Biden Brags About The Economy – And People Say It Must Be An April Fool’s Day Gag

President Joe Biden often takes to Twitter to brag about his accomplishments in the White House — particularly with regard to the economy. But things went a little bit sideways when he tweeted just such a boast on April 1 — and critics quickly wrote it off as an April Fools Day prank.

As he has on a number of occasions, Biden began with the claim that the economy had been a mess when he took office. But he left out the fact that COVID restrictions were the reason many Americans were out of work — and the reason that many of the small businesses had closed.

“When I took office, the economy was reeling. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses had closed – and millions of Americans had lost their jobs,” Biden tweeted. “We got relief to small businesses fast to jumpstart the strongest recovery of any major economy in the world.”

When I took office, the economy was reeling.

Hundreds of thousands of small businesses had closed – and millions of Americans had lost their jobs.

We got relief to small businesses fast to jumpstart the strongest recovery of any major economy in the world.

— President Biden (@POTUS) April 1, 2023

A number of critics quickly capitalized on the fact that Biden’s tweet coincided with April Fools Day — and argued that it must have been a joke.

“I love a good April Fool’s joke,” the U.S. Ministry of Truth tweeted in response.

I love a good April Fool's Joke.

— U.S. Ministry of Truth (@USMiniTru) April 1, 2023

Doug Powers congratulated the presidential Twitter account for posting “the best April Fool joke” of the day.

The @POTUS account had the best April Fool joke yesterday.

— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) April 2, 2023

Others simply pointed out the errors in Biden’s claims, noting the missing context — namely forced lockdowns and closures due to COVID — and arguing that the economy would have corrected as things opened whether Biden had acted or not.

“Small businesses were closed and people lost their jobs by mandate. The small relief program the SBA put forth under your admin was sued for discrimination, and promised funds were pulled from them last minute in a disgraceful maneuver. Otherwise, great tweet,” Carol Roth tweeted.

Small businesses were closed and people lost their jobs by mandate.

The small relief program the SBA put forth under your admin was sued for discrimination, and promised funds were pulled from them last minute in a disgraceful maneuver.

Otherwise, great tweet.

— Carol Roth (@caroljsroth) April 1, 2023

“When you took office, inflation was at 1.4% and gas was $2.39/gal. Today, inflation is at 6% and gas is $3.50/gal. Real wages have fallen for 23 straight months. The list goes on and on and on,” Jake Schneider added.

When you took office, inflation was at 1.4% and gas was $2.39/gal. Today, inflation is at 6% and gas is $3.50/gal. Real wages have fallen for 23 straight months. The list goes on and on and on.

— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) April 1, 2023

Twitter’s Community Notes even fact-checked the president, noting that the missing context actually made a big difference.

“Context is needed to remind readers that President Biden took office in January 2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which had started to spread early in 2020, causing significant business closings and job loss,” one of the noted read.

Another Arizona Governor Aide Out Of Job

A second aide to Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is out of the job after her press secretary resigned while facing controversy over a tweet that suggested violence against “transphobes.”

The replacement for Murphy Hebert, the governor’s director of communications, will be announced next week, according to a press release about a “reorganization” of leadership roles in the Democrat’s administration.

Alli Bones, Hobbs’s chief of staff, reportedly said it was not decided yet whether Hebert would stay in the administration in a different role and denied that the move had anything to do with the resignation of Josselyn Berry, who was the press secretary to Hobbs.

“This review has been going on for the past couple of weeks and…has been in the works for a while,” Alli Bones, Hobbs’ chief of staff, told the Arizona Mirror. “These things don’t happen overnight.”

Berry faced intense backlash last week after people took notice of a tweet on Monday that contained an image of actress Gena Rowlands in the 1980 film “Gloria” brandishing two pistols and the message: “Us when we see transphobes.”

The tweet came hours after the shooting at Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, that resulted in the deaths of three children and three faculty members. Law enforcement who responded to the carnage at the private Christian school killed the shooter, a woman who identified as transgender. Though investigators have yet to release a motive, police did say the shooter targeted the school.

Hobbs, who took office as governor earlier this year, tweeted about the horrific attack on Tuesday.

“As flags across our state and our country are lowered for the six victims of school gun violence in Nashville, we mourn their loss, along with all others killed by gun violence,” Hobbs said. “Our schools should be safe places for students and teachers, this could have and should have been prevented.”

But much of the focus was placed on Berry’s tweet. Among those who called on Hobbs to fire Berry was Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh.

“Really? This is what your press secretary thinks about this tragedy. Fire her immediately. No other answer will be acceptable,” he said in response to the tweet from Hobbs.

Really? This is what your press secretary thinks about this tragedy. Fire her immediately. No other answer will be acceptable.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 29, 2023

The governor’s office released a brief statement on Wednesday announcing that Berry had resigned.


“The Governor does not condone violence in any form,” the statement said. “This administration holds mutual respect at the forefront of how we engage with one another.”

“The post by the Press Secretary is not reflective of the values of the administration,” the statement added. “The Governor has received and accepted the resignation of the Press Secretary.”