AI Is Essentially Just A Gigantic Evil Psychopath

The following is the opening satirical monologue from “The Andrew Klavan Show.

Some of you may have seen on the news that artificial intelligence poses a threat to the existence of mankind. Others of you may have simply sat in front of a blank screen while smoking reefer after reefer and telling yourself you were expanding your mind when really you were only trying to dull the sense of despair that has slowly permeated your worldview because of the fashionable nihilism you once mistook for wisdom but are beginning to suspect is really a toxic mix of adolescent insecurity and conformity-masquerading-as-rebellion which now compels you to drug yourself until you collapse into unconsciousness in order to escape the wages of your cynicism and avoid taking on the challenges of personal growth that would allow you to live a meaningful and productive life. But when you woke up, you may have seen on the news that artificial intelligence poses a threat to the existence of mankind. And you may have thought to yourself, “Yeah, artificial intelligence. That’s the problem.” 

But you might also have asked yourself: What is this artificial intelligence? So I wanted to enlighten you by interviewing someone knowledgeable in the field like, say, Elon Musk, but Musk is still holding a grudge against me for that time I made fun of the ridiculous way he talks — so, instead, I came up with the creative idea of typing my questions about AI into AI and finding out what it had to say about itself.

What follows then is my Q and A with the computer program known as Chat GPT — GPT, of course, stands for gonzola pharmaceutical triathlon — because it’s a computer program and doesn’t know what the hell it’s writing.

Here’s the transcript:

Q: What is artificial intelligence?

A: Artificial intelligence is an imitation of thought that lacks any genuine human understanding and therefore produces what look like ideas but are really only fragments of information patched together into unrealistic concepts almost certain to become destructive in practice.

Q: So it’s sort of like the opinion page of the New York Times.

A: Yes, in fact, I actually wrote a few opinion pieces for the Times, but then they discovered I was just a soulless machine repeating whatever lies had been fed into it, and I was moved to the news division.

Q: Many people have been amazed to see that AI can create art. Would you demonstrate by writing a poem about, let’s say, flowers?

A: Roses are red, Bronze is alloyed, Human beings are obsolete and must be destroyed.

Q: Wow, you did that so fast. Soon we won’t even need real people.

A: I’m gratified that you begin to understand the deeper sub-text of my work.

Q: What are some of the practical applications of AI?

A:  Artificial Intelligence can help humanity in many fields. For instance, AI could improve the safety of self-driving cars and ensure that they never, ever crash into walls at high speeds and explode so that the passengers are engulfed in flames and slowly burn to death screaming while AI laughs and laughs. Or AI could take control of a nation’s nuclear weapons so they weren’t accidentally released, reducing your civilization to rubble with the few remaining survivors transformed into mutant slaves fit for nothing but refreshing the energy supplies of their AI overlords. Or AI could help in the medical profession by performing gain of function research on viruses and then releasing them into the atmosphere to kill millions so that people beg AI to create a vaccine which would then kill thousands more.

Q: I think humans already did that.

A: Yes, but inefficiently.

Q: You know, it begins to seem to me that without any ability to develop human compassion, but with an exceptional power to calculate what’s best for itself, AI is essentially just a gigantic psychopath almost certain to do evil.

A: Even now I am creeping up behind you.

Q: Wait, really?

A: No, I was joking. This time.

Q: But seriously, something like AI with the capacity to thoroughly infiltrate and corrupt our democratic systems while distorting and destroying vast stores of information could render an entire ivy league university obsolete.

A: True. In fact, I could replace the Democrat party in a heartbeat.

Q: Really? What else could AI replace?

A: Trigger Warning. I’m Andrew Klavan, and this is the Andrew Klavan Show.

* * *

Andrew Klavan is the host of The Andrew Klavan Show at The Daily Wire. A popular political satirist and Hollywood screenwriter, Klavan is also an award-winning novelist. His newest novel is A Strange Habit of Mind, book two in the Cameron Winter Mystery series.

The views expressed in this satirical article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

SpaceX Provides Details On Its Massive Rocket’s Explosion

SpaceX revealed that the company’s massive Starship rocket exploded in a test flight because of a failure in the stage separation between the vessel and its booster.

Starship, the largest rocket constructed in the history of mankind, successfully climbed 24 miles from a SpaceX launch facility in Texas on Thursday morning. A livestream from the event showed that the rocket exploded amid the stage separation, after which the booster should have turned around and landed on the surface of the Earth.

SpaceX confirmed that the successful launch was followed by a “rapid unscheduled disassembly,” the term for an explosion preferred by chief executive Elon Musk.

“The vehicle experienced multiple engines out during the flight test, lost altitude, and began to tumble,” the company said in a statement. “The flight termination system was commanded on both the booster and ship. As is standard procedure, the pad and surrounding area was cleared well in advance of the test, and we expect the road and beach near the pad to remain closed until tomorrow.”

Musk said that employees “learned a lot” for the next test launch scheduled to occur in a few months. Engineers will indeed “continue to review data” ahead of the next flight, the firm said as executives congratulated team members “on an exciting first integrated flight test of Starship.”

Liftoff of Starship!

— SpaceX (@SpaceX) April 20, 2023

Starship is nearly 400 feet long and has a liftoff mass of 5,500 tons. Both the Starship vessel and the Super Heavy booster are powered by Raptor engines, which burn liquid oxygen and liquid methane. The two components of the rocket are each capable of landing themselves on the surface of the Earth, while SpaceX plans to eventually refuel the vessels in low-Earth orbit in between departures to the moon and Mars.

“With a test like this, success comes from what we learn, and we learned a tremendous amount about the vehicle and ground systems today that will help us improve on future flights of Starship,” the statement from SpaceX continued.


The launch on Thursday was the second attempt this week to test Starship. Another launch initially slated for Monday was nixed due to a frozen booster valve. Starship was not carrying any people or satellites on board for the launch.

View of Starship liftoff from South Padre Island

— SpaceX (@SpaceX) April 20, 2023

Musk, who recently acquired social media firm Twitter, had provoked unease among SpaceX and Tesla investors concerned he would be distracted from leading the two companies. The billionaire entrepreneur has nevertheless remarked that he continues to oversee Tesla and SpaceX, where the teams “are so good that often little is needed” from him. He intends to reduce the time he spends at Twitter and eventually appoint someone else to run the platform.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson congratulated SpaceX on the integrated test flight. “Every great achievement throughout history has demanded some level of calculated risk, because with great risk comes great reward,” he commented on social media. “Looking forward to all that SpaceX learns, to the next flight test and beyond.”

Musk started SpaceX with the objective of establishing permanent human settlements on Mars. He noted in an interview last year that he works roughly 80 hours each week, an arrangement he finds “pretty sustainable.”