Violent Transgender Rhetoric Is All Over Etsy

Etsy allows a significant number of shops to sell transgender-themed items that threaten violence.

The e-commerce site, a major platform for buying and selling handmade and vintage items, has a slew of merchandise available that appears to specifically threaten violence against people who disagree with gender ideology.

“Armed queers bash back,” reads a flag with the “Progress Pride” flag and a picture of an AK-47 assault rifle.

“Respect my pronouns or yours will be was/were,” reads a sweatshirt.

One t-shirt pictures three daggers along with the words “Protect Trans Kids.”

“Respect gender pronouns or I will identify as a problem,” reads a sticker with a picture of a cat holding a knife.

Some of the shops that sell the violence-themed merchandise have made thousands of sales. At least one shop has more than 19,000 sales.

Transgender activist rhetoric is getting more violent.

Here's a smattering of what Etsy sells. It's much worse in the deeper bowels of the internet

— Mairead Elordi (@JohnsonHildy) April 3, 2023

More violent transgender activist rhetoric

— Mairead Elordi (@JohnsonHildy) April 3, 2023

“The cis-tem,” reads a candle, “Oh look… it’s on fire.”

“Turn TERFs into turf,” reads another sticker.

“Respect my pronouns or die by my sword,” reads one sticker with pictures of swords.

“We’re here. We’re queer. I have a brick,” another candle reads.

Amazon has at least a few pieces of similar merchandise available.

In darker areas of the internet, the rhetoric is far worse, but at least one example appears to have made it to Etsy — just to give you an idea of how unpalatable it gets.

Etsy sells a sticker reading “Vore TERFS” is a reference to a sexual fetish, “vore,” which involves being sexually aroused by swallowing something whole — in this case, a wolf swallowing a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF), a derogatory term for a feminist who does not accept trans-identifying people as their preferred gender.

This originated in the bowels of the internet but somehow made it onto Etsy.

Essentially they're saying they're sexually aroused by wolves swallowing TERFS. You're welcome for that explanation.

— Mairead Elordi (@JohnsonHildy) April 3, 2023

“Disclaimer: Please do not attempt to actually feed any TERFs to wolves, as this can upset their diet and make them sick,” the seller adds.

Last week, a trans-identifying woman gunned down six people at a Christian school in Nashville.

One of the most significant things we know so far is that the shooter was a former student and may have been partly motivated by a sense of “resentment,” according to Nashville police.

This is notable because proponents of gender ideology often consider disagreement with them to be violence, so it is not entirely surprising that one of them might consider responding in kind.

Just three weeks before the mass shooting, left-leaning personalities called The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles “genocidal” for saying the transgender ideology must be “eradicated.”

That language was echoed last week by activist group TRAN when it canceled its “Trans Day of Vengeance” event in Washington, D.C., citing safety threats.

“This is one of the steps in genocide, and we will continue our efforts to protect trans lives,” the group said.

Meanwhile, the press secretary for Democratic Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs was ousted after she posted a tweet that appeared to suggest gun violence against “transphobes.”

This is the state of transgender rhetoric in the mainstream. The escalation by gender ideology proponents now includes apparent threats of violence out in the open against people who disagree with them.

Even in the wake of a deadly tragedy, major companies like Etsy, the mainstream media, and Democrats have yet to call for a deescalation.

Trump Charged With 34 Felony Counts, Will Get Special Treatment: Report

Former President Donald Trump will reportedly be arrested Tuesday on nearly three dozen felony counts but will receive special treatment from prosecutors.

Yahoo News Chief Investigative Correspondent Michael Isikoff reported that Trump will be charged on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

Trump will not be handcuffed, will not have his photo taken, and will not be placed in a jail cell, all of which are standard, even for white-collar for defendants, the report said.

The 34 felony counts that Trump is facing are Class E felonies, which are the lowest level felonies in the state and carry up to 4 years in prison per charge.

The report noted that New York law enforcement officials indicated that “no one gets jail time for that as a first offender.”

Immediately after the story was published Trump posted on social media that information in the indictment had been illegally leaked by Bragg.

“Wow! District Attorney Bragg just illegally LEAKED the various points, and complete information, on the pathetic Indictment against me. I know the reporter and so, unfortunately, does he. This means that he MUST BE IMMEDIATELY INDICTED,” Trump said. “Now, if he wants to really clean up his reputation, he will do the honorable thing and, as District Attorney, INDICT HIMSELF. He will go down in Judicial history, and his Trump Hating wife will be, I am sure, very proud of him!”

“D.A. BRAGG JUST ILLEGALLY LEAKED THE 33 points of Indictment,” Trump continued. “There are no changes or surprises from those he leaked days ago directly out of the Grand Jury. No Crime by Trump. What a MESS. Bragg should resign, NOW!”

Trump faces additional legal jeopardy in three other criminal investigations into him, including a federal investigation into his efforts to stay in power after the 2020 election, an investigation in Georgia related to alleged meddling in the 2020 election, and another federal investigation into his handling of U.S. government records after leaving office.