Christian Korean Women-Only Spa Ordered To Admit Naked Trans Clients

A federal judge ordered a Korean-American women’s spa with compulsory nudity to admit men who identify as women, even if they have intact penises, in a decision on Monday.

Olympus Spa attempted to sue the Washington State Human Rights Commission (WSHRC) after being ordered to remove any mention of “biological women” from their website and to admit transgender men without question. Senior District Judge Barbara Rothstein dismissed the lawsuit, upholding the WSHRC’s orders as legal and requiring the spa to comply.

Haven Wilvich, a man who identifies as a woman, complained to the WSHRC in 2020 and claimed the spa declined his membership request. Wilvich alleged that the spa said, “transgender women without surgery are not welcome.” The spa disputed this claim, stating they had no record of an application.

The family-owned spa is modeled on jjimjilbang — traditional sex-segregated bathhouses in Korea. The spa only admitted trans-identified men if they had “gone through post-operative sex confirmation surgery.”  

In March 2021, the WSHRC served spa owner Myoon Woon Lee with a Notice of Complaint of Discrimination. The spa’s president, Sun Lee, explained to the commission that Olympus was a family-owned “women’s Korean traditional health spa” that required nudity for certain treatments.

“We firmly believe it is essential for the safety, legal protection, and well-being of our customers and employees that we maintain adherence to this adaptation of a females-only rule,” Lee wrote. 

The president also educated the board on the traditions of Jjimjilbang, arguing that the spa had “worked so hard over many years to build and preserve, simply for the sake of promoting gender neutrality.”

Both the owner and the president said they were Christian and cited their faith — the Christian belief in modesty between the sexes — as a reason why they did not wish to accept biological males into the women’s nude spa. Employees also involved in the suit — all of whom were women — refused to perform body scrubs on naked men, citing Christian principles as well. The District Court rejected their religious liberty claim.


The court upheld the WSHRC’s requirement that the spa removes all references to biological women from their site and subject their staff to “inclusivity” training. The spa challenged this as “compelled speech” in violation of the First Amendment, which Rothstein also rejected. The court rejected the spa’s third argument, which claimed that the WSHRC’s requirement of admitting men violated the right of association.

After the WSHRC ruling in 2021, Wilvich celebrated on social media, saying the order allowed “all self-identified women access regardless of surgery and genitals.” 

“I realized something important today. I‘m more woman than any TERF [trans-exclusionary radical feminist] will be because I am an intentional woman whereas they are only incidental,” Wilvich also said.

Before Wilvich began to transition, he sat on the board of the Seattle Nonbinary Collective, describing himself as a “tall, bearded, transfemme, King County native,” according to the Daily Mail.

‘Mob Lawyer’ Merrick Garland’s DOJ Has Trump Facing Hypothetical 100 Years in Prison: Report

If former President Trump is convicted of the seven charges leveled at him by the Biden administration’s Department of Justice, he could face as much as 100 years in prison.

According to ABC News, four separate counts that carry a potential prison time of 20 years each have been targeted at Trump: conspiracy to obstruct justice; withholding a document or record; corruptly concealing a document or record; and concealing a document in a federal investigation. Another charge, willful retention of national defense information, carries a possible sentence of 10 years, while scheming to conceal documents and false statements and representations each carry a possible sentence of five years apiece.

However, the likelihood of maximum sentences being imposed consecutively is remote, the network acknowledged.

“Any eventual sentence should Trump be convicted would likely be much lower,” the report noted.

Conservatives have decried the indictment of Trump, the current front-runner to challenge President Joe Biden in 2024, as an unprecedented act of partisanship by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“Merrick Garland is a mob lawyer. That’s what he is,” Fox News’ Mark Levin charged Thursday night. “Jack Smith is a rogue, Soviet-style prosecutor.” Jack Smith, the special counsel whom Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed last November, is supervising the investigation into Trump’s handling of classified documents.

Trump’s attorney, Jim Trusty, told CNN he had not received an indictment yet, but had received a summons, a “replacement for a warrant,” as indictments are usually accompanied by a warrant. He said the summons had “some language in it suggesting what the charges would be.”

“They basically break out from an Espionage Act charge, which is ludicrous, under the facts of this case … and several obstruction-based type charges and then false statement charges, which are actually, again, kind of a crazy stretch from the facts as we know it,” he added.

Trump, who broke the news himself when he took to social media to announce he had been indicted, insisted he is innocent and that Biden’s own classified documents scandal is being ignored by Garland.

“The corrupt Biden Administration has informed my attorneys that I have been Indicted, seemingly over the Boxes Hoax, even though Joe Biden has 1850 Boxes at the University of Delaware, additional Boxes in Chinatown, D.C., with even more Boxes at the University of Pennsylvania, and documents strewn all over his garage floor where he parks his Corvette, and which is ‘secured’ by only a garage door that is paper thin, and open much of the time,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Trump said he is to appear in federal court in Miami Tuesday afternoon.

 “I never thought it possible that such a thing could happen to a former President of the United States, who received far more votes than any sitting President in the History of our Country, and is currently leading, by far, all Candidates, both Democrat and Republican, in Polls of the 2024 Presidential Election,” he wrote. “I AM AN INNOCENT MAN!”