Biden Slips In Major Polls After Disastrous Debate Performance

President Joe Biden slipped in two major polls released on Wednesday as he struggles to contain the fallout of his disastrous debate performance last week against former President Donald Trump.

The Wall Street Journal found that Trump leads Biden 48% to 42% as 80% of voters now say that Biden is “too old” to run again for president.

Only 39% of voters said that they approved of the job that Biden has done as president while 60% said that they disapproved.

Less than 40% of voters approved of his handling on top issues, including immigration, the economy, and inflation.

Only 6% of voters said that Biden “exceeded” their expectations during last week’s debate, while 46% said that Trump exceeded their expectations. Only 8% said that Biden “won” the debate, while 58% said that Trump won the debate.

Voters said the following word set was as their top choice for how they would describe Biden’s performance: “Poor / Terrible / Bad / Horrible / Awful / Abysmal / Unfortunate / Dismal / Disaster / Scary.”

The New York Times poll found that if the election were held today between Trump and Biden, Trump would dominate, 49% to 41%. Trump garnered 48% support from voters ages 18-29 and 50% from Latinos in this scenario.

Voters disapproved of Biden’s job as president 62% to 34% in the NYT poll, a -28% net rating, whereas Trump only had a -13% net rating when voters were asked to reflect on his presidency.


The poll found that 60% of voters want Biden removed as the party’s nominee while only 31% want him to remain as the nominee.

A staggering 81% of voters said that they thought Biden performed “not well” during last week’s debate, while only 16% said that he did “well.” Those numbers were in stark contrast to how Trump performed, as 51% said that he did “well” and only 44% said that he did “not well.”

Voters said that Trump left the country in better shape than when he took office, 47% to 46%, while only 34% said that the country was in better shape now than when Biden took office, and 58% said that it was in worse shape.

When asked what candidate voters believed would do a better job of handling issues that matter to them, 50% said Trump while only 39% said Biden. By a margin of 7%, voters said that Biden was the riskier pick for president.

Karine Jean-Pierre Gaslights: Biden ‘Is As Sharp As Ever’

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed on Wednesday that President Joe Biden is “as sharp as ever” as he faces growing calls to step down following his disastrous debate performance.

Her remarks come as the president, vice president, Biden’s campaign, and the Democratic Party have remained united publicly about Biden remaining as the party’s nominee heading into November.

A reporter asked Jean-Pierre during the press briefing if she believed “that the president is as sharp today as he was when he took this job” and if she’s noticed any kind of “slowdown.”

“What I can say is this is a president who is strong and resolute in delivering for the American people,” she claimed. “That’s what I see. I see a president, when I’m in, sitting in front of him, you know, going through the day or talking about what he’s doing next, he is someone that engages with us. He wants to know, he pushes us, he — you know, probes us, wanting to figure out, like, the bigger picture of whatever we’re trying to explain to him or even granular details.”

“He is as sharp as ever, as I have known him to be,” she continued. “In my engagement and my experience with him, I know, when I walk into the Oval Office or, or see him on Air Force One, I have to be on top of my game. I do. That’s just kind of my engagement with him and how it’s been for the past couple of years.”


Is there one person in America who believes Biden is “as sharp as ever”?

— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) July 3, 2024