CNN’s Van Jones: Kamala Harris Picking Tim Walz Was About ‘Caving’ To Anti-Semitic Leftists

CNN’s Van Jones said on Tuesday that Vice President Kamala Harris deciding to pick Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) to be her running mate and not Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro (D) was about “caving” to far-Left voices within the Democratic Party that are anti-Semitic.

Jones made the remarks after being asked on the network about Harris’ decision not to go with Shapiro, who was viewed by many strategists as the strongest pick she could have made.

“The conservatives, the right-wing, the Republicans, they were chewing their fingernails down to the knuckle because they were afraid of a Josh Shapiro,” Jones said. “They were afraid of a Mark Kelly. They’re not as afraid of this new governor because they think they can define him.”

“Here’s the challenge you’ve got in this party, and people don’t want to talk about it, but we’ve got to talk about it,” he continued. “On the one hand, you have a lot of young people who are concerned about Gaza. You have a lot of Muslims and Arabs and others. They have not felt seen by the Biden administration. You start right here in that genocide joke that was building. And so those folks needed to have a candidate that they could feel comfortable with. This helps them in that regard.”


“But you also have anti-Semitism that has gotten marbled into this party,” he concluded. “You can be for the Palestinians without being an anti-Jewish bigot. But there are some anti-Jewish bigots out there. And there’s some disquiet now, and there has to be, how much of what just happened is caving into some of these darker parts in the party. So, that’s going to have to get worked out. It’s going to have to get talked through.”


Van Jones admits that Kamala picking Walz was her “caving in to some of these darker parts in the party” in terms of appeasing “anti-Jewish bigots” that have “gotten marbled into this party.”

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) August 6, 2024

DeSantis Rips Harris-Walz Ticket: ‘Most Left-Wing Ticket In American History’

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) slammed Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision this week to select far-Left Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her running mate, saying that the two represent one of the most radical tickets in American history.

DeSantis made the remarks during a press conference and on social media after the selection was announced early on Tuesday morning.

“We all remember the BLM riots of 2020 in Minneapolis,” DeSantis said. “Those were riots that Harris egged on and raised money to bail out the rioters with Minnesota Bail Fund, and they’re riots that Tim Walz as governor sat back and let happen. He sat back and let the city of Minneapolis burn. That city has been gutted as a result of those riots.”

Ron DeSantis takes down Tim Walz


— (@townhallcom) August 6, 2024

“This is a ticket that really represents the spirit of those 2020 BLM riots,” he continued. “You have a very vapid San Francisco Democrat and then you’ve got an Ilhan Omar-style leftist, Tim Walz, who has the same policies as his fellow Minnesotan Ilhan Omar.”

“We do not need an America that represents the failed policies of San Francisco or the failed policies of Minneapolis,” he said. “We do not need to see poop on the street and cities burning down. That is not a prescription for America to work its way back.”


DeSantis noted that from 2020 through 2021, “you were five times more likely to move from Minnesota to Florida than vice versa, and that’s a result of people fleeing those failed policies.”

“Why would we want that for the United States of America? Where are people going to flee to?” he asked. “We can’t have everybody live in the state of Florida, I can tell you that.”

On social media, DeSantis branded the ticket “Make America Burn Again” and said that the two represented the “most left-wing ticket in American history.”

In 2021, Minnesotans were roughly five times more likely to move to Florida than vice versa.

They were fleeing a state that, under Gov. Tim Walz, turned its back on law and order, increased taxes, and imposed unscientific coronavirus restrictions, harming children and destroying…

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) August 6, 2024