Biden Claims Polls Showing Him Down Are Wrong: No One ‘More Qualified To Be President … Than Me’

President Joe Biden claimed on Friday that he was being honest with himself about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump this fall despite polling that shows him falling further behind.

“You’re further behind now by any measure,” said ABC News host George Stephanopoulos. “It’s been a two-man race for several months. Inflation has come down. In those last few months, he’s become a convicted felon. Yet, you’re still falling further behind.”

Biden responded: “You guys keep saying that. George, do you– look, you know polling better than anybody. Do you think polling data is as accurate as it used to be?”

Stephanopoulos answered that Trump was “certainly ahead in the popular vote, probably even more ahead in the battleground states” and that Democrats in Senate and House races were running ahead of Biden.

Biden responded with an incoherent answer that included him mixing up dates.

He said that he was still able to win because he’s “running against a pathological liar.”

When Stephanopoulos noted that Biden has had months to challenge Trump on his claims, Biden responded: “Oh, sure, I had months, but I was also doin’ a hell of a lot of other things, like wars around the world, like keeping NATO together, like working– anyway.”


When asked if he really believes that he is not behind right now, Biden responded: “I think it’s in– all the pollsters I talk to tell me it’s a tossup. It’s a tossup. And when I’m behind, there’s only one poll I’m really far behind, CBS Poll and NBC, I mean, excuse me.”

Biden said that he doesn’t believe he is behind in the popular vote, adding: “I don’t think anybody’s more qualified to be president or win this race than me.”

“They’re just wrong,” Biden said of his critics. “Look, Trump is a pathological liar. Trump is– he is– you ever seen anything Trump did that benefited sa– somebody else and not him? You can’t answer, I know.”


HOST: Why are you so behind President Trump?

BIDEN: “Do you think polling data is accurate?”

HOST: Well, President Trump is certainly ahead…

BIDEN: *confused*

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 6, 2024

Biden Claims He Can Be President For 4 More Years: ‘I’m The Guy That Shut Putin Down’

President Joe Biden claimed during an interview on Friday that he is capable of serving as President of the United States for another four years even though 80% of Americans believe that he is too old to be president.

Biden made the remarks when asked by ABC News host George Stephanopoulos whether he thinks that he can serve “effectively” for another term.

“I’m the guy that put NATO together, the future,” Biden claimed. “No one thought I could expand it. I’m the guy that shut Putin down. No one thought could happen. I’m the guy that put together a South Pacific initiative with AUKUS. I’m the guy that got 50 nations out– not only in Europe, outside of Europe as well to help Ukraine.”

It’s not clear what he was referring to when he made the remarks about Putin as Russia ignored Biden and invaded Ukraine despite his threats. Putin remains in control of Russia and he has shown no signs of ending his war.

“I’m the guy that got [the] Japanese to expand their budget. I’m the– so, I mean, these– and, for example, when I decided we used to have 40% of computer chips,” he said. “We invented the chip, the little chip, the computer chip. It’s in everything from cell phone to weapons. And so, we used to have 40%, and we’re down to virtually nothing. So I get in the plane, against the advice of everybody, and I fly to South Korea. I convince them to invest in the United States billions of dollars. Now we have tens of billions of dollars being invested in the United States making us back in a position we’re gonna own that industry again.”

ABC: “Can you serve effectively the next four years?”

BIDEN: “I’m the guy who shut Putin down!”


— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 6, 2024

When asked if he had the mental and physical capacity to be president for another four years, Biden said: “I believe so, I wouldn’t be runnin’ if I didn’t think I did. Look, I’m runnin’ again because I think I understand best what has to be done to take this nation to a completely new new level.”

“We’re on our way. We’re on our way. And, look, the decision recently made by the Supreme Court on immunity, you know, the next President of the United States, it’s not just about whether he or she knows what they’re doin’,” he claimed. “It’s– it’s– it’s not– not about a con– a conglomerate of people making decisions. It’s about the character of the president. The character of the president’s gonna determine whether or not this Constitution is employed the right way.”


When asked if he was being honest with himself about his status, Biden replied: “Yes, I am, because, George, the last thing I want to do is not be able to meet that. I think, as some of senior economist and senior foreign policy specialists say, if I stop now, I’d go down in history as a pretty successful president. No one thought I could get done what we got done.”

Stephanopoulos: “All that takes a toll. Do you have the mental and physical capacity to do it for another four years?”

Biden: “Please, I wouldn’t be running if I didn’t think I did. Look, I’m running again because I think I understand best what has to be done to take this nation…

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 6, 2024