China reportedly floods Twitter with porn to block news of widespread COVID protests

China is reportedly spamming Twitter with posts about porn and escorts in an apparent attempt to block news about the widespread protests across the country against COVID lockdowns

Users searching for major Chinese cities that have seen mass demonstrations like Beijing and Shanghai will "mostly see ads for escorts/porn/gambling, drowning out legitimate search results," Air-Moving Devices tweeted, along with a series of charts. 

"Still working on our own analysis, but here is some good initial data that points to this being an intentional attack to throw up informational chaff and reduce external visibility into protests in China (Twitter being blocked for most PRC citizens)," Alex Stamos., director of the Stanford Internet Observatory, retweeted.


Stanford University’s Mengyu Dong also shared images of Chinese escort ads, possibly made in an effort to make it difficult to access information about the mass demonstrations. 

"Some of these acts have been dormant for years, only to become active … after protests broke out in China," she wrote. 

She noted that one account joined Twitter in 2015 but that all of its more than 2,000 tweets have come within the past 15 hours. Another joined in March and had only sent four tweets before Nov. 26. By the next day, it had more than 3,000 posts. 

Former U.S. diplomat David Cowhig also questioned the timing of the sexually-explicit accounts. 

"Chinese net censors at attacking this Twitter tag by posting great numbers of sexy photos to distract people from Wuhan protests?" he wrote. "Or just to jam the channel?

Fox News has reached out to Twitter. 

China has erupted in chaos in recent days over leaders Xi Jinping's tightening of the nation's COVID lockdowns. 

Protests began over the weekend across China over the country's "zero-COVID" policy. Ten people burned alive in an apartment in Urumqi, which reportedly was a result of the Beijing's hardline COVID restrictions. 

Chinese citizens have taken to the streets to voice anger and outrage over the measures. 

Arizona sees an increase in child deaths during 2021

Drownings, child neglect and firearms contributed to an increase in child deaths in Arizona during 2021, marking the highest rate of child deaths in the last 10 years, according to an annual report issued by the state.

The review released earlier this month by the state Child Fatality Review Program said Arizona’s child mortality rate increased by 4.7% from 51 deaths per 100,000 children in 2020 to 53.4 deaths per 100,000 children in 2021, The Arizona Republic reported.

A total of 863 children died in Arizona last year, up from 838 the prior year.

Nearly half of last year’s deaths were preventable, according to authors of the report, who based their analysis on reviews of death certificates, autopsy reports, hospital records, law enforcement reports, and any other relevant documents that provide insight into the cause of a child’s death.


Arizona child death rates from drowning and abuse or neglect "increased drastically" from 2020, says the report. Child drownings doubled from 22 deaths in 2020 to 44 deaths in 2021, and drowning was the most common cause of death in children ages 1 through 4 years old, the report says.

"We were very surprised to see how many drownings we had. It’s been going down in that category for many years and now it went back up again. That was very concerning," said Dr. Mary Ellen Rimsza, a pediatrician who chairs the Arizona Child Fatality State Team. "It’s very tragic how it can happen so quickly in situations where people have a backyard pool."

There were 128 Arizona children who died from abuse or neglect in 2021, up from 95 such deaths in 2020.

"The majority of those are not abuse. They are neglect. And so I think we need to consider, what are the situations where neglect occurs," Rimsza said. "Some of it isn’t intentional neglect, it’s neglect through a lack of money for a place to live, for childcare, so they have unsafe childcare situations."

Rimsza noted that substance use played a role in more than half of the child deaths from abuse or neglect in 2021, a factor that in some cases may have been related to COVID-19. Numerous reports and studies have indicated that use of drugs and alcohol increased during the pandemic due to, among other things, stress and isolation.