Former Council Of Economic Advisers Chief Rips Harris’ Attack On Trump’s Economy

Kevin Hassett, a former senior adviser to former President Donald Trump and chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, ripped Vice President Kamala Harris for the remarks that she made during this week’s presidential debate where she rewrote history about the U.S. economy’s recovery under Trump.

Hassett made the remarks during an interview that aired Friday on PBS’ “Firing Line” with Margaret Hoover when asked about Harris’ claim that the Biden-Harris administration had to clean up the economy after Trump’s presidency.

“In the first quarter of President Biden’s first term, for the Biden-Harris first term, then GDP growth was about 6.5% and inflation was about 1%,” he said. “And so the pandemic was just like an awful experience for everybody, of course. And we had the worst quarter that we’ve had since the Great Depression. And through really bipartisan legislation, it passed with unanimous support of Democrats, Republicans and Democrats worked together to repair the economy with a sequence of stimulus bills that were right sized.”

“And so even though we had the biggest decline in GDP since the Great Depression of the second quarter for the year, the GDP was basically just about flat,” he continued. “And then what happened is that because of the recovery, the economy was really taking off in the first quarter. I don’t think any economists would say that they inherited a disaster. In fact, they inherited a recovery that was raging.”

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He said that the U.S.’ recovery was largely driven by the actions taken by both Democrats and Republicans in 2020, when Trump was still president, who passed bills that were “sized almost exactly for the harm that was being done by the lockdowns.”

“The problem was that the first quarter ended up being 6% growth,” he said. “There weren’t any lockdowns. And then they continued another stimulus bill, and that’s where the inflation really started.”


Sweden’s Right-Wing Government Offers To Pay Migrants To Go Home

Sweden’s right-wing government said this week that it will drastically increase grants to incentivize migrants to leave the country and go home after citizens have revolted to the flood of migrants.

The once migrant-friendly nation is upping its offer by 35 times to more than $34,000 to those who leave the country, AFP reported. The country has been flooded with migrants over the last 30 years from third-world countries, especially Islamic countries, including Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran, and Iraq.

New Swedish Migration Minister Johan Forssell told reporters this week that the country was “in the midst of a paradigm shift in our migration policy.”

Liberals whined in a government inquiry that sending the message that migrants were not longer wanted in the country would hinder their ability to assimilate into Swedish society. The reason that the political Right in the country wants to send them home is because they are not assimilating to the culture and they drain welfare resources that are intended for the country’s citizens.

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The new policy was announced just two days after Forssell, a moderate, was reassigned from minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, where he gutted the country’s foreign aid budget, to be its new migration minister, The New York Times reported.

When Conservative Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson came into office two years ago, he promised to do something about the country’s immigration problem and its exploding gang problem, which was caused by the migrants. The rightward shift on immigration follows a larger trend across the continent as people embrace hardline stances on immigration as they become increasing angry seeing their societies deteriorate because of migrants.