Chicago Permits Anti-Israel March During DNC, Rejects Pro-Israel Rally

The city of Chicago, former President Barack Obama’s adopted hometown, has given permission for anti-Israel protesters to demonstrate near the Democratic National Convention but has stonewalled a pro-Israel group that requested to hold a solidarity march near the venue.

“The Israeli American Council, a nonprofit organization representing Israeli-Americans that seeks to strengthen ties between the U.S. and Israel, filed two applications with Chicago’s Department of Transportation at the beginning of July, according to Aya Schechter, the group’s chief programming officer,” Jewish Insider reported. “But with just under two weeks remaining until the convention, the IAC has yet to receive an answer from the city, despite following up via phone and email.”

Yet last month, Chicago Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration offered a coalition of anti-Israel demonstrators a route near the United Center, where the convention will be held, for their “March on the DNC.”

“It’s a win. But it’s not the win,” coalition spokesperson Hatem Abudayyeh told the Chicago Tribune in July. “Organizing works. You put a little pressure on the powers that be and you can move them.”

In June, the Israeli American Council submitted an application for a demonstration within “sight and sound” of the United Center. That application was rejected; the city wrote back that the rally “would be a direct interference with a previously planned permitted activity or public assembly and would create public safety issues.”


The city said it would permit a stationary rally during the convention’s last night, but it would have to take place at a park far from the venue. “It seems like we don’t have equitable access to whatever the other group was approved for,” Schechter told Jewish Insider. “We didn’t get any offer to do a march, not even in an alternative location.”

Meanwhile, the anti-Israel groups were still not satisfied with what they received; they asked U.S. District Judge Andrea Wood to let them march even closer to the convention.

Abudayyeh has reportedly openly supported the terrorist group Hamas for years. According to Canary Mission, he stated in a July 22, 2006 interview, “The U.S. and Israel will continue to describe Hamas, Hezbollah and the other Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations as ‘terrorists,’ but the real terrorists are the governments and military forces of the U.S. and Israel … the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance must be supported.”

Canary Mission also noted that in a March 20, 2017 interview, “Abudayyeh praised Hamas for taking ‘the most leading role in the military resistance against Israel’ and called Palestinian terror groups ‘resistance forces.’”

Pro-Life Father Facing 11 Years In Prison Says Biden DOJ Is Targeting Conservative Christians

DETROIT—A father of two facing more than a decade in prison over his participation in a peaceful pro-life protest in Michigan said Wednesday that he couldn’t fathom spending another week away from his wife and family.

Joel Curry, of Saginaw, Michigan, faces up to 11 years in federal prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines if convicted of a felony conspiracy against rights and FACE Act charge this month. His trial, alongside that of six co-defendants, began this week at the Theodore Levin courthouse in Detroit.

Curry, a devout Christian and pro-life advocate, was targeted by the Biden administration after he sat and stood in front of the doors of the Northland Family Planning Clinic in Sterling, Michigan. In an interview with The Daily Wire on Wednesday, he said that he couldn’t imagine getting a prison sentence. 

”I don’t want to spend 11 years in prison. I can’t fathom spending 11 years. I can’t fathom spending another week away from my wife, my kids because I’m over here,” he said. “That’s scary.”

He added that, based on sentences coming out of Tennessee for similar charges, he didn’t think he and his co-defendants would get the maximum sentence if convicted. He said that the Justice Department should be referred to as the “department of injustice,” and that it has weaponized the FACE Act to target conservative Christians and pro-life activists. 

Curry, who says he wants to see abortion abolished throughout the country, has a wife and two young children. His youngest, a daughter, was born on July 30. He said he was originally unsure if he would miss the birth or not. 

He has long held pro-life beliefs, but said that it was after watching the movie “Unplanned” that he really started to become active. 

”That movie showed me the horrors of the actual act of abortion and the violence that happens to an unborn child. I saw it and said this is terrible,” he said. “What should I do? I can’t just sit idly by while my neighbor is being killed.”


Prior to his involvement at the protest in Sterling Heights, Curry said that he frequently offered sidewalk counseling at abortion providers near Saginaw. He said that Christians need to be doing more to stand up for the unborn.

”Christians ought to stand up. We’re not going to create an army and go to vigilante justice, but we’re going to do the most that we can to protect our neighbors whether they’re a second old or 100 years old,” he said. 

Jury selection for Curry and his co-defendants’ trial ended Wednesday after two full days. The others charged include Eva Edl, Cal Zastrow, Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Justin Phillips, and Eva Zastrow. 

During his preliminary instructions to the jury, Judge Matthew Leitman said that jurors would be allowed to remain even if they had strong views on abortion, provided they could set them aside for the trial. He said the trial was not about whether abortion was “morally right or morally wrong.”

He repeatedly said throughout the day that there was “so much riding” on the case and that it was very “high stakes.” Leitman said he expects the trial to go on for two to three weeks though some on the defense team told The Daily Wire they don’t think the trial will go on that long. 

The prosecution is being led by U.S. Attorney Frances Carlson and Justice Department trial attorney Laura-Kate Bernstein. 

Caroline Davis, who was initially charged along with the other activists, took a plea deal with the Justice Department and agreed to testify. She pled her felony charges down to a misdemeanor and testified earlier this year against other pro-life defendants in Tennessee.  

Idoni, who is representing herself, appeared in court with handcuffs around her feet and hands. She has been in federal custody after being sentenced to two years in prison over her involvement in another pro-life protest.