Stanford Medical Professor Tasked With Investigating UFO-Inflicted Brain Injuries That Killed Over 100 Troops, Tucker Carlson Says

In a now-viral podcast interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the primetime news anchor said a Stanford professor told him that federal officials tasked the educator with investigating several cases of troops dying from traumatic brain injuries caused by UFOs.

Carlson shared the story during a “Full Send Podcast” interview last week, where he claimed an unidentified tenured Stanford Medical professor, who specializes in traumatic brain injuries, reached out to his team requesting to appear on the Fox News show to talk about a decade-old conversation between him and the U.S. government.

“He’s like, 11 years ago, the U.S. government reached out to me because I’m an expert on head injuries on brain injuries … traumatic brain injuries … as a physician,” Carlson said. “And they had all these court cases from families of U.S. servicemen — over 100 — who had been killed by UFOs. And the Department of Defense was refusing to give them death benefits or medical benefits.”

According to Carlson, the anonymous source said he was an expert researcher and witness who claimed nuclear energy appears to attract UFOs in such cases.

He said nuclear missile bases with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines in the upper midwest have all been “buzzed” by the mysterious objects.

“And in a number of cases, these things have landed on military bases … servicemen have approached them … and they approach, and they get a traumatic brain injury, brain damage, or they’re killed,” Carlson said.

Carlson said there are dozens of open court cases that support the claim.

Tucker Carlson’s CRAZY UFO Story 🛸

— Full Send Podcast (@fullsendpodcast) March 10, 2023

Defense Department spokesperson Susan Gough told Military Times, “the story is false.”

Carlson, however, told the podcast hosts that if he ever encountered such objects or extra-terrestrial life, he would interview the unknown from a distance.

“I’d be super respectful,” he said, adding, “whatever is coming off these machines is very bad for the human body.”

UFO headlines have been circulating throughout the news media over the last few months after U.S. officials shot down four objects over North America this month, including a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina and three similar objects in Alaska, Michigan, and Canada.

Following the response from federal officials, top Biden administration officials briefed senators on both sides of the aisle about the flying objects, which left lawmakers with more questions than answers, while demanding the government should disclose what was said during the classified meeting.

Pentagon officials said in a draft document last week that a dominant artificial interstellar object could be releasing many small probes toward Earth.

“These ‘dandelion seeds’ could be separated from the parent craft by the tidal gravitational force of the Sun or by a maneuvering capability,” the report read.

CA Lawmakers Seek To Reverse Law That Prohibits Teachers From Disclosing Student Gender Identities, Transitions With Parents

California Republican lawmakers introduced a bill that would require school districts to alert parents if their child is trans-identifying or “non-binary” after a state high school fired one of its teachers for violating a state anti-discrimination law that prohibits such interactions.

Last week, Assemblymembers Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) and James Gallagher (R-Yuba City) unveiled AB-1314, otherwise known as the “Gender identity: parental notification” bill, which would require school district officials to notify parents within three days in writing if their children identify contrary to their biological sex documented on their official records or birth certificate.

“Parents play a critical role in nurturing and supporting children and they cannot be removed from the equation,” Essayli said during a Monday news conference, The Los Angeles Times reported.

“Concealing information from parents is not only wrong — it’s dangerous and harmful to the emotional and physical safety of trans minors,” Essayli added, according to ABC7.

Essayli held the press conference outside Jurupa Valley High School with former teacher Jessica Tapia, who was fired after refusing to follow the current state law that stops educators from discussing their children’s gender without consent from the student.

“I said, ‘Are you asking me to lie?’ And they said, ‘Yes. It’s the law, and it’s for the student’s privacy,’” Tapia said. “I can’t understand how the school system seems to think that we ought to act as though we are the parent.”

According to the California Department of Education, the current law protects trans-identifying students because disclosing their gender identity to their parents could increase their “vulnerability to harassment and may violate the student’s right to privacy.”

“We are talking about minors,” Tapia said. “Their brain is not fully developed. The decision-making portal in that brain is not fully developed, and they need their parents at this time for everything.”


“Everything they’re going through — mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually — you name it,” she added.

Tapia said she plans on suing the school district for wrongful termination.

Jurupa Unified School District officials told ABC7 in a statement that “all students and staff enjoy the right to privacy under the Constitutions of the United States and California.”

“While individuals may elect to disclose their personal information to the public, the District is prohibited from doing so,” the statement said. “The District’s actions related to Ms. Tapia were based on its obligations under current state and federal law, which protects student privacy and requires the District to provide a discrimination-free learning environment to students.”

Assemblymember Essayli said that if the new law passes, it will reset an appropriate relationship between educators and parents — reaffirming children belong to their parents and not the government.

Officials from the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus released a statement reported by The Los Angeles Times that says the new bill would put transgender and nonbinary students in “potentially life threatening danger, subjecting them to trauma and violence.”

“Teachers should not be forced into the inappropriate position of revealing a student’s personal information about their gender identity with anyone,” the statement reads.

California parent Peggy Bigby Lamberth argued that parents should be involved with their children’s decisions.

“Parents should absolutely be involved in all the decisions that their kids make,” Lamberth told ABC7. “Right now, kids are influenced by the media, by their friends, by just a lot of mixed messages.”

Last January, another California school district came under fire after The Center for American Liberty filed a lawsuit against the Chico Unified School District superintendent and school board for allegedly transitioning a female child “behind her mother’s back.”