Federal Reserve Officials Are Testing A ‘Central Bank Digital Currency.’ Here’s What That Means For Your Financial Freedom.

As public health measures raised alarms across the world over state-sanctioned infringement on freedom of assembly and expression, government bureaucrats and private corporations alike have proven themselves similarly eager to violate financial liberties.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked emergency powers last year to freeze the personal and corporate bank accounts of individuals involved with Freedom Convoy demonstrations against vaccine mandates. PayPal announced several months later that executives would withdraw funds from customer accounts should they promote racism or misinformation, a policy that the company later claimed was published by mistake.

Such violations of individual liberties have colored the emerging debate over central bank digital currencies, also known as CBDCs, a virtual unit of exchange controlled by the Federal Reserve and tethered to the value of the American dollar.

CBDCs are electronic forms of money that are backed by the full faith and credit of a national government and managed by a central bank. The tokens, unlike cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or ethereum, would not change in value. Nations such as China, Australia, Japan, India, Russia, and South Korea are presently exploring CBDCs, which have already been established in the Bahamas, Nigeria, and Jamaica, according to a report from the Atlantic Council.

Despite the radical shift that the adoption of a CBDC in the United States would render to the financial system, nearly three-quarters of the population remains unfamiliar with the technology, according to poll results from the Cato Institute shared with The Daily Wire. Sizable majorities and supermajorities oppose the adoption of a CBDC, especially if the technology induced the end of physical cash or implied the government could monitor financial transactions. 

Privacy protections are indeed the highest concern among those opposed to CBDCs. Nicholas Anthony and Norbert Michel of the Cato Institute wrote in a recent briefing paper that “there is no reason to believe” the technology would be exempt from laws requiring financial institutions to police transactions and gather personal information. 

“Americans have a right to privacy that is protected by the Constitution, but laws designed to counter terrorism, deter money laundering, and collect taxes provide the government with the ability to conduct large-​scale surveillance of citizens’ financial information without so much as a warrant,” the analysts wrote. “A CBDC could easily remove what little protections remain because it would give the federal government complete visibility into every financial transaction by establishing a direct link to each citizens’ financial transactions.”

Referencing the unilateral closure of Canadian bank accounts, Michel noted to The Daily Wire that “we have seen what an otherwise democratic government will do even with the boring old electronic technology that we currently use.”

Proponents of CBDCs assert that the technology could increase access to the financial system, as researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Virginia said in an article for the World Economic Forum. Others contend that a CBDC based upon the dollar would ensure its continued position as the global reserve currency. Anthony and Michel noted that the former consideration is largely irrelevant in the United States, where nearly every household has either a checking or savings account, while the latter consideration fails to note that robust institutions and property rights are the foundation for the worldwide trust of the dollar.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has said that his “mind is open” to a CBDC and added that he was “legitimately undecided” on whether the “benefits outweigh the costs.” The central bank recently conducted a simulation with Citi, Mastercard, BNY Mellon, and other companies to determine the “feasibility of payments between financial institutions” using the technology.

An earlier paper from the Federal Reserve argued that a CBDC would preserve the international role of the dollar while mitigating pitfalls from cryptocurrencies, such as liquidity risk and credit risk. CBDCs could be privacy-protected, intermediated through digital wallets offered by the private sector, and transferable between customers of different intermediaries, while identity verification from banks would discourage money laundering.

Powell said that the Federal Reserve would “want very broad support in society and in Congress” before adopting a CBDC. Michel told The Daily Wire that there exists “a good bit of gray area” on whether monetary policymakers could establish the technology and suspects that “they could unilaterally implement a certain kind of CBDC without further Congressional approval,” a move that would “almost certainly be litigated.”

Tom Cotton Weighs In On Whether Biden Will Sign Bill To Declassify Intelligence On Pandemic Origins

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said during an interview over the weekend that he expects President Joe Biden to sign legislation that was unanimously passed by Congress to declassify U.S. intelligence on the origins of the COVID pandemic.

“I do think he’ll sign it,” Cotton told Maria Bartiomo during a Sunday interview on Fox News. “I suspect they’re trying to get their ducks in a row on what they will and will not release.”

“But what I can tell you is the observations I made on your show now three years ago, and ever since then, have been based not really on any kind of classified intelligence, but just common sense and the facts in front of our faces,” he continued. “I think any farmer or trucker in Arkansas with an ounce of common sense will tell you this virus almost certainly came from those labs, and a large majority of Americans now believe that as well.”

“The Biden administration simply doesn’t want to align itself with that view, they want to continue to stress the uncertainty or the lack of direct evidence — which we may never have, because China has covered it up — because they don’t want to be forced to take action to hold China accountable for unleashing this plague on the world,” he added.




MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS HOST: Joining me right now is the man who first alerted the public to the probability that COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan lab on this program, back in March of 2020. Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is here. He sits on the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence Committees and Senator it’s always a pleasure. Thanks very much for being here.

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Thank you, Maria; it’s good to be back on with you.

BARTIROMO: Do you expect the President to sign that bill to declassify the intelligence around COVID-19?

COTTON: I do think he’ll sign it, Maria. I suspect they’re trying to get their ducks in a row on what they will and will not release. But what I can tell you is the observations I made on your show now three years ago, and ever since then, have been based not really on any kind of classified intelligence, but just common sense and the facts in front of our faces. I think any farmer or trucker in Arkansas with an ounce of common sense will tell you this virus almost certainly came from those labs, and a large majority of Americans now believe that as well. The Biden administration simply doesn’t want to align itself with that view, they want to continue to stress the uncertainty or the lack of direct evidence — which we may never have, because China has covered it up — because they don’t want to be forced to take action to hold China accountable for unleashing this plague on the world.