Taiwan's defense ministry says dozens of Chinese military aircraft entered air space near island

Dozens of Chinese military aircraft and four ships were detected around Taiwan on Sunday amid increased tensions, Taiwan's defense ministry said. 

At least 28 of the Chinese aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, an unofficial buffer zone that separates the island from China. 

The People's Liberation Army's Eastern Theater Command said in a statement that they conducted "joint combat readiness patrols and actual combat drills" to "resolutely counter the provocative actions of external forces and Taiwan independence separatist forces." 

Taiwan's defense ministry said aircraft, ships, and land-based missile systems were activated to respond to the incursion. It's the second time this week that China's military has flown aircraft near Taiwan. 


Tensions came to a head in August after then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan, with China picking up the frequency of combat drills around the island in recent months. 

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said this week that he thinks war can be avoided

"There is a risk of conflict with respect to Taiwan, but I believe that with responsible stewardship, we can ensure that this contingency never comes to pass. And that is our responsibility," Sullivan told NPR. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping told President Biden at the November G20 summit in Bali that the Taiwan question was the "very core of China’s core interests" and the "first red line" in bilateral ties. 

President Biden said after that meeting that he does "not think there's any imminent attempt on the part of China to invade Taiwan." 

Reuters contributed to this report. 

German police detain Iranians accused of plotting 'Islamist-motivated attack' after US tip

Two Iranian men were detained by German police on Saturday evening after receiving a tip from U.S. security officials that they were plotting an attack, according to Munster police and German press reports. 

Munster police officials said that the two men were suspected of preparing "a serious act of violence" involving cyanide and ricin to "commit an Islamist-motivated attack." 

The two men, ages 25 and 32, were taken into custody in Castrop-Rauxel, a town in Western Germany just outside of Dortmund. 

Ricin is a poison found naturally in castor beans, while cyanide is a deadly chemical that can exist in various forms. 


The extent of the suspects' plans wasn't immediately known. Investigators wearing hazmat suits searched the house on Sunday, but no toxins were located, according to police. 

The FBI tipped officials off about the planned attack, according to the German newspaper Bild. 

A spokesperson for the FBI declined to comment on Sunday. 

A 31-year-old Tunisian man was convicted in Germany of manufacturing a biological weapon in 2020 after buying thousands of castor beans to produce ricin, then testing it on a dwarf hamster. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.