Adam Kinzinger Claims He Is Voting For Kamala Because She Supports America’s ‘Bedrock Values’

Former Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger appeared in support of Vice President Kamala at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night, claiming voting for her would be in support of America’s “bedrock values.”

Kinzinger, who previously vowed to support far-Left Democrats if he believed their Republican opponents were “anti-democracy,” claimed that Democrats “are as patriotic” during his speech in support of Harris, who was labeled as the most liberal senator during her time in the Senate.

“I am proud to be in the trenches with you as part of this sometimes awkward alliance that we have to defend truth, defend democracy, and decency,” he said. “I was a Republican for 12 years in Congress and I still hold onto the label. I never thought I’d be here, but listen, you’d never thought you’d see me here, did you.”

He said that Democrats “love this country just as much as we do. And they are as eager to defend American values at home and abroad as we conservatives have ever been.”

The former Republican representative also claimed that the Republican Party is “no longer conservative” while claiming that Harris shares his devotion to the Constitution, rule of law, and democracy.

Much of his speech focused on talking about democracy in religious terms, claiming that it “knows no party” and is a “living, breathing ideal.” He said that the January 6 riot was a “desecration of our sacred tradition.”

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He also attacked former President Donald Trump, claiming that he was a “weak man pretending to be strong.”

Harris has been seen as one of the most far-Left candidates to ever run for president, from her close association with Planned Parenthood to her positions on illegal immigration and fracking.

Earlier this week, the Republican National Committee paid for the domain and created a website listing some of Vice President Kamala Harris’ “dangerously liberal policies.”

“Kamala Harris is weak, failed, and dangerously liberal,” the website states. “Not only does Kamala Harris own the weakness, failure, and chaos of the Harris-Biden administration, she is so radical that she makes ‘the Squad’ look like moderates. She wants to abolish our borders, let criminals control our streets, surrender our communities to cartels and a plague of fentanyl, wage war on American energy, and destroy the American Dream.”

Teachers Union Heads Who Fought To Keep Schools Closed During COVID Speak At DNC

The leaders of America’s two largest teachers unions, which fought to keep public schools closed during COVID and have pushed to bring radical leftist ideology to the classroom, spoke at the final night of the Democratic National Convention Thursday.

American Federation For Teachers president Randi Weingarten claimed that former President Donald Trump and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance “can’t claim they’re pro-child while gutting funding for public schools,” and that “being pro-family means we support access to good union jobs, affordable housing, health care, and higher education.”

Weingarten, who claimed last month that Trump was an “existential threat to democracy,” heads the nation’s second-largest teachers union. The labor leader has come under fire in recent months for asserting that she fought to keep schools open during the coronavirus pandemic, when in fact she did the exact opposite. Weingarten in 2020 called the Trump administration’s push to reopen schools “reckless,” “callous,” and “cruel.”

Though research showed as early as 2020 that children could safely return to the classroom, teachers unions fought to keep schools closed. School closures caused significant learning loss across the country, studies have shown.

Joining Weingarten on stage was National Education Association President Becky Pringle, who told the crowd in Chicago that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the best hope for American students.

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“They will strengthen our schools, support our educators, and help our students live into their brilliance,” Pringle said, hours before the vice president is slated to officially accept the Democratic presidential nomination. “Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are not just wrong — they’re dangerous,” Pringle said.

Pringle last month was slammed for delivering a “totally unhinged speech” in which she said “we have to transform” the public education system “into something it was never designed to be — a racially and socially just and equitable system that prepares every student!” A known partisan, Pringle heads the nation’s largest teachers union, which in 2022 gave $1 million to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) re-election campaign.

Whitmer was one of several Democratic governors who pushed to keep schools closed during COVID. She was joined in those efforts by Walz, who as Minnesota governor instituted some of the nation’s strictest COVID lockdowns.

Walz, who in March 2020 established a hotline and encouraged Minnesotans to snitch on neighbors who violated lockdowns by attending worship services, kept schools closed and mandated students wear masks well into the COVID pandemic. Critics challenged those restrictions in court, though the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled they were constitutional.

Pringle pointed to Walz’s work as a public school teacher to underscore her claim that the Harris-Walz ticket is the best thing for American students.

The Daily Wire reported this week that Walz has made misleading claims about winning “teacher of the year awards,” just days after he caught flak for making similarly misleading claims about his military service and his wife’s use of in vitro fertilization.

The Harris campaign has emphasized Walz’s work as a teacher, though his positions on education as governor have come under scrutiny. As governor, Walz signed legislation requiring that Minnesota public schools put tampon dispensers in boys bathrooms, and slammed school choice as a “scheme” that “leaves our teachers in the lurch.”