Campy 80s Pop Band The B-52’s Blasted Online For Coming Out Against Laws Banning Drag Shows, Trans Surgeries For Kids

The B-52’s spoke out against bills to ban children from attending drag shows and from having transgender surgery performed on them.

In a statement posted to Twitter Thursday, the campy 80s pop band came out against bills and laws in red states that would prohibit children from attending drag shows, and others banning so-called “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors. While liberals praised the band, others pointed out that not a lot of people know who The B-52s are.

“We, The B-52’s, are deeply concerned about the numerous new bills that promote transphobia and discrimination against transgender individuals and drag artists, which have been introduced in the United States,” the band wrote. “We strongly denounce these bills and stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ community.”

“It is unacceptable that in the 21st century, we are witnessing such blatant attempts to undermine the rights of individuals based on their gender identity and sexual orientation,” the group continued. “These bills not only violate the fundamental human rights of the affected individuals but also perpetuate a toxic culture of hate and intolerance that has no place in our society. Join us in denouncing these bills and standing in support of our LGBTQ+ community. Together, let us work towards building a society that reflects our shared being and is truly just, inclusive, and welcoming for all.”

Left-wing users on Twitter praised the band for their statement, but for as many positive comments as there were, there were just as many comments criticizing the band for misrepresenting what the bills actually do; and still more comments from users who didn’t know the band was still around, or simply didn’t care.

“I am utterly indifferent about what this intermittently amusing band thinks about anything,” TownHall senior columnist Kurt Schlichter replied on Twitter.

“Clever ploy to let people know that in fact your band still exists,” Grabien founder Tom Elliott tweeted.

“You should stick to identifying and imitating sea creatures,” author and podcaster Jim Hanson wrote.

“Can you articulate why you believe minors should be sterilized or undergo dangerous elective surgeries?” journalist Chad Felix Greene responded. “Can you articulate why children and minors should be permitted into adult-only venues and/or exposed to adult-themed sexual performances? Do you know what you’re opposing?”

“Out of respect, I’m going to wait to hear what Bananarama and A-ha have to say before forming an opinion,” one Twitter user mocked.

“[I] know your hearts are in the right place here BUT the bills you refer to ONLY protect underaged children from sexualized content; they DO NOT in any way promote transphobia or discriminate against transgenders,” said one user. “Read the bills.”

“Who are you?” a user asked.
“As annoying as [L]ove [S]hack,” said another.
“No one cares,” wrote another.
Bills have been proposed and passed in several states to protect children from having radical gender theory forced on them. A bill introduced in Arkansas would designate drag shows as “adult-oriented businesses” and ban minors from attending; it would also ban drag performances on public property. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed similar legislation last week. In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration revoked the liquor license of a performance venue that hosted a “sexually explicit” drag show that was open to children.
Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed a bill into law last week that outlawed sex-change procedures for minors; Lee signed similar legislation in Tennessee, and at least eight other states have already restricted or banned sex-change procedures for minors, or are considering legislation to do so.

Thursday Afternoon Update: California Hit By Extreme Weather, Dems Use Bully Pulpit To Attack Journalists, Alarming Claim About TikTok

This article is adapted from today’s Morning Wire Afternoon Update. To listen to the podcast version, click here.

Extreme Weather Hits California

Extreme weather continues to hit California. Forecasters predict the Golden State will be pummeled yet again by heavy rains, thunderstorms, and up to eight feet of snow – in higher elevations such as the Sierra Nevada.

The ominous weather also threatens to flood as the mountain’s snowpack begins to melt. The state has been hit by numerous storms in the past few months, which have killed at least 30 people.

In related weather news, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday that the weather phenomenon known as “La Nina” has ended after three years. La Nina is known for increasing hurricane activity on the Atlantic and worsening drought conditions in the west.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Hospitalized

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday evening after falling during a dinner. Daily Wire researcher Michael Whittaker joined Morning Wire’s “Afternoon Update” for more:

“A spokesperson said Senator McConnell suffered a concussion during the fall and will remain hospitalized ‘for a few days of observation and treatment.’

McConnell was attending a private dinner for the Senate Leadership Fund when he tripped and fell. The 81-year-old senator is a polio survivor, and he suffered another fall in 2019 during which he fractured his shoulder.”

Twitter Files Hearing

On Thursday, Congress held its first Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing on the “Twitter Files.” In the hearing, independent journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified on their release of emails allegedly showing collusion between the social media platform and the government to censor or silence some viewpoints.

Multiple Democratic representatives pressed the two journalists to reveal their sources behind the Twitter leaks, among other questions. Here’s one exchange involving Taibbi, Texas Democratic congresswoman Sylvia Garcia and Republican Committee Chair Jim Jordan:

Rep. Garcia: "So you're not gonna tell us Musk first approached you?"

Matt Taibbi: "You're asking a journalist to reveal his sources."

Garcia: "So you consider Musk to be the direct source of all this?"

Matt Taibbi: "Now you're trying to get me to say he's the source."…

— Real Mac Report (@RealMacReport) March 9, 2023

Taibbi also explained what he thinks The Twitter files helped reveal:

Matt Taibbi discusses how our own federal government is being turned into an instrument of censorship and social control: "Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies developed a formal system for taking in moderation requests from every corner of government, from the FBI,…

— Becker News (@NewsBecker) March 9, 2023


FBI Christopher Wray’s Stunning Claim About TikTok

FBI Director Chris Wray stunned U.S. senators during a Wednesday hearing when he revealed that the Chinese Communist Party has the ability to take control of “millions” of Americans’ phones through the wildly popular TikTok app.

“If you look at the Chinese government’s gobbling up of information and data, and then the use of AI and other tools, ultimately supercomputing, things like that, to marshal all that data to conduct targeting for espionage, targeting for IP theft, targeting for the all the things that I and others on this panel have been calling out about the Chinese government,” Wray said. “Data is the coin of the realm, those who have the best information have the power and that’s what that enables them to do.”

Wray’s comments come as Congress could authorize President Biden to outright ban the app in the United States.


Russia’s Unprecedented Blitz On Ukraine

And, this morning, Russia launched an aerial assault on Ukraine.  The Daily Wire managing editor Greg Wilson told Afternoon Update:

“The wee-hour skies of Ukraine were lit up Thursday by what is being described as an unprecedented blitz on major cities including Kyiv and Lviv. The barrage of 81 missiles included six hypersonic weapons capable of penetrating the capital’s air defenses. Critical infrastructure and residential buildings in 10 regions across the country were bombarded, according to Ukrainian officials. At least six deaths and numerous casualties have been reported so far. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky called it a ‘difficult night’ in a Facebook post, but vowed to make the Russians pay for their quote ‘miserable tactics.'”

Update On Kidnapped Americans In Mexico

And, the drug cartel behind the kidnapping of four Americans in Matamoros, Mexico has turned over the men they say were behind the deadly kidnapping. The five men were tied and dumped on the street along with a letter from the Scorpion faction of the Gulf cartel apologizing to the families of those killed and the citizens of Tamaulipas.

To listen to the audio version of this podcast, click here. And for more in-depth discussion of the biggest stories of the day, listen to the latest full episode of Morning Wire every morning.