‘Hurricane Kamala’: Activist Remembers ‘Harrowing’ Raid Ordered By Harris Over Planned Parenthood Videos

It was a spring day in 2016 when 11 heavily-armed men pulled up to pro-life activist David Daleiden’s southern California home.

Daleiden’s crime? Exposing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of body parts and organs of aborted babies.

The person going after him? California Attorney General Kamala Harris

At the behest of Planned Parenthood, on April 5, 2016, Harris ordered a raid on Daleiden’s apartment to seize undercover footage shot by his organization, the Center For Medical Progress. Harris’s office charged Daleiden with violating video privacy laws.

During the raid, Daleiden told The Daily Wire that a “dystopian kind of clown car” from the California Department of Justice showed up to his apartment in Orange County. To raid his apartment—which he says was only large enough to fit five people at a time—the 11-man team came armed with rifles and a canine unit in a white, windowless van.

“There were five big guys traipsing around inside the apartment looking behind statues of the Virgin Mary and rooting through my investigative files,” Daleiden said in an interview this week. “It was the most bizarre thing, watching them flip through, and thumb through printed out pages that I had of different companies’ invoices for aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood. They set the invoices aside and they didn’t seize those.”

They did take about half of the undercover footage Daleiden and his team had obtained of Planned Parenthood officials. A federal judge in San Francisco then placed an injunction on Daleiden from publishing the footage. Some of that footage has begun to trickle out in recent months, thanks to the work of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), whose office obtained the videos through congressional subpoena. 

Daleiden said the raid lasted about four hours and was a “harrowing experience.” 

“Imagine the state police showing up at your doorstep and just ransacking your belongings,” he said. “They overturned everything and made a huge mess.”

He said the agents were like “hurricane Kamala tearing through your living space.”

Daleiden said that the investigators who took his footage and began investigating him didn’t even watch the footage they were taking. 

“Under Kamala Harris’s leadership, they did this full on, SWAT team-style raid to seize the undercover tapes because they had all this damning stuff about Planned Parenthood on them,” he said. “But then once they got the tapes, they didn’t actually watch them, they just tried to validate a list that Planned Parenthood had given them of people that they could identify and use to bring these completely unprecedented charges against me under the California Video Recording Law.”


Daleiden and fellow investigator Sandra Merritt were later charged with 15 felony charges of videotaping “confidential” communications by Harris’s successor—and future HHS Secretary—Xavier Becerra. Litigation is still ongoing in that case, though about half of the charges have been dismissed. 

“It’s a total weaponization of government,” Daleiden said. “As California attorney general, Kamala Harris weaponized the power of her office to cover up barbaric criminal activity on the part of Planned Parenthood. And she did so by invoking a never-before-used California video recording law that has never been applied to undercover news gathering.”

Daleiden said that Harris should be asked if she ever watched the videos his team had taken, or knew what was on the videos before ordering them to be seized. 

“So Kamala Harris weaponized her office and weaponized the law in a completely unprecedented way to try to discriminate against free speech that her powerful political backers disagreed with and that they wanted to suppress because the evidence was so damning for them,” Daleiden said.

Harris ordered the raid just two weeks after she met with Planned Parenthood officials, and after the organization had specifically requested the computers used for the undercover videos to be seized. Now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Harris has long maintained close ties with Planned Parenthood. She has made promoting abortion a central point of her campaign. 

Et Tu, Jeff Bridges? The White Actors Who Gave Up Their Man Card On Kamala Zoom Call

Elections bring out the very worst in celebrities.

Every four years we get a crush of videos demanding the plebes vote their way or it’s the end of democracy. In 2016 “Save the Day” gathered “Avengers” alum, including Robert Downey, Jr., to warn us that a Donald Trump presidency would be the end of everything (except energy independence, apparently).

The worst might have been white Hollywood’s 2020 response to Black Lives Matter.

The “I Take Reasonability” clip redefined cringe for a new generation, as white celebrities bowed down to the Identity Politics cult in serious, black-and-white confessions. Try looking at “Breaking Bad” alum Aaron Paul the same way after watching his portion of the video.

So much White Privilege.

Then again, what happened this week could technically be worse.

“White Dudes for Kamala” fundraiser gathered some pretty famous faces to stump online for the vice president turned presidential candidate.

They shared her litany of legislative success stories, leadership on protecting Americans from violent illegal immigrants and more.

Just kidding.

They played the gender and race cards against themselves. “Please don’t cancel me!” “We’re doing as we’re told!”

The “dudes” in question? “Lord of the Rings” alum Sean Astin. Actor Josh Gad, the voice of Olaf the snowman. Singer Josh Groban. Comedian Paul Scheer of “The League” fame. And, shockingly, Jeff Bridges.

Yes, that Jeff Bridges.

Et tu, Dude?

“I qualify, man. I’m white, I’m a dude, and I’m for Harris.”

Yes, the level of intellectual gamesmanship soared off the charts during the exchange. How could it not, with Biden sycophant-turned-Harris sycophant Mark Hamill joining the fray.

TODAY-Join me along w/Pete Buttigieg-Gov. Roy Cooper-Rep. Adam Schiff-Bradley Whitford-Jimmy Williams-David Hogg-George Goehl-Ben Wikler-Josh Gad-Jon Cooper-Rory O’Malley-Michael Kelly-Misha Collins-Scott Galloway-Josh Groban & countless others ALL dedicated to electing… pic.twitter.com/mt2QAzhjLP

— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) July 29, 2024

The gathering may be atoning for their collective White Privilege, but their real privilege is economic. They all can survive the inflation surges sending millions of blue-collar Americans scurrying for cover on Harris’ watch.

Their affluence protects them from soaring crime rates across the country, fueled by soft-on-crime Democrats like … Harris. 

She’s gone on record supporting the Defund the Police program and free gender transitions for anyone seeking it, even convicted murderers. And are we even allowed to talk about her definitive role as President Joe Biden’s border czar?

Bridges ignored all of the above.

“I can see her being president … I’m so excited. A woman president, man. How exciting! And her championing of women’s rights, I’m for that.”

Would “The Big Lebowski” star have voted for Nikki Haley? That’s rhetorical. 

Has Harris stood up for women being pummeled by trans female athletes? That’s not rhetorical

Astin leaned into the feminist card like a man cornered at a Women’s March. Harris is “…qualified, tested, proven woman into the presidency, so that all girls for all time can know that that’s possible.”

Here’s betting parents can’t wait to share how Harris got her big start in politics. Just hope those girls are over 18 when they hear that story.

“West Wing” alum Bradley Whitford clumsily threw President Barack Obama under the presidential bus with his hype game. He said he’s “never felt this kind of enthusiasm ever.”

“Hope and change” is so 2008, apparently.

Then again, perhaps replacing a “Weekend at Bernie’s” cosplayer with a deeply flawed candidate is just the euphoria Democrats craved.

Gad delivered one of those scripted memories that not even Karine Jean-Pierre would buy in his “White Dudes” close-up.

The actor says he “stood over my kids’ bed and I wept” when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“That feeling of dread, and that feeling of fear, and that feeling of shame is not something I’m ever willing or able to allow myself to feel again.”

“And … cut! Love it, Josh … let’s take five.”

"On Election Night 2016, I wept. We had a chance to have a female president."

White Dudes For Harris meeting 💀 pic.twitter.com/ruNLshd5cr

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 30, 2024

Once again, back to identity. Not intelligence, accomplishments or gravitas. Gender.

The Harris agenda is simple and, potentially, successful. I am a woman who is both black and Native American. Those are my qualifications. Ignore my record, radical statements and lack of accomplishments on core issues like the U.S./Mexican border.

Question me or my flip-flops and you’re a racist and a sexist.

And don’t give it a second thought that I haven’t let journalists ask me, well, anything, since announcing my candidacy.

Could Harris handle even softball queries at this point? Remember, President Biden turned down the Super Bowl of softball interviews. Twice.

We all know why. And, after hearing Harris’ word-salad spinnings for three-plus years we think we get her press strategy.

The White Dudes affair did give Americans some digital karma.

X briefly suspended the White Dudes for Harris account on his platform. Not cool, but if you can’t see the “turnabout is fair play” angle you haven’t been paying attention. The old Twitter regime aggressively canceled conservatives, fought back against “misinformation” on COVID that turned out to be true and much more.

The assembled White Dudes for Kamala said nothing about that, of course. They couldn’t man up then, and they sure aren’t manning up now.

Just know the Elon Musk variation of “The Twitter Files” will be on a single sheaf of paper. More importantly, any GOP attempt to field a similar fundraiser for a minority Republican candidate will be greeted with endless references to Hitler and the KKK.