Bill Maher: Transgenders Go ‘Too Far’ In Making Demands Of Others, They ‘Want To Shut Down Debate’

Comedian Bill Maher took a shot at the trans community during a CNN interview this week, saying that they go way “too far” in their demands of everyone else and that they are actively trying to “shut down debate.”

Maher made the remarks during an interview with Jake Tapper about the political Left’s cancel culture agenda.

Tapper seemingly defended the point of view shared by a small number of comedians who claim that jokes about transgender people amount to “punching down.”

“I don’t really agree. I mean, I think the trans community is asking for too much,” Maher said. “Again, the difference between liberal and woke.”

“And it’s great we live in a time where people like that can freely live the lives they should live with all the dignity and protection of the law that we can afford them, like anybody else in society. I think that’s the liberal point of view,” Maher said before transitioning into explaining how woke people view the matter.

“The woke point of view is something very different, like — ‘well, babies are born now and just jump ball, we don’t know what they are,’” Maher mocked. “‘Congratulations, you have a boy. Well, let’s not be hasty. There’s a penis. That could be an indication of a male, but it’s — it’s really– we’ll find out later. And we can always get rid of it.'”

“And it’s not wrong to have this discussion,” Maher continued, noting that woke people try to claim that even having the discussion is a form of hate or a phobia, a tactic that is used to shut down debate.

“They absolutely do want to shut down debate,” Maher added.



Bill Maher: Transgenders go way “too far” in their demands of everyone else, “they absolutely do want to shut down debate.”

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 2, 2023


JAKE TAPPER: So, you know, I hear a lot about comedians being afraid to perform in the new environment, but by the same token, I mean, I see Dave Chappelle still doing very well.


TAPPER: There’s one thing I — I wanted to get your reaction to something because obviously Chappelle has been criticized a lot because of his — making fun of transgender– the transgender community.

This is what David Cross says, and he’s — David Cross is a pretty edgy comedian and —

MAHER: Yes, great — great comedian.

TAPPER: And he says — this is — he’s talking — he’s not talking about you certainly, and he’s not even talking about Chappelle necessarily in the quote, but he’s talking about people who make the kind of jokes making fun of transgender, he said, you’re positioning yourself as this bull**** voice of, they’re not going to cancel me. You can’t silence me.

For what? Your dumb joke about trans people? Who gives a shit? I mean, is it that important to you? Just move along and not hurt hundreds of thousands of people. It’s a choice people make.

I thought that was an interesting quote. I mean, I guess the larger criticism of Chappelle from people like David Cross is, he’s punching down, not like what Carlin did punching up.

What do you think?

MAHER: I don’t really agree. I mean, I think the trans community is asking for too much. Again, the difference between liberal and woke.

Liberals are people who I think would say — I certainly would– trans is, of course, a real thing. You know, some people are just, you know, I don’t — I’m — they probably don’t like this terminology, but born in the wrong body, whatever the — the equipment doesn’t match how you feel.

Absolutely. And it’s great we live in a time where people like that can freely live the lives they should live with all the dignity and protection of the law that we can afford them, like anybody else in society. I think that’s the liberal point of view.

The woke point of view is something very different, like — well, babies are born now and just jump ball, we don’t know what they are.

Congratulations, you have a boy. Well, let’s not be hasty. There’s a penis. That could be an indication of a male, but it’s — it’s really– we’ll find out later. And we can always get rid of it.

And it’s not wrong to have this discussion. This is some — something that’s very new. It’s not to shut it — to shut down debate with these words like phobia.

You’re phobic and you hate — we don’t hate. It’s not hate. It’s not phobic. We’re not afraid.

We’re just discussing something very new that involves children and what — these interventions you’re making have repercussions for the entire rest of their lives and they’re about their health, which I think should come first.

TAPPER: So I think if a trans activist were here right now, they might say, we’re not afraid of having discussions and debate, but you’re talking about these issues at a time when states like Idaho and Florida and others are talking about banning these procedures, regardless of what the kid and the parents and the doctor want.

MAHER: Well, that’s —

TAPPER: And that that’s, like, a bigger issue than the term pregnant people.

MAHER: Well, that’s probably a backlash that went too far.

TAPPER: You think that’s —



MAHER: Yeah. I think that is, to — to completely ban it. But I also — I also don’t agree with what you just said. They absolutely do want to shut down debate.

Related: Bill Maher: Only DeSantis Can Beat Trump In Primary; Haley, Pence, Pompeo, And Others Help Trump If They Run

GOP Rep Jack Bergman Introduces Bill To Crack Down On Foreign State Media Operating On Capitol Hill

Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI) introduced new legislation on Wednesday that would force state-sponsored media organizations operating on Capitol Hill to comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act and other relevant U.S. laws.

The legislation from Bergman, a retired Marine Corps Lt. General who now serves as the Chairman of the House Armed Services Intelligence and Special Operations Subcommittee, comes after he wrote a letter to Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) last month specifically targeting Qatar’s Al Jazeera Media Network (AJMN).

Bergman, along with two other Republican lawmakers, called for the “immediate suspension of press credentials for the Al Jazeera Media Network (AJMN), and for that suspension to remain in place until the State of Qatar and its propaganda arm agree to adhere to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and other U.S. laws.”

For example, the letter noted that Al Jazeera has 136 employees who have press credentials while The New York Times only has 82 employees with the same access.

“Credentialed members of the House and Senate galleries enjoy unparalleled access to the U.S. Capitol, as well as to Senators, Members of Congress, and staffers,” the letter noted. “While this access is necessary for the media to provide accurate reporting to the American public, it is also the kind of access coveted by foreign powers seeking sensitive information from inside Congress.”

In addition to requiring compliance with FARA, Bergman’s legislation also:

Sets a limit of ten total press credentials for any qualifying foreign state-sponsored media outlet and its affiliates, and; Requires FBI background checks for all individuals applying for credentials to the House Press Gallery through a qualifying foreign state-sponsored media outlet.


Bergman’s bill highlights several foreign adversaries that have well-documented histories of spying on Americans — such as Russia, Qatar, and China — and that own powerful state-controlled propaganda organizations that have virtually unlimited access to U.S. lawmakers, making espionage easier.

“Troublingly, state-sponsored media outlets are not subjected to background checks prior to acquiring credentials, even if the outlet is owned or controlled by a state that is known to have conducted espionage operations targeting U.S. government officials or other Americans,” Bergman said in a statement. “Over the past decade, the People’s Republic of China, Russia, and the State of Qatar have aggressively deployed their espionage forces against United States Government agencies and government officials, as well as targeting thousands of United States businesses and Americans perceived to be opponents or dissidents of their regimes.”

Bergman’s office noted numerous examples of China, Russia, and Qatar spying on Americans on U.S. soil, thus highlighting the importance of the legislation.

“Unless and until state-sponsored media outlets respect our laws by registering under FARA, we cannot allow their employees almost unfettered access to the halls of Congress—especially if the FBI has never conducted background checks on those given ‘all-access passes’ for Capitol Hill,” Bergman said. “If foreign state-sponsored media outlets from countries such as China, Qatar and Russia will not respect FARA and our laws protecting Americans from surveillance, the possibility is all too real that foreign intelligence services could use their propaganda arms to hide intelligence operatives in plain sight in the U.S. Capitol.”

“It is difficult to see how anyone could stand in opposition to legislation that merely requires foreign state-sponsored media outlets to comply with U.S. law in order to receive Congressional press credentials,” he concluded.