Woman Survived Factory Explosion After Falling Into Vat Of Melted Chocolate: Report

On March 24, the R.M. Palmer Co. chocolate factory in West Reading, Pennsylvania, exploded, killing seven people and injuring ten others — but one worker, Patricia Borges, was saved after she fell into a vat of melted chocolate.

In an exclusive interview with the Associated Press, conducted from the hospital where Borges is being treated for injuries sustained during the blast, the worker told her incredible story.

At approximately 4:30 p.m. on the day of the explosion, Borges said that she smelled what she believed was natural gas. Borges told AP that she and several coworkers alerted a supervisor, who told them that a higher-up would have to make the call on a possible building evacuation. Less than 30 minutes later, the building exploded.

After the explosion, Borges’ arm caught fire. “I asked God why he was giving me such a horrible death. … I asked him to save me, that I didn’t want to die in the fire,” she told AP.

As Borges ran, the floor collapsed, and she landed in a vat of melted chocolate, which put out the fire on her body, but apparently broke bones in both of her feet.

Borges stood in the vat, up to her chest in chocolate. When firefighters arrived on scene, they began dousing the burning building with water, some of which filled the rest of the vat until Borges could no longer stand inside it.

After climbing out of the vat, she fell into a pool of water, swallowing some of it. Borges stayed in that water for hours, screaming for help, until a rescue dog identified her location for first responders.

Ken Pagurek, manager of emergency response team Pennsylvania Task Force 1, said that if Borges had not been rescued when she was, she might have also died.


Borges’ family has started a GoFundMe to help with medical costs incurred as a result of her injuries. Borges told AP that she wants accountability from the chocolate company, “For my colleague Judy, I want there to be justice.”

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has opened an investigation into the factory explosion.

Keith Holloway, a spokesman for the NTSB, told the Associated Press that the agency is looking at “what caused, how and why the explosion occurred.” Government officials believe a natural gas pipeline nearby is linked to the explosion.

UGI Utilities, a gas and electric provider, is working with state and federal authorities in their probe. In a statement, UGI offered “heartfelt condolences to the victims and all those impacted” by the explosion, and pledged to get to the bottom of what caused the incident, in conjunction with other authorities.

Leif Le Mahieu contributed to this report.

Canadian Cops Watch As Radical Trans Activists Assault Lone Man Defending Kids

Canadian police officers appeared to simply watch — and one appeared to smile — as radical trans activists approached and then eventually assaulted a lone counter-protester wearing a sandwich board sign that read, “Children can’t consent to puberty blockers.”

Video of the incident was shared by Chris Elston (@BillboardChris), who said that he was assaulted twice at the protest, and that police did nothing. When pressed to respond, police officers suggested that he might have cut his own nose — or that he had incited the trans activists to violence by showing up with a sign that they did not like.

The first alleged assault took place, as Elston said, just seconds after he arrived at the park where the event was being held.

This was my first assault. I’d been there for seconds. It left me with a bloody nose.

My friend @pierre_barns was on his own with some hostile people, so I went to give him support and actually move us away from these insane people. pic.twitter.com/Bt9cO7poi0

— Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@BillboardChris) April 1, 2023

“After my first assault, which occurred within seconds of my arrival, I called 911 for police. This officer arrived quickly but stayed in her car, so I walked over. She told me maybe I cut my own nose! More farcical policing ensued,” Elston tweeted.

After my first assault, which occurred within seconds of my arrival, I called 911 for police.

This officer arrived quickly but stayed in her car, so I walked over.

She told me maybe I cut my own nose!

More farcical policing ensued. pic.twitter.com/v6mORvgAjd

— Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@BillboardChris) April 1, 2023

Several of the protesters came to talk to the police as well, accusing Elston of attending protests regularly. The female police officer, after viewing video of the first alleged assault, said that she could talk to the other people involved and see what they had to say. A short time later, she said that they should not go talk to the people in the video, citing a desire to avoid violence.

Elston shared a second clip that showed him talking calmly with another person, who was filming the exchange — when a group of trans activists approached, surrounded him, and screamed profanities in his face.


Another angle of the assault on me today. Police did nothing.

The investigating officer says I instigated, and she told me it was a mutual fight. pic.twitter.com/rCQZyntjSY

— Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@BillboardChris) April 1, 2023

“You suck. F*** you. F*** you, you’re not wanted. F*** you. You’re a f***ing idiot. F*** you,” one activist shouted in his face. The others joined him, shouting, “F*** YOU, F*** YOU, F*** YOU,” over and over again.

According to Elston, the police officer watched it happen — and then suggested it had been a “mutual fight” in which both parties were at fault.

Someone else posted a series of still photos pulled from the videos, showing the female police officer watching and smiling while activists could clearly be seen moving in and putting their hands on Elston.

The investigating officer loves every minute of this.

She’s smiling away as I’m getting assaulted. https://t.co/Kxsn0CLgvD

— Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@BillboardChris) April 1, 2023

“I need to sue the VPD. I have to. The assault on our kids can’t continue, and the police enabling anarchy and violence can’t continue either. What a surreal day. If you can help me, I greatly appreciate your support,” Elston said in a later post.