Boris Johnson Resigns From Parliament

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson abruptly resigned from Parliament on Friday after receiving the results of an investigation he claimed was meant to “drive me out.”

Johnson is under investigation by a committee of the House of Commons, which is looking into whether Johnson lied to Parliament about parties in Downing Street that flouted COVID lockdowns, known as “Partygate.”

The former prime minister said he was “bewildered and appalled” to receive a letter from the investigating committee, which he said made “it clear, much to my amazement, that they are determined to use the proceedings against me to drive me out of Parliament.”

Johnson said the investigation’s “Partygate” report “is riddled with inaccuracies and reeks of prejudice but under their absurd and unjust process I have no formal ability to challenge anything they say.”

The “Partygate” report has not been released publicly yet, but Johnson received a confidential copy.

“I have today written to my association in Uxbridge and South Ruislip to say that I am stepping down forthwith and triggering an immediate by-election,” Johnson said.

He hinted, however, that his political career may not be completely over.

“It is very sad to be leaving Parliament — at least for now,” he said.


His resignation allows him to avoid being disciplined or ousted from his Commons seat, and it will also keep him able to run again for Parliament in the future if he decides to do so.

Last year, Johnson became the first sitting prime minister to be found guilty of breaking the law when the Metropolitan Police issued him a fine for attending a gathering in Downing Street during the COVID lockdown.

The police ended up issuing 126 fines over the late-night parties, which featured alcohol.

In March, Johnson told the committee he did mislead Parliament about gatherings during lockdown, but only accidentally.

Johnson told the committee that he “honestly believed” the five events he attended were “lawful work gatherings” that would boost morale among staffers who were overworked during the pandemic. One event was a send-off for a staffer, and one was Johnson’s own surprise birthday party.

“They have still not produced a shred of evidence that I knowingly or recklessly misled the Commons,” Johnson said Friday.

He slammed the investigation as “a witch hunt” and simply revenge “for Brexit and ultimately to reverse the 2016 referendum result.”

“Their purpose from the beginning has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts,” Johnson said.

Johnson, 58, was prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party from July 2019 to September 2022. Previously, he was mayor of London from 2008 to 2016.

The flamboyant Conservative leader became known as a populist leader with broad appeal, although he faced harsh political critics, who accused him of bending rules to suit his style, and racism.

As prime minister, Johnson fought to “get Brexit done,” even if it meant moving forward with a “no-deal” Brexit, meaning the United Kingdom would withdraw from the European Union without a withdrawal agreement.

Johnson’s resignation will trigger a special election to replace him as representative from west London in the House of Commons.

California Bill Would Classify Not Affirming Child’s Transgenderism As ‘Child Abuse’

A recently amended California bill would classify not affirming a child’s gender identity by one or both parents as “child abuse.”

AB 957 was introduced into the California legislature by Assemblymember Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) and state Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco). The bill rewrites much of the state’s family law and classifies “a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

The bill amends Section 3011 of the Family Code, which deals with child custody disputes, and requires that a court determining the “best interests” of the child must consider affirmation of transgender identity. If a parent were to deny the child’s “gender identity,” it would be a violation of the child’s health, safety, and welfare — equivalent to child abuse.

Because the bill changes the definition of what constitutes the “health, safety, and welfare” of a child, any organization interacting with children — including schools, churches, and hospitals — would be required to affirm gender transitions in minors.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Wilson’s spokesman disputed the claim that the revisions change anything about the bill and stated that AB 957 relates only to family law, not criminal law.

“It’s not saying [affirmation] is the most important factor or determining factor,” the spokesman, Taylor Woolfork, said. “It’s one of many factors that the judge should consider while working out a custody agreement.”

The bill’s text is ambiguous and general, making no distinctions regarding the age of the child, how long the child has identified as transgender, or the difference between affirming social transitions and sex-change treatments.

Nicole Peterson, founder of the law firm and civil rights advocacy group Facts Law Truth Justice, condemned AB 957 in an interview with The Daily Signal.


“If a parent or guardian is unwilling or simply not ready to affirm their 7-year-old’s new identity — as they transition from Spongebob to Batman to Dora the Explorer — they can be found guilty of child abuse under AB-957 if it passes into law,” Peterson said. “This is a horrifying bill for children, and for parents and guardians not just in California, but across the country. Gavin Newsom is gunning for president in 2028. If he signs this bill into law, here, it will be headed to every state if he wins.”

Wiener recently turned heads after inviting “Sister Roma,” a member of an anti-Catholic group of “drag queen nuns,” to be honored at the California Capitol for Pride month. He also authored SB 107, making California the first state to establish itself as a “sanctuary” for transgender treatments for minors. California Governor Gavin Newsom signed that bill into law in September 2022.

AB 957 easily cleared the state’s lower house — with 16 mostly Democratic members refraining from voting. The recent changes head to a Senate committee hearing next week.