Libs Of TikTok Offers ‘Family Friendly’ Alternative To NY Attorney General’s ‘Drag Story Hour’

A “Drag Story Hour” event hosted by New York Attorney General Letitia James will have some competition from Libs of TikTok.

Chaya Raichik, who owns the popular anti-woke Twitter account, advertised her own story hour event this weekend that she said will be just right down the street.

“Protect your kids and come hear an important message at an event that’s actually family friendly,” said a tweet on Wednesday.

Brave Books CEO Trent Talbot will join Raichik over the same four-hour period that James is hosting her event from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and their respective books will be featured, according to the eventbrite page.

Raichik’s book, “No More Secrets: The Candy Cavern,” is being advertised as a conservative tale that promises to be “a modern twist to the familiar Grimm’s-style fairy tale, even including a big bad wolf.” Talbot has a book titled “Fight For Freedom Island.”

James, who has been spearheading a high-profile civil investigation into former President Donald Trump’s business empire, recently announced that she is hosting a “Drag Queen Story” event in Manhattan on Sunday.

“Families with children” were specifically invited in a flyer she posted to Instagram. James said drag storytellers, community leaders, and elected officials would be in attendance.

New York AG Letitia James is holding a drag queen event for children along with a number of other elected officials.

Our tax dollars are being used by government officials to fund and promote the sexualization of our children.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 14, 2023

A number of bills have been introduced in states across the country to prevent minors from being able to attend drag performances as “Drag Story Hour” events in particular became a focus of criticism.

Among those who chastised James for hosting such an event was Raichik herself.

“Our tax dollars are being used by government officials to fund and promote the sexualization of our children,” she tweeted.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Explains ‘Online Reputation Savaging’ And Why People Virtue Signal In New Episode Of ‘Exodus’

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his panel of six renowned scholars take a deep dive into important topics of today in a roundtable discussion on the Ten Commandments, including adultery, why people virtue signal, and the dangers of social media in the tenth episode of “Exodus,” released today on DailyWire+.

Continuing their study of Exodus, the second book of the Bible and Torah, Peterson and his roundtable discuss the last five commandments and how they apply spiritually, philosophically, and morally to our lives today. Peterson argues that anonymity in social media is a significant factor in attempts to destroy reputations in the current culture.

“Part of what’s pathologized social media at the moment, and this is why I’ve been objecting to at least a certain kind of anonymity, is that you can cast out reputational aspersions,” Peterson said. “I’ve talked to a bunch of psychologists about this recently because we’ve been looking at what personality attributes go along with online reputation savaging.”

“They’re exactly what you’d expect: It’s narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism,” Peterson said, adding that sadism was added recently because the other three attributes “weren’t bitter enough.”

Peterson argues that social media and virtualization contribute to bearing false witness, something that would likely continue with the number of social media users increasing yearly. Making matters worse, Peterson argues, is that there is no punishment for this type of bearing of false witness, which only enables more of it.

Throughout the episode, in which Peterson and the panel state that the commandments should be viewed as enabling principles, not a series of constraints, the topic of virtue signaling in today’s world comes up, which Peterson explains is acquiring a reputation without actually earning it.

“The reason that people are so motivated to do that is because once you can abstract an ethic, there’s actually nothing that’s more valuable than your reputation,” Peterson says. “It’s the thing upon which all the trades that you engage in with everyone else depends.”

Peterson says that getting a reputation falsely and savaging reputations without cause are both “real crimes.” Dr. Stephen Blackwood, President of Ralson College, says, “To have an ill-gotten reputation, that’s bad, but to take away someone’s actually earned reputation…”

“It’s a battle between two devils,” Peterson jumped in.

In addition to Blackwood, Peterson is joined by social critic Os Guinness; Cambridge assistant professor James Orr; President of Hillsdale College Larry Arnn; Christian thinker Jonathan Pageau; and PragerU founder Dennis Prager. Select future episodes will include Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro.

This is the second of eight episodes in the series, which explores the importance of Exodus as explained by theological and literary scholars and shows why the book remains significant thousands of years after being written.

One episode will be released each week. For a deep dive into the first five commandments, you can watch episode nine here. Additionally, Peterson’s documentary “Logos & Literacy” — which explores the Museum of the Bible and the Bible’s impact on society — is available for free on YouTube all month long.

You can watch the new episode of “Exodus” here.