13 Americans Died In Afghanistan. That’s On Kamala.

Kamala Harris is a liar.

She has lied about every position she’s ever held.

She is simultaneously asking us to believe that she is really, really important at every level but also has had no consequence whatsoever as vice president.

Monday marked the murder of 13 American soldiers at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan. Those are the soldiers completely ignored by Joe Biden during his administration.

In the first presidential debate, Biden actually said no American soldiers have died on his watch, which, of course, was a lie. 13 American soldiers were murdered at Abbey Gate because of the disastrous Afghanistan pullout, the single worst foreign policy move in the modern history of America.

The Afghanistan pullout was a disaster. It was humiliating for the United States. We left hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of military equipment in the hands of the Taliban. We left tens of thousands of people who had worked with us to the brutality of the Taliban. There were people falling off the wheels of passenger airliners. A suicide bombing killed over 170 people, including those 13 American soldiers.

Right now, women have been stuffed back into burqas; they’re not allowed to show their eyes on the streets. None of them are going to school.

Well done, Biden administration.

Never forget that Joe Biden lied every single step of the way. Every single step of the way.

He suggested an American pullout from Afghanistan would not result in the collapse of the Afghanistan government, which was not true. He suggested it would be an orderly withdrawal. It was not. He suggested the withdrawal had been absolutely smooth and wonderful. It was not.

Yet according to Kamala Harris, she was deeply involved in every aspect of the decision making. In 2021, she explained that she was the last person in the room making these decisions with Biden. When asked if she felt comfortable with that, she said, “I do.”

You might also recall Harris on a tarmac being asked about the 13 dead service people while laughing and saying, “Hold on. Hold on. Slow down everybody.” The giant joke grin and the bizarre laughter while talking about 13 dead Americans were quite telling.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

On Monday, Donald Trump went to Arlington to lay wreaths on the graves of the 13 dead Americans. You can call it politics. You can call it whatever you want. It also happens to be reality. Those 13 dead service people are on the Biden administration. They are on Kamala Harris.

Their deaths did not happen on Trump’s watch.

As Trump has pointed out, pretending Harris was not involved in the Biden-Harris administration is a lie.

The catastrophe in Afghanistan was directly linked to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Iran’s aggressive moves in the Middle East against both America and her allies, particularly Israel. The Afghanistan pullout was a signal horrifying failure in American foreign policy history.

And Harris was part of the team making the decision.

Two years ago, Gold Star dad Mark Schmidt, whose son Lance Corporal Jared Schmidt was killed at Abbey Gate, told Newsmax2, “The people that made the decisions that were made that led up to this are literally washing their hands (of the decision.) ‘It’s not me; it’s him.’ … It’s just a circle of nonsense and nobody has any accountability or responsibility about it whatsoever.”

On Monday, Harris issued a statement, saying, “I will never hesitate to take whatever action necessary to counter terrorist threats and protect the American people and the homeland.” Schmidt fired back, “I have to remind her she’s been the vice president for the last three and a half years and working side by side with Biden. We still have American citizens left in Afghanistan right now. What is she doing about that? What has Biden done? Nothing. You know, they have left thousands of people behind, and obviously millions or billions in our military assets behind. They wanted to end the war, to be able to get that photo opportunity, and it didn’t matter what the cost was.”

Kamala owns it. She was there.

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Biden-Harris Admin Files Reworked Indictment Against Trump

Special counsel Jack Smith filed a superseding indictment against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled this year that Trump was immune from prosecution for actions taken within the realm of his job responsibilities.

The new indictment has the same four charges that Trump faced when he was first indicted, including 2 felony counts of obstructing an official proceeding, 1 felony count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, and 1 felony count of conspiracy against rights.

While all the charges remain the same, some of Trump’s alleged conduct was removed from the new indictment, including allegations that he tried to use the DOJ to support his claims that the election had been rigged.

“The superseding indictment, which was presented to a new grand jury that had not previously heard evidence in this case, reflects the Government’s efforts to respect and implement the Supreme Court’s holdings and remand instructions in Trump v. United States,” the special counsel’s office claimed.

Smith, a left-wing prosecutor who was appointed by the Biden-Harris Department of Justice (DOJ), argued that Trump did not have any presidential responsibilities related to the post-election transition of power.

A new line in the superseding indictment said: “The Defendant had no official responsibilities related to the certification proceeding, but he did have a personal interest as a candidate in being named the winner of the election.”

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Smith’s other case against Trump in Florida over Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified materials was thrown out by District Court Judge Aileen Cannon earlier this year because she ruled that Smith’s appointment to special counsel was unconstitutional.

The indictment “is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution,” Cannon wrote in an order granting Trump’s motion to dismiss.

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