Have 10 Kids, Pay No Property Taxes: Texas State Lawmaker’s Bill Would Give Tax Breaks To Big Families

A Texas lawmaker introduced a bill on Tuesday to give tax breaks to healthy families with multiple children.

Republican Texas State Representative Bryan Slaton introduced House Bill 2889 Tuesday. The bill would give property tax deductions to married families with four or more children; if a family has ten or more children, they would pay no property taxes under the law. Slaton said that the bill would help incentivize Texans to get married, stay married, and raise large and healthy families.

In order to qualify for the tax break, the child must be the son or daughter of two married parents, born after the parents are married. If the child is adopted, he or she must be adopted after the parents are married. A qualifying child can also be the stepchild of one of the parents, but only if the other parent is a widow or widower. Also in order to qualify, the couple must be legally married and never have been divorced. Couples must provide documentation of both their marriage and birth or adoption certificates in order to claim the credit.

According to the bill, a qualifying couple is eligible for a 10% tax deduction in their property taxes. Couples with four or more children are eligible for even greater tax deductions:

Couples with four children receive a 40% property tax deduction Couples with five children receive a 50% deduction Couples with six children, 60% Couples with seven, 70% Couples with eight, 80% Couples with nine, 90% Couples with ten or more, 100%

The qualifying couple is able to claim the tax credit regardless of whether or not the qualifying child resides in the same home as his or her parents; or whether the child dies. If one spouse of a qualifying couple dies, the widow or widower is entitled to the credit so long as he or she remains unmarried.

“Supporting Texas means supporting Texas families,” Slaton said in a statement posted to Twitter Tuesday. “Strong families are the backbone and building blocks of society. We must support families by making it financially easier for them to have and raise children in a supportive and nurturing way.”

“With this bill, Texas will start saying to couples: ‘Get married, stay married, and be fruitful and multiply,’” he added.


The press release also claimed: “[m]any studies have shown that children tend to have enhanced ‘wellbeing and development,’ and tend to avoid developmental, academic, and behavioral problems when raised by both parents in a stable marriage. Falling birthrates also pose a potentially significant problem for the future as the age dependency ratio rises.”

The release also said that Hungary and Poland have passed similar pro-family policies, and as a result, have begun to reverse their declining birth rates.

Conservatives praised the legislation on Twitter.

“This is the type of legislative innovation we need in government across the board,” activist group The Bull Moose Project wrote. “Restoring the family is one positive step forward to restoring America. Fantastic bill, Rep. Slaton! Let us know how we can help. (And legislators who follow us, take note!) 👀”

“@BryanforHD2 has a visionary plan for orienting the Texas tax code on the basis of pro-family policy,” tweeted Gladden Pappin, senior fellow at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest, Hungary. “He cites Hungary🇭🇺 as an example—where the tax burden on families is also reduced as they grow. The encouragement of adoption is also near & dear to my heart!”

“Excellent and creative leadership from Rep. Slaton,” American Moment president Saurabh Sharma added.

Kirk Cameron Reacts To Library Harassment At Faith-Based Story Hour, Says Left’s Playing The Long Game

Kirk Cameron reacted to The Daily Wire’s report about how he, swim champion Riley Gaines, and “Duck Dynasty” alum Missy Robertson were harassed by library staff at his faith-based story hour in Tennessee on February 25.

The 52-year-old actor spoke to The Daily Wire on Wednesday about what happened at the Hendersonville public library and admitted he wasn’t sure how they were going to be greeted after dealing with some pushback by the the director Allan Morales. Initially, Morales approved the faith-based story hour event for Cameron to read his book, “As You Grow,” by publisher Brave Books, but when he learned who Cameron was and that he would be joined by Robertson and Gaines, he wanted to cancel, as previously reported.

“We didn’t know what was going to happen,” Cameron shared. “All we knew was that we had a reservation. We had rented [the room] and got a receipt. … And then they tried to push us off and kind of hide us in a little church down the street. We decided that I am not going to ghost hundreds of people at a public library who think I’m going to be there. I told them I would be there so I’m coming, and we will just see what happens.”

Kirk Cameron, @Riley_Gaines_ And 'Duck Dynasty' Alum @MissyDuckWife Robertson Harassed By Library Staff At Faith-Based Story Hour https://t.co/za5sjYWmnw

— Katie "Red Pickle" Jerkovich (@redsoutrage) March 1, 2023

The TV star wanted to reiterate that the story here is about “how people are coming out of the woodwork to support good values.”

“It’s not about this disgruntled library director,” the actor shared before taking time to clarify what had been reported about him and Morales exchanging some loud words before the event.

“And then when we were filming some things in the lobby,” he added, noting that this is during the time that the clanging of the books, the stomping, and the music took place. And that’s when I heard him [Morales] say, ‘No, we’re not going to turn off the music, we’ve got stuff to do. And besides, you guys aren’t even supposed to be here.’”

Cameron said he told the director, “‘Actually sir, that’s not true. We are supposed to be here. This is a public library and we’ve rented the space.’ And he [Morales] walked away.”


He called the staff’s treatment of him and the others “disappointing,” but noted that Morales and his staff’s attempt to turn them away instead created a revival.

“It’s another example of another denial turning into a revival,” Kirk explained. “It’s a beautiful gathering of people that are saying, ‘We don’t want this woke and broke ideology to come to our town.’ In a sense, I want to thank the disgruntled librarians for teeing up a local revival for us.”

The “Lifemark” star also backed what Gaines and Robertson told us about how hundreds of attendees were treated by the staff who made families stay out in the cold and rain, rather then let them inside the “big beautiful library” to wait until they could get into the conference room where the reading was taking place.

Cameron said trying to shut down events like his faith-based story hour is playing the long game; the Left knows that “the children of today become the leaders of tomorrow,” which is why he’s doing the book tour in order to reach as “many hearts and minds of children as possible.”

“Because love and kindness and faithfulness and self control, that’s the fruit that comes from the root of a Judeo Christian world view,” the actor explained. “So, it’s the root that they don’t like. So, the reason that they’re rejecting my book is not because they don’t like the word love. It’s because it’s connected to the root of a Judeo Christian world view, which is the foundation of this country and leads to liberty.”

The Daily Wire previously reached out to the director of the public library in Hendersonville, who told us that “with all the stuff that has gone back and forth,” he would “not like to comment” and that he’s “going to stay out of it.”

Cameron explained that this spring, he will be busy with several more stops on the book tour, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City. Cameron encouraged people to hold their own story hour at their library. He also said that those who want to support their efforts can join the Brave Braves book of the month club, which provides books that “teach these values to your own kids.”