‘Cringe’ Ads Go Viral From Failed Bank That Refused Trump’s Business: ‘A Circus Not A Bank’

A closer look at the New York-based bank that collapsed Sunday revealed some interesting advertising ideas.

Signature Bank, which denied then-President Donald Trump’s business in 2021 and was shut down by New York state regulators in the wake of the California-based Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse, put out one particular ad, featuring a parody of the song “Some Nights” by fun., that attracted upwards of 735,000 views in a matter of hours.

“Is it surprising that Signature Bank failed?” Grit Capital founder Genevieve Roch-Decter captioned the video. “Their executive team spent millions of dollars to produce music videos & TV shows about themselves.”

“Try not to cringe as you watch this,” she added.

Is it surprising that Signature Bank failed?

Their executive team spent millions of dollars to produce music videos & TV shows about themselves

Try not to cringe as you watch this: pic.twitter.com/16K70FQq5o

— Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA (@GRDecter) March 13, 2023

CNBC reported that Signature Bank was deeply invested in volatile cryptocurrency and had $110.4 billion in total assets and $88.6 billion in total deposits as of the end of 2022. After Sunday’s move by state regulators, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) took control of the bank.

In the same Twitter thread, Roch-Decter said a former Signature Bank employee told her, “The Management Team was basically like the show, the Office. They’d waste money on things like producing parody videos.”

The finance expert posted another video from the NY lender — this time a sort of musical comedy sketch.

The execs also tried their hands at a comedy sketch/musical combo.

I'm speechless. pic.twitter.com/y3lWDCcSlp

— Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA (@GRDecter) March 13, 2023

“Who would have trusted their money to these guys after watching this video? This is a circus not a bank,” Roch-Decter captioned one last video, a parody of a Katy Perry song.

Who would have trusted their money to these guys after watching this video?

This is a circus not a bank. pic.twitter.com/UYXxyifD4b

— Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA (@GRDecter) March 13, 2023

SVB caught accusations of mismanagement, too; specially, the lender was apparently hyper-focused on so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and LGBT activism.

SVB reportedly failed to have someone in charge of risk assessment for some eight months, until January of this year, while the person in charge of risk assessment in the U.K. allegedly prioritized “pro-diversity initiatives” while neglecting her actual role, according to a Daily Mail report.

Moreover, Jay Ersapah, Chief Risk Officer for the SVB in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, describes herself as a “queer person of color from a working-class background” and organized LGBTQ initiatives, including a month-long Pride campaign, the Daily Mail report outlined. Ersapah also implemented so-called safe space catch-ups for staffers and boasted of serving “underrepresented entrepreneurs.”

“This bank, they’re so concerned with DEI and politics and all kinds of stuff, I think that really diverted from them focusing on their core mission,” Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis told Fox News on Sunday.

Related: Latest Bank To Fail Refused Then-President Trump’s Business In 2021

All Democrats On Homeland Security Committee Pull Out From Attending Hearing In Field On Border Crisis

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-NC) said in a statement Monday evening that all Democrats on the Committee are pulling out from attending a hearing in the field about President Joe Biden’s ongoing crisis at the U.S. southern border.

The news comes as the administration has seen a historic flood of millions of illegal immigrants pouring into the U.S. under its watch which is largely occurring because Biden’s policies are acting as magnets for the migrants and cartel smugglers. The New York Times reported last year that the Mexican drug cartels went from making $500 million a year from human smuggling in 2018 to making $13 billion from human smuggling in 2022, a 2,500% increase.

“It’s deeply disappointing that the Minority members of the Committee have chosen to bail on this week’s full committee field hearing in Texas, only after they invited and confirmed a minority witness for one of the panels,” Green said in a statement. “The only message their absence sends is that they are uninterested in coming to the table to have a conversation about the devastation that this border crisis is having on Americans and their communities across the country. We will continue to encourage our Democrat colleagues to get out of the DC echo chamber and meet Americans where they are to discuss the biggest issues facing them.”

Ranking Member Bennie Thompson (D-MS) claimed that Democrats will not participate because “it has become clear that Republicans planned to politicize this event from the start.”

“Instead of a fact-finding mission to develop better border security and immigration policies, Republicans are traveling to the border to attack the Administration and try to score political points with their extreme rhetoric,” Thompson falsely claimed. “Committee Democrats are in regular contact with Department leadership and stakeholders on the ground and will be taking substantive site visits to the border – including as soon as this week.”

All Democrats on the House Homeland Security committee are boycotting Wednesday’s field hearing on the border crisis here in the RGV. They will be missing out on testimony from United States Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, @USBPChief, who is set to testify as a federal witness.

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) March 13, 2023