Kamala Harris Ad Features Trump’s Border Wall As Harris Pivots On Immigration

A recent campaign advertisement from Vice President Kamala Harris seeks to portray the candidate as a proponent of border security, even going as far as to include a shot of the border wall built under former President Donald Trump.

The advertisement from the Harris campaign uses a shot of the border wall that appears to be taken from a Voice of America news clip from May of this year.

“As a border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels,” the advertisement claims of Harris as it shows the border wall. The footage depicts the border wall in Sasabe, Arizona, where Trump had been building the wall under his term.

The Kamala Harris campaign is up on TV with multiple new ads this a.m. —

This spot is focused on border security

Male voiceover:

“As president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. Fixing the border is tough. So is… pic.twitter.com/qb2wS5CLml

— Medium Buying (@MediumBuying) August 9, 2024

It isn’t the first advertisement that has sought to portray Harris as a proponent of border security. “Kamala Harris supports increasing the number of Border Patrol agents,” a different ad said. “Kamala Harris supports spending more money to stop human traffickers.”

Despite the attempt from the Harris campaign to portray the Democrat as an advocate for border security, the Biden-Harris administration has presided over an unprecedented crisis on both the southern and northern borders.

Over 10 million people have crossed the border under the Biden-Harris administration, with an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrant gotaways recorded since he was inaugurated in 2021. The figures present a stark contrast from the Trump administration, when there were 415,000 total reported gotaways for 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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President Joe Biden tasked Harris with stemming the tide of migrants to the border in 2021 shortly after taking office, calling her the “most qualified” person for the role.

The Biden-Harris administration also ended DNA testing at the border, which law enforcement previously used to prevent unaccompanied minor immigrants from being sex trafficked.

Several polls have indicated that immigration/border security is one of the single most important issues for voters heading into the November election, shedding light on why the Harris campaign may be making a pivot.

Former Dem Politician Found Guilty Of Murdering Longtime Vegas Reporter

A former Democrat Clark County, Nevada, public administrator was found guilty on Wednesday of murdering longtime Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Jeff German in September of 2022.

After three days of deliberation, the jury returned a guilty verdict in the trial of 47-year-old Robert Telles, who is now convicted of stabbing German to death after the reporter wrote about scandals within Telles’ office before he lost a primary election in June 2022, CNN reported. German had spent years covering the corruption within Las Vegas politics, but the story that ultimately led to his murder focused on a little-known public office, prosecutors said.

BREAKING: Robert Telles, the former elected Clark County Public Administrator, was found guilty Wednesday of murdering Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German.
UPDATES: https://t.co/Mp5kCzdZka pic.twitter.com/36Fopw9w5p

— Las Vegas Review-Journal (@reviewjournal) August 28, 2024

German, who had spent 40 years in journalism, reported in May 2022 that multiple employees who worked with Telles alleged that he created a “hostile work environment.” German’s report also claimed that Telles had an “inappropriate” relationship with a staffer. Telles finished in third place in his 2022 primary election and partly blamed German’s reporting.

Tickets for “Am I Racist?” are on sale NOW! Buy here for a theater near you.

Prosecutors said during the trial that surveillance video taken outside of German’s home showed a man wearing a large sunhat, orange jacket, and gray Nike sneakers waiting in the bushes before stabbing the reporter when he got home. The suspect left in a maroon SUV that was later found to belong to Telles. Police also executed a search warrant and found a large sunhat and gray Nike sneakers that were cut up and hidden, according to prosecutors.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Pamela Weckerly said during closing arguments on Monday that Telles “was clearly incredibly upset that those articles were written and that it resulted in him losing that primary.”

Telles testified during the trial and claimed that his former colleagues, a real estate company, and police hired an assassin to kill German and frame him. Telles’ attorney Robert Draskovich did not endorse his client’s theory, saying, “It’s understandable why he believes this wide-reaching conspiracy. What other options does he have under these circumstances?”


The Review-Journal, where German worked before his murder, released a statement following the verdict, saying, “Today a Clark County jury delivered a measure of justice for Jeff German, and we hope it brings some solace to his family, friends and colleagues. Jeff was killed for doing the kind of work in which he took great pride: His reporting held an elected official accountable for bad behavior and empowered voters to choose someone else for the job.”