Anti-Israel agitators stage massive protest in Washington, DC, amid Netanyahu's US visit

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:59:34 -0400

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An anti-Israel protester holding a Hamas flag at a demonstration in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday at first told Fox News Digital that she had “no message” for reporter Griff Jenkins before adding “Free Palestine. That’s my message."

When asked if she supports Hamas, she said “I support the resistance.” 

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:20:51 -0400

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Anti-Israel protesters raised the Palestinian flag over Washington, D.C.’s Union Square on Wednesday during a chaotic protest in which an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and an American flag were also burned.

The protesters were demonstrating against Netanyahu's address to Congress.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:17:18 -0400

Actress and activist Susan Sarandon addressed a group of anti-Israel protesters on Wednesday, telling them to loud cheers: “We are here today to reject the normalization of genocide.”

The massive group of protesters had gathered to demonstrate against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to Congress on Wednesday.

From the stage, the “Thelma & Louise” star told protesters, “I would like all of you to join me in a message to our brothers and sisters in Palestine,” adding in a call and response: “We see you …  We hear you … We will raise your voices. No one is free until everyone is free!”

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:33:49 -0400

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Pro-Hamas agitators were seen tagging a Christopher Columbus statue in Union Square with “Hamas is coming” and burning an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as an American flag.

They were also seen flying a Palestinian flag over Union Station after taking down the American flag.

The agitators were protesting Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:30:33 -0400

The White House condemned the anti-Israel agitators who descended on Washington, D.C., Wednesday in protest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress. 

"Identifying with evil terrorist organizations like Hamas, burning the American flag, or forcibly removing the American flag and replacing it with another, is disgraceful," White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a comment to Fox News Digital Wednesday evening.

 "Antisemitism and violence are never acceptable. Period. Every American has the right to peaceful protest. But shamefully, not everyone demonstrated peacefulness today." 

Read the full story by Emma Colton by clicking here.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 22:37:40 -0400


A total of 23 pro-Hamas agitators have been arrested by different law enforcement agencies as of Wednesday evening.

The United States Park Police (USPP) released a statement announcing that at least eight anti-Israel agitators were arrested on Wednesday afternoon during an unruly protest. At least nine more were arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) as of 6:00 p.m., and United States Capitol Police (USCP) arrested six more.

The USPP reported that a crowd at Columbus Circle "damaged and destroyed park property, including vandalizing statues and fountains, tearing down and burning flags, and starting several small fires."

"Following efforts by the United States Park Police to calm the crowd, which continued to ignore law enforcement instructions, the permit for the event was revoked at approximately 3:30 p.m. today and everyone was directed to leave the area," the press release continued.

Ages of the nine arrested by the MPD, according to a release, range from 15 to 32. Charges included Assault on a Police Officer and Crossing a Police Line.

According to the USPP, National Park Service conservators will begin working on removing red paint from the statues and fountains at Columbus Circle on Thursday morning.

"It may take multiple treatments over several days to remove all of it," the statement added.

Fox News Digital's Andrea Vacchiano contributed to this update.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:17:56 -0400

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Rep. Roger Williams, a Republican from Texas, tweeted out a message of support for Israel after pro-Hamas agitators caused mayhem in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday.

Williams posted a photo of his office with two signs near his door. One sign read "I Stand With Israel," and another read "'Chickens For KFC.'"

"I will always stand with our greatest ally, Israel," Williams wrote.

The second sign was a reference to a speech Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made before Congress that day, when he brought up protesters' ignorance about Hamas' ideology.

"Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming gays for Gaza. They might as well hold up signs saying ‘Chickens for KFC.’ These protesters chant ‘From the river to the sea.’ But many don't have a clue what river and what sea they're talking about," Netanyahu said.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:50:35 -0400

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A Jewish man, who expressed offense at the phrase “Hamas is coming” after he saw it tagged on a Christopher Columbus statue outside of Union Station that was vandalized on Wednesday, was harassed and followed.

The man told the demonstrators he was offended by their language, causing some of them to start shouting at him and calling him Hitler. It wasn’t clear if they had been the ones to write “Hamas is coming” on the statue.

“Do you support terrorists?” he asked the agitators who were already following him down the street.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find you. We know who you are,” one agitator could be heard saying.

“He’s a nicely dressed White gentleman,” a woman agitator was heard screaming.

As they chanted “Free, free Palestine” the Jewish man interjected “from Hamas!”

Calling the man a “p----,” one of the agitators accused him of “killing children” in Gaza.

“Enough!” the man said to the agitator, adding “We don’t back down from you and we don’t back down from f------ terrorists!”

The situation quickly escalated into a screaming match with the man and one of the agitators in each other’s faces.

Finally, the man and a woman who had joined him were let inside a locked building by a security guard with the agitators trying to follow.

One of the protesters told Fox News that they decided to harass him because he was a “White gentleman. We were asking his position on Gaza.”

One of the protesters told Fox News that the man had provoked them by calling them “terrorist scum” and said that the “art on the memorial was disgusting,” referring to the vandalism.

He added, “He didn’t want to stop, and I don’t stop.”

The woman then turned on the Fox News reporter, rhetorically asking if Palestinians have the right to defend themselves, adding that asking if they support Hamas is a “red herring.”

She added that people who don’t agree with them want to accuse them of being “terrorists because we’re supporting the people of Gaza."

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:33:49 -0400


Rep. Brian Mast called out the anti-Israel agitators who burned American flags on Wednesday in a scathing post on X.

Mast, a Republican from Florida, wrote that he "fought and bled for the American Flag," in an emotional post.

"My friends lost their lives in battle for the American Flag," he wrote. "And when they came home, the American Flag was draped over their caskets.

Mast also linked the protests to Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.

"Yet, the people Kamala Harris is courting burn the American Flag," the post continued. "Shame on them."

During a press briefing on Wednesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that Harris has been "unwavering" in her support of Israel.

"Let me just first say that the vice president has been unwavering in her commitment to the security of Israel," Jean-Pierre told reporters. "As you know, she's been a partner with this president for the past four years, not just domestic issues, but obviously also foreign policy issues."

Harris did not attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress on Wednesday. Instead, she spoke at a sorority event in Indianapolis.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:12:38 -0400


The United States Park Police (USPP) announced that it is seeking information about the anti-Israel protesters who assaulted officers and damaged property in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday afternoon.

"We’re seeking information to help identify members of the crowd who assaulted officers or damaged property," the USPP said in a statement. According to the agency, protesters started small fires and burned flags at Columbus Circle, which is outside Union Station.

The USPP asks anyone with information to contact their tip line at 202-379-4877 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:55:12 -0400

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Pro-Hamas agitators descended on the nation's capital Wednesday when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress.

The agitators vandalized statues outside Union Station at Columbus Circle as well as burned American and Israeli flags.

One piece of vandalism read "F--- ISREAL," with Israel misspelled.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:18:36 -0400


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tore into Gaza cease-fire demonstrations across the U.S. and accused Iran of funding those protests during an impassioned address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.

"I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran's useful idiots," Netanyahu said.

"Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming gays for Gaza. They might as well hold up signs saying ‘Chickens for KFC.’ These protesters chant ‘From the river to the sea.’ But many don't have a clue what river and what sea they're talking about."

Read the full article about Netanyahu by Julia Johnson and Liz Elkind

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:18:05 -0400


Anti-Israel agitators are reportedly behind the release of larvae in a famous D.C. hotel to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's trip to the nation's capital.

Netanyahu traveled to D.C. to meet with lawmakers and deliver a joint session address to Congress on Wednesday. Anti-Israel agitators have gathered throughout the capital to protest his trip, targeting the Watergate Hotel where he is reportedly staying during the visit.

A video filmed within the hotel shows maggots and crickets released in various common spaces, with one shot showing a table full of mealworms while the Israeli and American flags stood in the background.

"Palestine protestors manufactured chaos at the Watergate Hotel last night so that Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad agents, and the Secret Service had no peace as they continue to terrorize our people," the Palestinian Youth Movement's DMV chapter posted on their social media, alongside the video.

Read the full article about the Watergate Hotel by Aubrie Spady

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:34:34 -0400


Anti-Israel demonstrators descended on Washington, D.C., on Wednesday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress in a scene that quickly turned chaotic. 

At least one demonstrator, whose face was covered, was spotted by Fox News carrying what appeared to be the flag of the terrorist group Hamas while others were heard shouting "allahu Akbar."

At Union Station, agitators burned an American flag and vandalized a statue with the words "Hamas is coming." They also took down American flags and flew the Palestinian flag instead. 

The U.S. Capitol Police later advised that "No flags under our protection have been removed or vandalized. Our officers will enforce the law if anyone attempts to remove a flag in USCP jurisdiction. To clear up inaccurate reporting."

Read the full article about anti-Israel protests by Danielle Wallace and Brie Stimson

Webpage that rated Kamala Harris the 'most liberal' senator in 2019 suddenly disappears

GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year's "most liberal" U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks.

The self-described "government transparency website" scored Harris as the "most liberal compared to all senators" in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time. 

But the web page with the ranking, which was widely covered in news reports during the 2020 election, was recently deactivated. The link now displays a "Page Not Found" message. The Internet Archive shows the page was deleted sometime between July 10 and July 23, with some on X claiming the page was still up on July 22.

President Biden announced his decision to suspend his campaign and endorse Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee on July 21. Harris announced in the early hours of July 23 that she had secured enough delegates to lock up the nomination at the DNC next month.


When reached by Fox News Digital, GovTrack founder Joshua Tauberer said the page was removed because the company adopted a policy "several years ago" to end its single-year ratings of lawmakers to only do ratings based on Congressional sessions, which are two years.

"We determined that the limited data available in a single year was not sufficient to create a reliable portrait of the activity of legislators, particularly given the ebbs and flows of the legislative calendar, and therefore did not serve as a useful tool to our users and the American public," Tauberer said. "We subsequently took down the previously-published single-calendar-year statistics for the same reason."

Tauberer confirmed to Fox News Digital that the page was removed sometime in the last two weeks, but did not give a specific date. Asked why the pages weren't removed when single-year report cards were abandoned years ago, he said, "I was focused on more impactful aspects of our work."

Tauberer said the organization was still publishing report cards based on two-year congressional sessions and pointed Fox News Digital to Harris' existing 2020 web page, which ranked her ideology as the "most politically left compared to Senate Democrats" for the 116th Congress. She was ranked the second most liberal in all the Senate behind Independent Sanders. 

At some point in October 2020, GovTrack changed its ranking language from "most liberal" to "most politically left."

The group's analysis is based on senators’ "legislative behavior" and their record of sponsoring or cosponsoring bipartisan bills, which it says "only takes into account a small aspect of reality."

The analysis in 2019 showed that Harris joined bipartisan legislation "the least often compared to Senate Democrats."


The Trump campaign cited the rating after Biden announced Harris as his running mate in 2020, pushing back on a New York Times feature that described Harris as a "pragmatic moderate."

"Reminder: GovTrack ranked Senator Kamala Harris the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate in 2019, farther left than Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, and even Bernie Sanders," the campaign sent in an August 2020 email. "Kamala Harris is a radical left-wing liberal, despite what the New York Times may say."

Harris' 2019 rating came back under scrutiny this week after Biden endorsed Harris as his successor on Sunday, releasing a bombshell letter informing the American public that he was answering the mounting calls to suspend his re-election campaign.

Harris confirmed that she would run for the Democratic nomination, writing in a statement, "I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination."

As Harris heads toward the Democratic nomination, her allies in the media are now suggesting it's unfair to pin the thorny issue of illegal immigration on her.

Axios was particularly roasted Wednesday over a piece insisting Harris wasn’t the "border czar" that seemed to contradict its own previous reporting. The outlet was even forced to update the story by admitting it had "incorrectly" called her a "border czar" in the past.

Harris has received endorsements from former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as several Democratic lawmakers, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y, and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.