White House Press Corps Doesn’t Realize It’s The Joke

The White House Correspondents’ Association held its annual dinner Saturday night, an event meant to celebrate the First Amendment and raise money for journalism scholarships. Unfortunately for the press corps, its members didn’t realize President Joe Biden was laughing at the media — not with it — throughout the evening.

“In a lot of ways, this dinner sums up my first two years in office. I’ll talk for 10 minutes, take zero questions, and cheerfully walk away,” Biden said during his speech.

The president typically makes a number of wisecracks meant in good fun, but that one was a clear mockery of the so-called reporters who cover the president.

How did the 2,600 or so in attendance react? They all chuckled along, clapping like seals, unaware that they were the butt of the joke.

BIDEN: “In a lot of ways, this dinner sums up my first two years in office. I’ll talk for ten minutes, take zero questions, and cheerfully walk away.” pic.twitter.com/LBjHMpgsmQ

— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) April 30, 2023

Don’t take my word for it. Listen to senior CNN commentator and former Bush staffer Scott Jennings explain to his colleagues why they should be embarrassed.

“On Biden, the line that will stick with me is, ‘in a lot of ways, this dinner sums up my first two years in office, I’ll talk for 10 minutes, take zero questions, and cheerfully walk away,’” Jennings said on CNN Sunday morning.  “For the journalists in the room, he wasn’t laughing with you, he was laughing at you.”

.@ScottJenningsKY on Biden taunting reporters tonight by joking that he never takes their questio ns: "He wasn't laughing with you, he was laughing at you. I mean, the reality is, I think he's mocking the press. The guy does not take questions, & he's up there joking about it. pic.twitter.com/Bq71ynzzU6

— Kevin Tober (@KevinTober94) April 30, 2023

“The guy does not take questions, he’s up there joking about it,” Jennings added. “I’m pro-reporter, and I think the President of the United States ought to have to talk to these reporters and not mock them.”

Indeed, think of all the alleged scandals that the White House press pool either ignores or covers late into the game: Hunter Biden’s laptop, Russiagate, the real status of the war in Ukraine, Biden’s classified documents, the Biden family making money off the family name and political access,  the weaponization of the Department of Justice and so many more.


There was barely a mention of any of that on Saturday night, except for the emcee who actually made fun of the lapdog media for its double standard over former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents versus Biden’s.

“As soon as the Trump document story broke, everybody was down at Mar-a-Lago reporting live…And then we found out Joe Biden had documents, too, and it was like ‘it’s not a big deal,” Roy Wood, Jr. said, again making fun of the inadequate state of journalism.

WOW! Roy Wood Jr mocks the liberal media! “As soon as the Trump document story broke, everybody was down at Mar-a-Lago reporting live…And then we found out Joe Biden had documents, too, and it was like ‘it’s not a big deal.’” pic.twitter.com/7nYDVve2If

— Kevin Tober (@KevinTober94) April 30, 2023

The crowd chortled again. Why? Because it’s true. They know that journalists, by and large, have a double standard.

That’s what makes Biden’s disrespect for the press so incredulous. He has to face friendly journalists, and he still avoids them. Imagine if America had an actual media complex that held the president accountable.

We don’t. Biden knows that, and he laughs right in their faces about it.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Steve Scalise: Biden ‘Trying To Run Out The Clock And Create A Debt Crisis’ By Rejecting GOP Bill

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said President Joe Biden is attempting to cause a debt crisis by refusing to negotiate with Republicans.

Appearing on ABC News’s “This Week” Sunday, Scalise blasted Biden for rejecting the debt ceiling bill passed by House Republicans earlier this week and for refusing to negotiate over the debt limit with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

“The White House needs to ultimately get into this negotiation,” Scalise told host Martha Raddatz. “The president’s been in hiding for two months, Martha. That’s not acceptable to Americans. They expect the president to sit in a room with Speaker McCarthy and start negotiating, not hiding, not waiting and trying to get a debt crisis.”

Scalise also took other Democrats to task for rejecting the Republican bill.

“If they got a better idea, I want to see that bill and tell them to pass it through the Senate,” he said. “We just passed the bill through the House, and we’ve been very vocal. It’s been over two months since President Biden has sat down with Speaker McCarthy to have negotiations. President Biden is clearly trying to run out the clock and create a debt crisis. That’s irresponsible. Republicans at least said if the president is going to set this one out, we’re not. We’re going to lead. We passed a bill to address the problem.”

“It’s time now for the president to get in this game, get off the sidelines and let’s start negotiating and figuring this out — not in June when we get into the midnight hour, but today,” he concluded. “We have a lot of time to get this done. But we can’t wait another two months like President Biden has done.”

House Republicans passed the “Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023” on a party-line basis Wednesday; the final tally was 217-215. Four Republicans: Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Tim Burchett (R-TN), and Ken Buck (R-CO) did not vote for the bill. Three other members did not vote. The bill suspends the debt ceiling until it rises by $1.5 trillion or until March 31, 2024 — whichever comes first. The bill also returns spending to 2022 levels and caps new spending at 1% per year; it also reclaims unspent COVID-19 funds and repeals several Biden spending policies.

McCarthy dared Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to put an alternative debt ceiling plan to a vote and challenged Biden to agree to talks. “Now, the president can no longer put this economy in jeopardy,” McCarthy said.


But the Biden administration said the president would veto the bill before the House even passed it.

“The administration strongly opposes the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023, which is a reckless attempt to extract extreme concessions as a condition for the United States simply paying the bills it has already incurred,” the White House Office of Management and Budget said in a policy statement on Tuesday. “The bill stands in stark contrast to the President’s vision for the economy… Therefore, if the President were presented with the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023, he would veto it.”