cottage, or "Nott Cott." It appeared in the couple’s Netflix documentary that premiered in December. In the six-part docuseries, Markle recalled how the modest two-bedroom residence took Oprah Winfrey by surprise.

"We were living on palace grounds," said Markle. "Kensington Palace sounds very regal – of course, it does, it says ‘palace’ in the name, but Nottingham Cottage was a small [house]."

The staffer said that Markle was in for a rude awakening when she became a member of the royal family.

"She hated the fact that she had to do what she was told and go where she was told in the endless, and to a large extent pointless royal round," the source alleged. "I don’t think in the whole of history there was ever a greater divide between what someone expected when they became a member of the royal family and what they discovered it was really like. She was hugely disappointed. She was a global superstar but was being told what she could and could not do, what she could and could not say. She hated it."

The source noted that Markle "quickly realized that she was treated by the royal establishment and the aristocratic advisers in a slightly condescending way because she was not a blood royal."

Quinn said that like Markle, Diana "didn’t like all the rules you had to obey." When the press began targeting Markle, it only confirmed her feelings that "she was very much like Diana."


However, he said the two women could not be more different.

"I think what Meghan forgets is that Diana may have occasionally been very cross that a newspaper said things about her that she didn’t like, but she was also absolutely brilliant at getting the newspapers on her side," he said. "The paparazzi chased her everywhere, but she was also very good at getting [the press] to say wonderful things about her. At times, people used to joke in the U.K. that newspapers talked about Diana as if she was Mother Theresa of Calcutta. And I think Meghan forgets that Diana also used the press. Diana liked the press because they helped her create this global image that she was eventually able to enjoy."

Still, Quinn could see why Markle identified with her late mother-in-law.

"Diana wanted to go to the cinema, she wanted to do all the fun things, not the old-fashioned things," he explained. "Diana didn’t like all the rules you had to obey. For example, in Kensington Palace at the time, if one of the members of the family wanted to go to the hairdresser in the morning, they had to check there wasn’t a more senior royal going out roughly at the same time. It was ridiculous. They can’t just leave. They just can’t go for a walk without checking in and making sure you’re not upstaging a more important member of the family. Diana hated all of that."

The palace staffer alleged that while Middleton dealt with the same media scrutiny as Prince William's wife, she "used charm and patience to get people on her side rather than trying to hector them into being nice to her."

"The thing to remember is that there is no limit to Meghan’s ambition, and like most fiercely ambitious people, she never thinks, ‘Have I got this wrong? Am I overreacting?’" the staffer alleged in the book. "But it remains true that she is a lovely person so long as she is never crossed."


Quinn, who has covered the British royal family for decades, had some advice for Markle.

"If she wants to be like Diana, she needs to maybe be nicer to the press," he said. "Fighting with them and continually complaining about them – it doesn’t do any good. Every time Meghan complains, the newspapers turn that into a story. A friend of mine said, ‘If the tabloids in the U.K. won’t leave you alone, if they’re constantly pestering you, there’s no point in shouting at them, throwing pots and pans at them. The best thing to do is to make them a cup of tea, serve it on a tray and take it out to them. Be nice to them because the British tabloids never expect that.' And that’s what Diana did, metaphorically."

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped back as senior royals in 2020. They now reside in California with their two children.

GREG GUTFELD: Russell Brand walked away from stardom and canceled cancel culture

Here we go. Here we go. There we are, look at that. Look at that. Somebody should have told me about my collar. I'm firing somebody. I don't know who it is. Happy Thursday, everyone. I'm super excited. 

I'm welcoming Russell Brand to the show. Yes! I've been a fan of Brand for decades, ever since his talk show Big Brothers's Big Mouth. It's a show that was so outrageous, legal wouldn't even let us show it, which sucks. But even at the start of his career, he was a brilliant brain in search of food at a time when the shelves were bare. But now Brand has made the most abrupt change in his career, in any career since O.J. Simpson. Brand was a great comedian, successful actor, bigger than most rock stars. It helped that he looked like Rasputin had sex with Janis Joplin. They even had him play rock stars in movies because he was better at it than they were. And before he got sober, he proved no amount of drugs could take him down. So he's a comedian, TV star, movie star, married to pop star's hyper-articulate, dresses like a shabby hypnotist, tall and handsome, the hippest guy in Shangri-La. I mean, he inspired me to get hair plugs on my chest. 


And what does he do? He walks away from it. He walks away from it like Hunter Biden strolling away from a stripper's baby. Literally, he lets it go, and for what? To do a podcast, because you know, we don't have enough of them. But he wasn't pushed. He wasn't a victim of cancel culture. No, it's the opposite. They didn't cancel him. He canceled them and no one does that ever. He dumped stardom. So who was the side piece he couldn't resist? Something called truth. Here's a taste.

RUSSEL BRAND MARCH 3, 2023: I've been on that MSNBC mate. It was propagandist. It's nut crackery.

HOST MARCH 3, 2023: Just give me, give me a specific example.

RUSSEL BRAND MARCH 3, 2023: Here are examples: The ludicrous, outrageous criticisms of Joe Rogan around ivermectin were deliberately referring to as a horse medicine, when they know it's an effective medicine here. What about Rachel Maddow turning on the TV saying, "If you take this vaccine, you're not going to get it," when it hadn't been clinical trialed... You're participating in the same game.

I feel so bad for him. It's like he wore that Joy Division shirt for nothing. But it's not like Brand was knocking just MSNBC. He was knocking us as well, but I can take it I'm a big boy, even though I buy my shoes at Baby Gap, because I know that I am biased. Just like I know that I'm short or strikingly handsome. That's the difference. I don't pretend you'd mistake me for Edward R. Murrow, mainly because he's dead and still gets better ratings than Don Lemon.


So what could drive a movie star to leave it all behind to join an uncertain future, one that may in fact offer a way out? Well, today we're watching a narrative pumped up by algorithms and media corporations that incite conflict because it makes money, and it preserves the power of such algorithms and corporate bosses. It directs our behavior by spiking our anger with every headline and missing fact and as long as we as a nation fight amongst ourselves, we can't fight them. It's genius, really. If only someone had said this three years ago.

GREG GUTFELD SEPTEMBER 26, 2020: We're watching a narrative pumped up by algorithms and media corporations inciting conflict because it makes money, and it preserves the power of such algorithms and corporate bosses. It directs our behavior by spiking our anger with every headline and missing fact and as long as we as a nation fight amongst ourselves, we can't fight them. It's genius, really.

Wow. It's almost like age backward. Five years from now, I'll be doing this show in a diaper. So that's how I feel about Russell. How does he feel about me? I bet Greg Gutfeld vibrates as a human being in hatred.

RUSSELL BRAND AUGUST 27, 2014: Greg Gutfeld vibrates as a human being in hatred... Greg's a bit of a swine and a bit of a snipe.... You're a silly sausage. You're stealing oxygen, and you're wasting time... Your name, your weird facial orifice looks like a caving in anus and most importantly, your views, your espousing of hatred, your emptiness, you're, the echoing tub of your mind.

Very good. F.Y.I., after describing my face as an anus, he received thousands of complaint letters, but from anuses. By the way, I consider that a compliment. The anus is very important. I can crack a stock of celery in half. So did I burn all my posters of him at a bonfire? No, because I remember that I had it coming.


GREG GUTFELD AUGUST 26, 2014: You know, it's bad when a left wing commie scum named Russell Brand actually weighs in... While Russell Brand is lecturing the United States on bigotry, the deadliest form of bigotry radical Islam is spewing from his homeland, but he's too much of a coward to actually focus on that.... He should talk about what's going on in his home and not in ours.

So there you go. I'm bad, if not worse, which is why I'm grateful Brand came here because he didn't have to. He doesn't need me, that's for sure. Meanwhile, as Brand visits us, and Bill Maher, and Joe Rogan and Tucker, we see how corporate media and the government it protects go after all four. We know how CNN accused Rogan of advocating taking horse pills. It was a lie so bold, even horses said, "nay." But it was a direct attack on someone threatening their power. And now here's a headline from The New Statesman about Russell Brand: We Have Lost Russell Brand. And why? 

You know, I didn't read the article because it was behind a paywall and if I want to give money to progressives, I'll tip a barista. But the reason? He's no longer saying what they want him to say, just using the word "lost" implies they owned him in the first place. But now he's what Elizabeth Warren would call off the reservation. And of course, there's Tucker, who adds more and not less information to a story that the media claims is bigger than 9/11 and yet when they get all this new stuff, they go after him instead. And why? Because he undermined their corrupt narrative. And there's this an actual senator.

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER CHUCK SCHUMER: Last night, millions of Americans tuned in to one of the most shameful hours we have ever seen on cable television... And he's going to come back tonight with another segment. Fox News should tell him not to. I urge Fox News to order Carlson to cease propagating the big lie on his network and to level with their viewers about the truth.


That's one of our oldest senators, you can smell him before he enters the room. It's a combo of Bengay and ----. He's calling a private company to censor an employee. I think it's good to hear that out in the open because, you know, they always say the First Amendment only applies to the public sphere. But when the government puts its thumb on a private company, that's censorship, too. And now the FTC is asking Elon Musk to identify all journalists who had access to Twitter Files. Any word from any media reporters? Nope. I haven't seen a media this speechless since The View discovered an old donut in Joy Behar's armpit. And today, this is from today, watch how these Democrats treat Matt Taibbi.

REP. SYLVIA GARCIA: When was the first time that Mr. Musk approached you about writing the Twitter Files?

MATT TAIBBI: You're asking a journalist to reveal his source?

REP. SYLVIA GARCIA: So, then you consider Mr. Musk to be the direct source of all of this?

MATT TAIBBI: No. Now you're, you're trying to get me to say that he is the source.

REP. SYLVIA GARCIA: If you're telling me you can't answer because he's your source, well, then the only logical conclusion is that he is, in fact, your source.

MATT TAIBBI: Well, you're free to conclude that.

REP. SYLVIA GARCIA: Well, sir, I just don't understand. You can't have it both ways.

REP. JIM JORDAN: No, he can. He's a journalist.

REP. SYLVIA GARCIA: No he can't.


I guess if democracy dies in darkness, they're the ones turning off the lights. So it's an implosion of a two party system, but not in government, it's the media. We've been stuck in the prison of two ideas for so long. You have two choices, left or right, but now it's falling apart. 

People like Brand, Tucker, Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, they're voices that identify with no one, and yet millions identify with them. If that's how the future looks, we should all be happy. And it's thanks in no small part to the epic journey of Mr. Russell Brand, may continue says this flapping anus.