L.A. Mayor Wants To Lower Standards To Help Diversify LAPD

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass is trying to “diversify” the LAPD, and she wants to make it easier for recruits who fail to qualify for training to make the grade in order to do so.

A summary of Bass’  public safety goals indicates Bass wants to remove “obstacles,” while one provision of her program states a deputy mayor will work with a “third party” to “evaluate the personnel process and identify obstacles to entry for recruits who fail to qualify for training,” Fox News reported. Recommendations for getting rid of said obstacles will get special consideration if they relate to “ethnic groups disproportionately left out of new officer training.”

“We think that particular provision or that goal or that idea is dangerous,” Tom Saggau, the spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Protective League, said, adding, “If you have police officers that can’t make minimum qualifications or attained minimum standards, for instance, there are recruits that have been in the academy that just can’t score the minimum requirements for a physical fitness test. One hundred is the maximum score, 50 is acceptable. There are folks that are scoring under 10. That’s just dangerous.”

The provision states that recommendations to remove any obstacles will be taken into consideration, especially with those related to “ethnic groups disproportionately left out of new officer training.”

Saggau noted that recruits failing training might not “possess the mental fitness or the physical fitness ability to be a police officer.”

“That’s just a recipe for disaster,” he declared. “So we think lowering standards is a dangerous precedent.”


Bass stated last week at a graduation at the Police Academy, “As your mayor, I want you to know I have committed to ensuring that you have the tools and the resources you need to be effective, and that includes making sure graduations like these have more graduates in those seats. I have committed to hiring more officers.”

When in Congress, Bass authored the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which intended to give funds to the NAACP, ACLU, and National Urban League in order to study “management and operations standards for law enforcement agencies, including standards relating to administrative due process, residency requirements, compensation and benefits, use of force, racial profiling, early warning and intervention systems, youth justice, school safety…”

That act also assumed that a disparate impact by race or sex among traffic stops by policemen would be considered evidence of racial profiling.

Survivor Of Mao’s China Cultural Revolution Debates ‘American Exceptionalism’ With ‘1619 Project’ NYT Journalist

American writer and New York Times journalist Nikole Hannah Jones, the lead writer of the controversial revisionist education titled “1619 Project,” debated a self-proclaimed survivor of Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong’s cultural revolution on Sunday about “American exceptionalism.”

Jones first published the project in a special New York Times Magazine issue in 2019 that argued America’s foundation began in 1619 as a “slavocracy” because some of the founders were slaveowners.

Amid numerous accounts of criticism for her work, Jones faced more backlash from Critical Race Theory opponent Xi Van Fleet after she claimed that the “very presence” of black people is the idea of American exceptionalism’s “greatest rebuke.”

“Yourself and I, an immigrant from China with 200 borrowed dollars in my pocket when I arrived more than 30 yrs ago, are the proof of American Exceptionalism,” Van Fleet responded.

Van Fleet went viral two years ago after delivering an impassioned speech to a Virginia school board claiming CRT is rooted in cultural Marxism and warned Americans the communist subversion happening in the United States classroom mirrors the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which divided China’s population by class instead of race.

“Natural rights is unique to American founding,” Van Fleet said in response to Jones asking for specifics. “Bc of it we were able to abolish slavery, Jim Crow, anti-Chinese laws … to allow individuals to succeed. What is not unique to America is slavery, which still exists today. Ppl fighting for human rights in China are jailed by CCP.”

Jones did not deny natural rights “may have been unique” but argued one-fifth of the population was enslaved and without such rights during America’s foundation.

“Further, you do not think protesters in the US face state violence and arrest? You think the US has no political prisoners?” Jones asked, adding, “I’m afraid your vision of America does not match the reality.”

Van Fleet denounced the idea that her view of America is “not a vision.”

“Mine is ‘lived experience’ under the enslavement of Communism, freedom in America, and the current Woke Revolution aiming to undo America,” she said. “Black Americans are enslaved no more thanks to the persevering principles and humanity of this country.”

Define woke revolution.

— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) February 26, 2023

In her own experience, Van Fleet has said living in America is the “biggest privilege” after emigrating to the United States in 1986 when she fled Mao’s Cultural Revolution, which he launched in 1966 until his death in 1976. Reports of the total number who reportedly died during the revolution claim up to 80 millions lives were taken during Mao’s rule.

“I appreciate EVERYONE who participated in the debate yesterday about American Exceptionalism, natural rights, slavery, and the 1619 Project,” Van Fleet said on Twitter. “The author should be challenged by us since the mainstream media no longer does its job.”

I appreciate EVERYONE who participated in the debate yesterday about American Exceptionalism, natural rights, slavery, and the 1619 Project. The author should be challenged by us since the mainstream media no longer does its job. @ConceptualJames https://t.co/t9SDv2wbPj

— Xi Van Fleet (@XVanFleet) February 27, 2023

Historians across the political spectrum have criticized the “1619 Project,” claiming it contains serious factual errors, including the premise that “one of the primary reasons the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery.”

A Daily Wire investigative report last month showed Jones made in 2022 more than $1.2 million from dozens of private and public education institutions after delivering over 30 speeches condemning America and shaming her audiences for belonging to “one of the most unequal societies in the history of the world.”

Luke Rosiak contributed to this report.